前几天在网络上搜索jxta的消息,发现jxta 2.8x已经启动了,官方地址http://chaupal.github.io/
在浏览其邮件列表时,意外发现一老外基于jxta 2.6修改的一版, 可在以下地址下载
该版称之为Amalto modified JXTA version。关于该版的特点,开发者写到
At Amalto we use a modified 2.6 which incorporates most of the enhancements
of 2.7 plus a few tweaks of our own. Running FindBugs on the bare code
revealed about 450 "issues" from trivial fixes to horrors. We fixed slightly
over 200 of these that look like the most important to us but there is still
a lot of ground to cover.
This code is used in production inside an application run by a few hundred
customers in various network conditions. It is quite stable but from time to
time, the SRDI index seems to get corrupted and the only way to clear the
issue at this stage is a restart (which is not a major issue in our
particular case).
jxta-2.6 | jxta-amalto | |
net.jxse | ||
net.jxse.OSGi | ||
net.jxse.OSGi.Services | ||
net.jxse.configuration | ||
net.jxse.impl.OSGi | ||
net.jxse.impl.OSGi.Activators | ||
net.jxse.impl.OSGi.Services | ||
net.jxse.service | ||
net.jxta | net.jxta | |
net.jxta.access | net.jxta.access | |
net.jxta.annotation | ||
net.jxta.codat | net.jxta.codat | |
net.jxta.configuration | ||
net.jxta.content | net.jxta.content | |
net.jxta.credential | net.jxta.credential | |
net.jxta.discovery | net.jxta.discovery | |
net.jxta.document | net.jxta.document | |
net.jxta.endpoint | net.jxta.endpoint | |
net.jxta.endpoint.router | ||
net.jxta.exception | net.jxta.exception | |
net.jxta.id | net.jxta.id | |
net.jxta.id.jxta | net.jxta.id.jxta | |
net.jxta.impl | net.jxta.impl | |
net.jxta.impl.access | net.jxta.impl.access | |
net.jxta.impl.access.always | net.jxta.impl.access.always | |
net.jxta.impl.access.pse | net.jxta.impl.access.pse | |
net.jxta.impl.access.simpleACL | net.jxta.impl.access.simpleACL | |
net.jxta.impl.cm | net.jxta.impl.cm | |
net.jxta.impl.cm.srdi.inmemory | ||
net.jxta.impl.cm.sql | ||
net.jxta.impl.content | net.jxta.impl.content | |
net.jxta.impl.content.defprovider | net.jxta.impl.content.defprovider | |
net.jxta.impl.content.srdisocket | net.jxta.impl.content.srdisocket | |
net.jxta.impl.discovery | net.jxta.impl.discovery | |
net.jxta.impl.document | net.jxta.impl.document | |
net.jxta.impl.endpoint | net.jxta.impl.endpoint | |
net.jxta.impl.endpoint.cbjx | net.jxta.impl.endpoint.cbjx | |
net.jxta.impl.endpoint.endpointMeter | net.jxta.impl.endpoint.endpointMeter | |
net.jxta.impl.endpoint.mcast | net.jxta.impl.endpoint.mcast | |
net.jxta.impl.endpoint.msgframing | net.jxta.impl.endpoint.msgframing | |
net.jxta.impl.endpoint.netty | net.jxta.impl.endpoint.netty | |
net.jxta.impl.endpoint.relay | net.jxta.impl.endpoint.relay | |
net.jxta.impl.endpoint.router | net.jxta.impl.endpoint.router | |
net.jxta.impl.endpoint.servlethttp | net.jxta.impl.endpoint.servlethttp | |
net.jxta.impl.endpoint.tcp | net.jxta.impl.endpoint.tcp | |
net.jxta.impl.endpoint.tls | net.jxta.impl.endpoint.tls | |
net.jxta.impl.endpoint.transportMeter | net.jxta.impl.endpoint.transportMeter | |
net.jxta.impl.id.CBID | net.jxta.impl.id.CBID | |
net.jxta.impl.id.UUID | net.jxta.impl.id.UUID | |
net.jxta.impl.id.binaryID | net.jxta.impl.id.binaryID | |
net.jxta.impl.id.unknown | net.jxta.impl.id.unknown | |
net.jxta.impl.loader | net.jxta.impl.loader | |
net.jxta.impl.membership | package.html | |
net.jxta.impl.membership.none | net.jxta.impl.membership.none | |
net.jxta.impl.membership.passwd | net.jxta.impl.membership.passwd | |
net.jxta.impl.membership.pse | net.jxta.impl.membership.pse | |
net.jxta.impl.meter | net.jxta.impl.meter | |
net.jxta.impl.peer | net.jxta.impl.peer | |
net.jxta.impl.peergroup | net.jxta.impl.peergroup | |
net.jxta.impl.pipe | net.jxta.impl.pipe | |
net.jxta.impl.protocol | net.jxta.impl.protocol | |
net.jxta.impl.proxy | net.jxta.impl.proxy | |
net.jxta.impl.rendezvous | net.jxta.impl.rendezvous | |
net.jxta.impl.rendezvous.adhoc | net.jxta.impl.rendezvous.adhoc | |
net.jxta.impl.rendezvous.edge | net.jxta.impl.rendezvous.edge | |
net.jxta.impl.rendezvous.limited | net.jxta.impl.rendezvous.limited | |
net.jxta.impl.rendezvous.rdv | net.jxta.impl.rendezvous.rdv | |
net.jxta.impl.rendezvous.rendezvousMeter | net.jxta.impl.rendezvous.rendezvousMeter | |
net.jxta.impl.rendezvous.rpv | net.jxta.impl.rendezvous.rpv | |
net.jxta.impl.resolver | net.jxta.impl.resolver | |
net.jxta.impl.resolver.resolverMeter | net.jxta.impl.resolver.resolverMeter | |
net.jxta.impl.util | net.jxta.impl.util | |
net.jxta.impl.util.backport.java.util | ||
net.jxta.impl.util.cm | net.jxta.impl.util.cm | |
net.jxta.impl.util.pipe.reliable | net.jxta.impl.util.pipe.reliable | |
net.jxta.impl.util.ternary | net.jxta.impl.util.ternary | |
net.jxta.impl.util.ternary.wild | net.jxta.impl.util.ternary.wild | |
net.jxta.impl.util.threads | net.jxta.impl.util.threads | |
net.jxta.impl.util.tree | ||
net.jxta.impl.xindice | net.jxta.impl.xindice | |
net.jxta.impl.xindice.core | net.jxta.impl.xindice.core | |
net.jxta.impl.xindice.core.data | net.jxta.impl.xindice.core.data | |
net.jxta.impl.xindice.core.filer | net.jxta.impl.xindice.core.filer | |
net.jxta.impl.xindice.core.indexer | net.jxta.impl.xindice.core.indexer | |
net.jxta.impl.xindice.util | net.jxta.impl.xindice.util | |
net.jxta.logging | net.jxta.logging | |
net.jxta.membership | net.jxta.membership | |
net.jxta.membership.doc-files | net.jxta.membership.doc-files | |
net.jxta.meter | net.jxta.meter | |
net.jxta.peer | net.jxta.peer | |
net.jxta.peergroup | net.jxta.peergroup | |
net.jxta.pipe | net.jxta.pipe | |
net.jxta.platform | net.jxta.platform | |
net.jxta.protocol | net.jxta.protocol | |
net.jxta.rendezvous | net.jxta.rendezvous | |
net.jxta.resolver | net.jxta.resolver | |
net.jxta.service | net.jxta.service | |
net.jxta.socket | net.jxta.socket | |
net.jxta.util | net.jxta.util | |
net.jxta.util.documentSerializable | net.jxta.util.documentSerializable |
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http://chaupal.github.io/ ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 至少两个月 ...
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