RedHat7配置IdM server
Figure 1.1. The IdM Server: Unifying Services
Authentication: Kerberos KDC
Kerberos使用对称密钥加密算法生成票据给用户,Kerberos-aware 服务检查票据来验证用户身份。
Data Storage: Red Hat Directory Server
Authentication: Red Hat Certificate System
Server/Client Discovery: DNS
Domain Name Service (DNS)域名解析服务。
Management: SSSD
System Security Services Daemon (SSSD)是一个凭据缓存服务。
Management: NTP
Network Time Protocol (NTP) 网络时间同步协议。
Figure 1.2. Server and Replica Interactions
Figure 1.3. Server and Client Interactions
Figure 1.4. Interactions Between IdM Services
PART I. 安装IdM服务器
- 10,000 用户 和 100 用户组, 至少 2GB 内存和 1GB 交换分区。
- 100,000 用户 和 50,000 用户组, 至少 16GB 内存和 4GB 交换分区。
如果IdM服务器需要集成DNS服务,还需要安装 bind, bind-dyndb-ldap 软件包。
[root@server ~]# hostname
Table 2.1. IdM Ports
Service | Ports | Type |
HTTP/HTTPS | 80, 443 | TCP |
LDAP/LDAPS | 389, 636 | TCP |
Kerberos | 88, 464 | TCP and UDP |
DNS | 53 | TCP and UDP |
NTP | 123 | UDP |
[root@server ~]# systemctl start firewalld.service
[root@server ~]# systemctl enable firewalld.service
[root@server ~]# systemctl status firewalld.service
打开IdM Server所需端口
[root@server ~]# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port={/tcp,/tcp,/tcp,/tcp,/tcp,/tcp,/tcp,/udp,/udp,/udp,/udp}
[root@server ~]# firewall-cmd --reload
[root@server ~]# yum install ipa-server bind bind-dyndb-ldap
[root@server ~]# ipa-server-install
- The network time daemon (
) - A Red Hat Directory Server instance
- A Kerberos key distribution center (KDC)
- An Apache HTTP server instance (
) - An updated SELinux targeted policy
- The Active Directory WinSync plug-in
- 可选. A certificate authority (CA)
- 可选. A domain name service (DNS) server
Table 3.1. ipa-server-install
Argument | Description |
-a ipa_admin_password |
The password for the IdM administrator. This is used for the admin user to authenticate to the Kerberos realm. |
--hostname =host name |
The fully-qualified domain name of the IdM server machine.
IMPORTANT The fully-qualified domain name must be a valid DNS name, which means only numbers, alphabetic characters, and hyphens (-) are allowed. Other characters, like underscores, in the host name cause DNS failures. Additionally, the host name must be all lower-case; no capital letters are allowed. For other recommended naming practices, see the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Security Guide.
-n domain_name |
The name of the LDAP server domain to use for the IdM domain. This is usually based on the IdM server's host name. |
-p directory_manager_password |
The password for the superuser, cn=Directory Manager , for the LDAP service. |
-P kerberos_master_password |
The password for the KDC administrator. This is randomly generated if no value is given. |
-r realm_name |
The name of the Kerberos realm to create for the IdM domain. |
--subject =subject_DN |
Sets the base element for the subject DN of the issued certificates. This defaults to O= realm. |
--forwarder =forwarder |
Gives a DNS forwarder to use with the DNS service. To specify more than one forwarder, use this option multiple times. |
--no-forwarders |
Uses root servers with the DNS service instead of forwarders. |
--no-reverse |
Does not create a reverse DNS zone when the DNS domain is set up. (If a reverse DNS zone is already configured, then that existing reverse DNS zone is used.) If this option is not used, then the default value is true, which assumes that reverse DNS should be configured by the installation script. |
--setup-dns |
Tells the installation script to set up a DNS service within the IdM domain. Using an integrated DNS service is optional, so if this option is not passed with the installation script, then no DNS is configured. |
--idmax =number--idstart =number |
Sets the range for IDs which can be assigned by the IdM server. See Section 10.8.2, “ID Range Assignments During Installation” for more details. |
--ip-address |
Specifies the IP address of the server. When added to
ipa-server-install , this option only accepts IP addresses associated with the local interface. |
使用admin凭证验证Kerberos realm可用。
[root@server ~]# kinit admin
设置Kerberos realm的名称-p
设置Directory Manager (DM,Directory Server的超级用户) 密码-a
-U 设置为无人值守安装
[root@server ~]# ipa-server-install -r EXAMPLE.COM -p DM_password -a admin_password -U
使用外部 CA 安装IdM
提交certificate signing request (CSR) /root/ipa.csr
到外部 CA
[root@server ~]# ipa-server-install --external-ca
取回 issued certificate 和 CA certificate chain,再次运行ipa-server-install
[root@server ~]# ipa-server-install --external-cert-file=/tmp/servercert20110601.pem --external-cert-file=/tmp/cacert.pem
Installing without a CA
[root@server ~]# ipa-server-install --http-cert-file /tmp/server.crt --http-cert-file /tmp/server.key --http-pin secret --dirsrv-cert-file /tmp/server.crt --dirsrv-cert-file /tmp/server.key --dirsrv-pin secret --ca-cert-file ca.crt
Installing a CA Certificate Manually
[root@server ~]# ipa-cacert-manage install /etc/group/cert.pem
Installing with an Integrated DNS Service Interactively
[root@server ~]# ipa-server-install --setup-dns
Installing with an Integrated DNS Service Non-Interactively
--no-reverse 不创建DNS反向解析区
[root@server ~]# ipa-server-install --setup-dns --forwarder= --forwarder= --no-reverse
[root@client ~]# systemctl start firewalld.service [root@server ~]# systemctl enable firewalld.service
打开IdM Client所需端口
[root@client ~]# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port={/tcp,/tcp,/tcp,/tcp,/tcp,/tcp,/tcp,/udp,/udp,/udp,/udp}
[root@client ~]# firewall-cmd --reload
[root@client ~]# yum install ipa-client
管理员机器可以同时安装IPA管理工具 ipa-admintools
[root@client ~]# yum install ipa-client ipa-admintools
--no-nisdomain 不设置NIS域名
--nisdomain 自定义NIS域名
--no-sudo 不设置sudo服务
--enable-dns-updates 更新客户端IP到DNS记录中
--domain 指定DNS域名
--server 指定IdM服务器的全称域名
--realm 指定Kerberos realm名称
-p 指定Kerberos principal名称
--fixed-primary 指定首选IdM服务器
--noac 不使用authconfig
--no-sss 不使用SSSD
--no-krb5-offline-passwords 不使用SSSD缓存密码
Example. 更新客户端IP到DNS记录中
[root@client ~]# ipa-client-install --enable-dns-updates
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