


Call this method if you want subsequent insertions, deletion, and

selection operations (for example, cellForRowAtIndexPath: and

indexPathsForVisibleRows) to be animated simultaneously. You can also

use this method followed by the endUpdates method to animate the

change in the row heights without reloading the cell. This group of

methods must conclude with an invocation of endUpdates. These method

pairs can be nested. If you do not make the insertion, deletion, and

selection calls inside this block, table attributes such as row count

might become invalid. You should not call reloadData within the group;

if you call this method within the group, you must perform any

animations yourself.


1. 这个方法用于在调用插入,删除,选择方法时,同时有动画效果。

2. 用endUpdate能动画改变行高,而无需relaod这个cell。

3. beginUpdate和endUpdate成对使用,其包含的block里面,如果没有插入删除,选择的方法被使用。有可能导致这个table view的一些属性失效,例如行的数量。

4. 不应该在这个block范围里调用 reloadData,或者reloadRowsAtIndexPaths。一旦使用,必须自己执行和管理自己的动画效果。


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