RxJS allows you to combine streams in various ways. This lesson shows you how to take a click stream and combine it with a store stream to use a value from the store inside a reducer.

The logic is when we click the recall button, it will reset all the people's time to the current time.

First, bind the click event to recall$:

<button (click)="recall$.next()">Recall</button>


recall$ = new Subject();

We get the latest time from the time stroe:

    constructor(store:Store) {
this.time = store.select('clock');
this.people = store.select('people'); Observable.merge(
.withLatestFrom(this.time, (_, y) => y) // _: means don't need to care about the first param which is this.recall$
.map( (time) => ({type: RECALL, payload: time}))

_: is naming convention, it means, don't care about the first value.

Last, we handle the action in reducer:

        case RECALL:
return state.map( (person) => {
return {
name: person.name,
time: payload


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