migrate from weblogic to tomcat: directory mapping--reference
I am trying to migrate from weblogic to tomcat. in weblogic I have
For example I have mysite project. It means that localhost:8080/mysite/ = E:/internal and I can get a file from E:/internal through localhost:8080/mysite/
I whole project is used:
In this article there is an examle how to map local folder to tomcat.
6. Now inside the above xml file put the following line:
<context docbase="d:/images"></context>
doesnt work for me. I changed it to
(1) <Context docBase="E:/internal"></Context>
It works. But I have a problem. For example I have localhost:8080/mysite/about page.
When I use (1) mapping
src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/file.jsp" doesnt work because it returns mysite/file.jsp
when I try to map mysite by creating mysite.xml the project is not starting because mysite is a site url.
How can I resolve this problem?
The best thing is probably to map each item in E:\Internal
individually using the aliases
attribute of your <Context>
(see http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/config/context.html). Note that using /
as an "alias path" is not allowed, which is why you'd have to map each item in E:\Internal
It would be better if you could use a particular URL space for E:\Internal
like /internal/[something]
and map the whole directory as an alias
, but that might not be feasible for your project.
If you really want to "merge" the two directories (that is, resources from both E:\Internal
and CATALINA_BASE/webapps/mysite
are available via URLs like /mysite/foo
, then you will have to use the VirtualDirContext like this:
<Resources className="org.apache.naming.resources.VirtualDirContext"
extraResourcePaths="/=E:\Internal" />
(See http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/config/context.html#Virtual_webapp andhttp://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/config/resources.html#VirtualDirContext_implementation).
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