
  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. int fseek(FILE *stream, long int offset, int origin);
  3. 返回:成功为0,出错为非0





  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. long int ftell(FILE *stream);



  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. int fflush(FILE *stream);
  3. 返回:成功为0,失败返回EOF





  1. 头文件:#include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h>
  3. 定义函数:off_t lseek(int fildes, off_t offset, int whence);

lseek函数不是ANSI C标准库函数,只是满足POSIX的UNIX下的函数。

  每一个已打开的文件都有一个读写位置, 当打开文件时通常其读写位置是指向文件开头, 若是以附加的方式打开文件(如O_APPEND), 则读写位置会指向文件尾. 当read()或write()时, 读写位置会随之增加,lseek()便是用来控制该文件的读写位置. 参数fildes 为已打开的文件描述词, 参数offset 为根据参数whence来移动读写位置的位移数.


  1. enum _flags
  2. {
  3. _READ = ,
  4. _WRITE = ,
  5. _UNBUF = ,
  6. _EOF = ,
  7. _ERR =
  8. };


The standard library function

  1. int fseek(FILE*fp,long offset,int origin)  

is identical to lseek except that fp is a file pointer instead of a file descriptor and the return value is an int status, not a position. Write fseek . Make sure that your fseek coordinates properly with the buffering done for the other functions of the library.

Here's Gregory's first solution:

  1. /* Gregory Pietsch -- My category 0 solution to 8-4 */
  3. int fseek(FILE *f, long offset, int whence)
  4. {
  5. if ((f->flag & _UNBUF) == && base != NULL)
  6. /* deal with buffering */
  7. if (f->flag & _WRITE)
  8. /* writing, so flush buffer */
  9. fflush(f); /* from 8-3 */
  10. }
         else if (f->flag & _READ)
  11. /* reading, so trash buffer */
  12. f->cnt = ;
  13. f->ptr = f->base;
  14. }
  15. }
  16. return (lseek(f->fd, offset, whence) < );
  17. }

here's his second, which is considerably more comprehensive:

  1. /*
  3. [The following solution is in the zip file as krx80401.c - RJH (ed.) ]
  5. EXERCISE 8-4
  7. I thought I'd improve 8-4 too. I'm trying my best to get this as close
  8. to ISO C as possible given the restrictions that I'm under. (A real
  9. implementation would have fsetpos() borrow some of the same code.)
  11. */
  13. /* Gregory Pietsch -- My category 0 solution to 8-4 */
  15. #define SEEK_SET 0
  16. #define SEEK_CUR 1
  17. #define SEEK_END 2
  19. int fseek(FILE *f, long offset, int whence)
  20. {
  21. int result;
  23. if ((f->flag & _UNBUF) == && base != NULL) {
  24. /* deal with buffering */
  25. if (f->flag & _WRITE) {
  26. /* writing, so flush buffer */
  27. if (fflush(f))
  28. return EOF; /* from 8-3 */
  29. } else if (f->flag & _READ) {
  30. /* reading, so trash buffer --
  31. * but I have to do some housekeeping first
  32. */
  33. if (whence == SEEK_CUR) {
  34. /* fix offset so that it's from the last
  35. * character the user read (not the last
  36. * character that was actually read)
  37. */
  38. if (offset >= && offset <= f->cnt) {
  39. /* easy shortcut */
  40. f->cnt -= offset;
  41. f->ptr += offset;
  42. f->flags &= ~_EOF; /* see below */
  43. return ;
  44. } else
  45. offset -= f->cnt;
  46. }
  47. f->cnt = ;
  48. f->ptr = f->base;
  49. }
  50. }
  51. result = (lseek(f->fd, offset, whence) < );
  52. if (result == )
  53. f->flags &= ~_EOF; /* if successful, clear EOF flag */
  54. return result;
  55. }


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