June 20th 2017 Week 25th Tuesday
Care and diligence bring luck.
In my opinion, care and diligence may just gurantee us a safe result, not bad or so, they can't always bring us a good luck, sometimes they even become the barrier that can deter us from obtaining tremendous success.
Because good luck sometimes means we have to risk becoming the winner in the critical point, that is, we have to make the right choice, we have to avoid making lame efforts and we have to make sure that we are moving towards the right directon.
Remember that a great life and a successful career, are the result of allocating our time, energy, thoughts, and hard work.
The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.
From Robert Frost.
Before writing down some comments about this quote from Robert Frost, let's first get some information about him so as to have a better understanding about the quote.
By searching his name on the internet, I got some detailed information about him on the Wikepedia.
I was surprised that he was so famous as a great poet, but I never heard about him before.
Robert Lee Frost, who was born on March 26 of 1874 and died on January 29 of 1963, was an American poet.
He is highly regarded for his realistic depictions of rural life, and his work frequently employed settings from rural life in New England in the early 20th century, using them to examine complex social and philosophical themes.
He was frequently honored during his lifetime, receiving four Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry and the Congressional Gold Medal for his poetic works.
So, I think he was the kind of people who were willing to work.
Without such willingness, one can't keep on working hard in his own field, and would easily give up or lose his enthusiasm for his work.
Am I willing to work? Yes, surely I am.
But I eagerly expect that I can get some extrinsic incentives, because only self-motivation is far from enough.
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