安装Vagrant出错 安装Homestead出错失败
安装Vagrant出错 安装Homestead出错
我们也可以在电脑上创建其它文件夹,只需保证创建的文件夹路径跟 Homestead.yaml 文件中的 folders - map 保持一致即可。
成功启动后,通过 SSH 来登录 Homestead:
> vagrant ssh
在我们登录成功后,你能看到类似于如下图的界面,现在我们在该终端界面中输入的所有命令都将运行在 Homestead 虚拟机上。
最后尝试关闭 Homestead:
> vagrant halt
I use Windows 10 and Git. I have created a VBox with command: vagrant box add laravel/homestead homestead up homestead ssh inside of: vagrant@homestead: I want to execute this command: vagrant provision but I receive this message:
"The program 'vagrant' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install vagrant"
$ vagrant ssh
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234 packages can be updated.
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Last login: Fri Apr 28 02:50:17 2017 from
vagrant@homestead:~$ vagrant halt
The program 'vagrant' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt install vagrant
The problem is that you are trying to use vagrant inside the virtual machine (after did ssh) and of coruse you do not have it installed in the virtual machine. Just go oaut of the virtual machin (exit) and in the Windows command prompt run vagrant provision (of course located in the homestead folder). Hope it helps. Bets wishes.
意思就是说:vagrant halt 执行时,执行的窗口不是虚拟机,而是cmd窗口中。
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