

Bessie is running a taxi service for the other cows on the farm. The cows have been gathering at different locations along a fence of length M (1 <= M <= 1,000,000,000). Unfortunately, they have grown bored with their current locations and each wish to go somewhere else along the fence. Bessie must pick up each of her friends at their starting positions and drive them to their destinations. Bessie's car is small so she can only transport one cow in her car at a time. Cows can enter and exit the car instantaneously.

To save gas, Bessie would like to minimize the amount she has to drive. Given the starting and ending positions of each of the N cows (1 <= N <= 100,000), determine the least amount of driving Bessie has to do. Bessie realizes that to save the most gas she may need to occasionally drop a cow off at a position other than her destination.

Bessie starts at the leftmost point of the fence, position 0, and must finish her journey at the rightmost point on the fence, position M.




  • Line 1: N and M separated by a space.

  • Lines 2..1+N: The (i+1)th line contains two space separated

integers, s_i and t_i (0 <= s_i, t_i <= M), indicating the starting position and destination position of the ith cow.


  • Line 1: A single integer indicating the total amount of driving Bessie must do. Note that the result may not fit into a 32 bit integer.



2 10

0 9

6 5




There are two cows waiting to be transported along a fence of length 10. The first cow wants to go from position 0 (where Bessie starts) to position 9. The second cow wishes to go from position 6 to position 5.

Bessie picks up the first cow at position 0 and drives to position 6. There she drops off the first cow, delivers the second cow to her destination and returns to pick up the first cow. She drops off the first cow and then drives the remainder of the way to the right side of the fence.


一句话题意: 有\(n\)头奶牛的行程,以及它们的起点和终点.每个时刻只能带一个奶牛,现在要求从0出发,送每个奶牛从起点出发到终点,最终到\(m\)位置所需要的最少的路程.

题解: 首先可以想到,要送到一只奶牛,至少要从它的起点走到终点.那么该如何求出除了必须走的路程以外还要额外走的路程呢?





  • 从0出发,到2的位置接牛\(i\).
  • 带着牛\(i\)到4位置,放下牛\(i\),接牛\(j\)送到8
  • 从8位置回到4接牛\(i\)
  • 将\(i\)送到终点后到m=10位置.


最后记得结果开long long.

using namespace std;
const int N=100000+5;
typedef long long lol; int n, m, a[N], b[N];
lol ans = 0; int gi(){
int ans = 0, f = 1; char i = getchar();
return ans * f;
} int main(){
n = gi(); m = gi();
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
a[i] = gi(), b[i] = gi(), ans += abs(b[i]-a[i]);
a[0] = m, b[0] = 0;
sort(a, a+n+1); sort(b, b+n+1);
for(int i=0;i<=n;i++) ans += abs(a[i]-b[i]);
return 0;


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