Recently I reviewed the classic heapsort algorithm and implement it according to contents in Introduction to Algorithms (3rd edition). The heap data structure is implemented as a template class and the heapsort algorithm is implemented as a public method of the template class. The code is as follows.

  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <vector>
  4. using namespace std;
  6. template<typename T> class Heap {
  7. public:
  8. Heap(vector<T>&);
  9. ~Heap(void);
  11. inline int parent(int);
  12. inline int left(int);
  13. inline int right(int);
  15. void max_heapify(int);
  16. void build_max_heap(void);
  17. void heap_sort(void);
  19. /* Methods for maximum priority queue. */
  20. T maximum(void);
  21. T extract_max(void);
  22. void increase_key(int, T);
  23. void insert_key(T);
  25. void print(void);
  26. private:
  27. vector<T> data;
  28. int heap_size;
  29. };
  31. template<typename T> Heap<T>::Heap(vector<T>& d) {
  32. data = d;
  33. build_max_heap();
  34. }
  36. template<typename T> Heap<T>::~Heap(void) {
  37. data.clear();
  38. heap_size = ;
  39. }
  41. template<typename T> inline int Heap<T>::parent(int idx) {
  42. return (idx - ) >> ;
  43. }
  45. template<typename T> inline int Heap<T>::left(int idx) {
  46. return (idx << ) + ;
  47. }
  49. template<typename T> inline int Heap<T>::right(int idx) {
  50. return (idx << ) + ;
  51. }
  53. template<typename T> void Heap<T>::max_heapify(int idx) {
  54. int largest = idx;
  55. int l = left(idx);
  56. int r = right(idx);
  57. if (l < heap_size && data[l] > data[largest]) largest = l;
  58. if (r < heap_size && data[r] > data[largest]) largest = r;
  59. if (largest != idx) {
  60. swap(data[idx], data[largest]);
  61. max_heapify(largest);
  62. }
  63. }
  65. template<typename T> void Heap<T>::build_max_heap(void) {
  66. heap_size = data.size();
  67. for (int i = (heap_size >> 1) - ; i >= ; i--)
  68. max_heapify(i);
  69. }
  71. template<typename T> void Heap<T>::heap_sort(void) {
  72. int size = heap_size - ;
  73. for (int i = size; i > ; i--) {
  74. swap(data[i], data[]);
  75. heap_size--;
  76. max_heapify();
  77. }
  78. }
  80. template<typename T> T Heap<T>::maximum(void) {
  81. return data[];
  82. }
  84. template<typename T> T Heap<T>::extract_max(void) {
  85. if (data.empty()) throw runtime_error("Heap underflow!");
  86. int maximum = data[];
  87. swap(data[], data[heap_size - ]);
  88. heap_size--;
  89. max_heapify();
  90. return maximum;
  91. }
  93. template<typename T> void Heap<T>::increase_key(int idx, T key) {
  94. if (key < data[idx]) {
  95. cerr << "New key is smaller!" << endl;
  96. return;
  97. }
  98. data[idx] = key;
  99. while (idx >= 0 && parent(idx) >= 0 && data[parent(idx)] < data[idx]) {
  100. swap(data[idx], data[parent(idx)]);
  101. idx = parent(idx);
  102. }
  103. }
  105. template<typename T> void Heap<T>::insert_key(T key) {
  106. data.insert(data.begin() + heap_size, key - );
  107. heap_size++;
  108. increase_key(heap_size - , key);
  109. }
  111. template<typename T> void Heap<T>::print(void) {
  112. printf("In heap: ");
  113. for (int i = ; i < heap_size; i++)
  114. printf("%d ", data[i]);
  115. printf(", ");
  116. if (heap_size < (int)data.size()) {
  117. printf("Out of heap: ");
  118. for (int i = heap_size; i < (int)data.size(); i++)
  119. printf("%d ", data[i]);
  120. }
  121. printf("\n");
  122. }
  124. void heap_test(void) {
  125. int num[] = {, , , , , , , , , };
  126. vector<int> nums(num, num + sizeof(num) / sizeof(int));
  127. // Construct a heap and print it
  128. Heap<int> heap(nums);
  129. heap.print();
  130. // Test maximum() and extract_max()
  131. printf("%d\n", heap.maximum());
  132. printf("%d\n", heap.extract_max());
  133. heap.print();
  134. // Test increase_key()
  135. heap.increase_key(, );
  136. heap.print();
  137. // Test insert_key()
  138. heap.insert_key();
  139. heap.print();
  140. // Test heap_sort()
  141. heap.heap_sort();
  142. heap.print();
  143. }
  145. int main(void) {
  146. heap_test();
  147. system("pause");
  148. return ;
  149. }

If you run this code, the expected output is  like (I am testing it in Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012):

  1. In heap: ,
  3. In heap: , Out of heap:
  4. In heap: , Out of heap:
  5. In heap: , Out of heap:
  6. In heap: , Out of heap:

Welcome for any question, comment and suggestion about the code!

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