[DllImport("ScreenCaptureLib.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern void Init();
[DllImport("ScreenCaptureLib.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int ScreenCapture(IntPtr img);
int ScreenCapture(Pixcel (* image)[][][], int (* xyDataP)[], double (* scaleDataP)[]){
[DllImport("ScreenCaptureLib.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int ScreenCapture(IntPtr img, int[] xyData, double[] scaleData);
如果想在c++改c#中的数组,只能用IntPtr p = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(3 * 20 * 240 * 240);申请空间,然后把IntPtr传给c++,ScreenCapture(p,xyData,scaleData);,然后用Marshal.Copy(p, imageData, 0, 20 * 240 * 240 * 3);,把值拷贝给c#数组。
///原型是:HMODULE LoadLibrary(LPCTSTR lpFileName);
///<param name="lpFileName">DLL 文件名</param>
public static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string lpFileName);
/// int GetClassName(HWND hWnd, LPTSTR lpClassName, int nMaxCount);
public static extern Int32 GetClassName(IntPtr hwnd, Byte[] lpClassName, Int32 nMaxCount);
Byte[] abClassName = null;
Int32 dwRet = 0;
abClassName = new Byte[100];
dwRet = GetClassName(this.Handle, abClassName, 100);
sClassName = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(abClassName,0,dwRet);
///原形:BOOL ReadFile(HANDLE hFile, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
public extern static Int32 ReadFile(IntPtr hFile, Byte[] buffer,Int32 nNumberOfBytesToRead, ref Int32 lpNumberOfBytesRead, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
/// BOOL GetCharWidth(HDC hdc,UINT iFirstChar,UINT iLastChar,LPINT lpBuffer);
public static extern Int32 GetCharWidth(HDC hdc, Int32 wFirstChar, Int32 wLastChar, int32[] lpBuffer);
///原形:HRESULT WINAPI GetDeviceID(LPCGUID pGuidSrc, LPGUID pGuidDest);
///<param name="pGuidSrc"></param>
///<param name="pGuidDest"></param>
private static extern Int32 GetDeviceID(ref Guid pGuidSrc, ref Guid pGuidDest);
/// typedef struct tagPAINTSTRUCT {
/// HDC hdc;
/// BOOL fErase;
/// RECT rcPaint;
/// BOOL fRestore;
/// BOOL fIncUpdate;
/// BYTE rgbReserved[32];
public struct PAINTSTRUCT
public IntPtr hdc;
public Boolean fErase;
public RECT rcPaint;
public Boolean fRestore;
public Boolean fIncUpdate;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 32)]public Byte[] rgbReserved;
///原形:HDC BeginPaint( HWND hwnd, LPPAINTSTRUCT lpPaint);
public static extern IntPtr BeginPaint(IntPtr hwnd, ref PAINTSTRUCT lpPaint);
/// typedef struct tagACCEL {
/// BYTE fVirt;
/// WORD key;
/// WORD cmd;
public struct ACCEL
public Byte fVirt;
public UInt16 key;
public UInt16 cmd;
///原形:int CopyAcceleratorTable(HACCEL hAccelSrc,LPACCEL lpAccelDst,int cAccelEntries);
public static extern Int32 CopyAcceleratorTable(IntPtr hAccelSrc, ACCEL[] lpAccelDst, Int32 cAccelEntries);
private struct CmBoxInfo
public static CmBoxInfo Empty = new CmBoxInfo();
public byte MajorVersion;
public byte MinorVersion;
public ushort BoxMask;
public uint SerialNumber;
public ushort BoxKeyId;
public ushort UserKeyId;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = CM_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN)] public byte[] BoxPublicKey;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = CM_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN)] public byte[] SerialPublicKey;
public uint Reserve;
public void Init()
BoxPublicKey = new byte[CM_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN];
Debug.Assert(BoxPublicKey != null);
SerialPublicKey = new byte[CM_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN];
Debug.Assert(SerialPublicKey != null);
///原型:int CMAPIENTRY CmGetBoxes(HCMSysEntry hcmse, unsigned long idPort, CMBOXINFO *pcmBoxInfo, unsigned int cbBoxInfo)
private static extern Int32 CmGetBoxes(IntPtr hcmse, CmGetBoxesOption idPort,IntPtr pcmBoxInfo, Int32 cbBoxInfo);
CmAccess cma = new CmAccess();
CmBoxInfo[] aBoxList = null;
Int32 dwBoxNum = 0, dwLoop = 0,dwBoxInfoSize = 0;
IntPtr pBoxInfo = IntPtr.Zero;
dwBoxNum = m_pCmGetBoxes(hcmBoxes, CmGetBoxesOption.AllPorts, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
if (dwBoxNum > 0)
aBoxList = new CmBoxInfo[dwBoxNum];
if (aBoxList != null)
dwBoxInfoSize = Marshal.SizeOf(aBoxList[0]);
pBoxInfo = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(dwBoxInfoSize * dwBoxNum);
if (pBoxInfo != IntPtr.Zero)
dwBoxNum = m_pCmGetBoxes(hcmBoxes, CmGetBoxesOption.AllPorts, pBoxInfo, dwBoxNum);
for (dwLoop = 0; dwLoop < dwBoxNum; dwLoop++)
aBoxList[dwLoop] = (CmBoxInfo)Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)((UInt32)pBoxInfo + dwBoxInfoSize * dwLoop), CmBoxInfo.Empty.GetType());
pBoxInfo = IntPtr.Zero;
aBoxList = null;
public delegate Boolean LPDSENUMCALLBACK(IntPtr guid, String sDesc, String sDevName, ref Int32 dwFlag);
///原形:HRESULT WINAPI DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA(LPDSENUMCALLBACKA pDSEnumCallback, LPVOID pContext);
public static extern Int32 DirectSoundCaptureEnumerate(LPDSENUMCALLBACK pDSEnumCallBack, ref Int32 dwFlag);
///原形:BOOL ReadFile(HANDLE hFile, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
public extern static Int32 ReadFile(IntPtr hFile, Byte[] buffer,Int32 nNumberOfBytesToRead, ref Int32 lpNumberOfBytesRead, ref OVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
///原型是: FARPROC GetProcAddress(HMODULE hModule,LPCSTR lpProcName);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "GetProcAddress")]
private extern static IntPtr GetProcAddress(IntPtr hModule, String sFuncName);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "GetProcAddress")]
private extern static IntPtr GetProcAddressByIndex(IntPtr hModule, Int32 dwIndex);
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