#Leet Code# LRU Cache
- struct Node {
- int key;
- int value;
- Node* next;
- };
- class LRUCache {
- public:
- LRUCache(int capacity) {
- this->capacity = capacity;
- this->curLength = ;
- this->headNode = new Node();
- this->headNode->key = -;
- this->headNode->value = -;
- this->headNode->next = NULL;
- this->lastNode = this->headNode;
- }
- int get(int key) {
- if (this->curLength == )
- return -;
- Node* tmpNode = reSequencing(key, -);
- if (tmpNode != NULL) {
- return tmpNode->value;
- } else {
- return -;
- }
- }
- void set(int key, int value) {
- if (this->capacity == ) return;
- Node* tmpNode = reSequencing(key, value);
- if (tmpNode != NULL) {
- tmpNode->value = value;
- return;
- }
- if (this->curLength + > this->capacity) {
- if (this->headNode->next == this->lastNode) {
- delete this->lastNode;
- this->lastNode = this->headNode;
- } else {
- Node* t = this->headNode->next->next;
- delete this->headNode->next;
- this->headNode->next = t;
- }
- }
- Node* newNode = new Node();
- newNode->key = key;
- newNode->value = value;
- newNode->next = NULL;
- this->lastNode->next = newNode;
- this->lastNode = newNode;
- curLength += ;
- }
- Node* reSequencing(int key, int value) {
- Node* tmpNode = this->headNode;
- Node* preNode;
- while (tmpNode != NULL) {
- if (tmpNode->key == key) {
- break;
- }
- preNode = tmpNode;
- tmpNode = tmpNode->next;
- }
- if (tmpNode != NULL && this->lastNode->key != key) {
- preNode->next = tmpNode->next;
- this->lastNode->next = tmpNode;
- this->lastNode = tmpNode;
- tmpNode->next = NULL;
- }
- return tmpNode;
- }
- private:
- int capacity;
- int curLength;
- Node* headNode;
- Node* lastNode;
- };
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