[ZJOI2011]最小割 & [CQOI2016]不同的最小割 分治求最小割
using namespace std;
#define R register int
#define AC 900
#define ac 20000
#define inf 2139062143
#define D printf("line in %d\n", __LINE__);
char READ[], *o = READ;
int n, m, s, addflow, t, answer, tt;
int last[AC], c[AC], have[AC], a[AC], ans[AC][AC], good[AC];
int Head[AC], date[ac], Next[ac], haveflow[ac], tot = ;
int q[AC], head, tail;
int ss[], cnt;
bool z[AC]; inline int read()
int x = ; char c = getchar();
while(c > '' || c < '') c = getchar();
while(c >= '' && c <= '') x = x * + c - '', c = getchar();
return x;
} inline void add(int f, int w, int S)
date[++tot] = w, Next[tot] = Head[f], Head[f] = tot, haveflow[tot] = S;
date[++tot] = f, Next[tot] = Head[w], Head[w] = tot, haveflow[tot] = S;
//printf("%d ---> %d %d\n", f, w, S);
} inline void upmin(int &a, int b)
if(b < a) a = b;
} void pre()
int u, v, e;
n = read(), m = read();
for(R i = ; i <= n; i++) a[i] = i;
for(R i = ; i <= m; i++)
u = read(), v = read(), e = read();
add(u, v, e);
memset(ans, , sizeof(ans));
} bool bfs()
int x, now;
memset(have, , sizeof(have));
memset(c, , sizeof(c));
have[] = , c[t] = , x = t;
head = tail = ;
q[++tail] = t;
while(head < tail)
x = q[++head];
for(R i = Head[x]; i ; i = Next[i])
now = date[i];
if(haveflow[i] && !c[now])
c[now] = c[x] + ;
q[++tail] = now;
memcpy(good, Head, sizeof(Head));
return c[s];
} inline void aru()
int x = t;
while(x != s)
haveflow[last[x]] -= addflow;
haveflow[last[x] ^ ] += addflow;
x = date[last[x] ^ ];
tt += addflow;
} void isap()
int x = s, now; bool done;
tt = , addflow = inf;
while(c[s] != )
if(x == t) aru(), addflow = inf, x = s;//忘记设置全局了,,,那在这里手动改一下吧
done = false;
for(R i = good[x]; i ; i = Next[i])
now = date[i];
if(haveflow[i] && c[now] == c[x] - )
upmin(addflow, haveflow[i]);
done = true;
last[now] = i;
good[x] = i;
x = now;
int go = ;
for(R i=Head[x]; i ; i = Next[i])
now = date[i];
if(haveflow[i] && c[now]) upmin(go, c[now]);
good[x] = Head[x];
if(!(--have[c[x]])) break;
++have[c[x] = go + ];
if(x != s) x = date[last[x] ^ ];
} void restore()//还原
for(R i = ; i <= tot; i += )//对于无向图而言,这还是非常妙的
haveflow[i] = haveflow[i ^ ] = (haveflow[i] + haveflow[i ^ ]) / ;
} void dfs(int x)
int now;
z[x] = true;//....
for(R i = Head[x]; i ; i = Next[i])
now = date[i];
if(haveflow[i] && !z[now]) dfs(now);
} void solve(int l, int r)
if(l == r) return ;
s = a[l], t = a[r];
//printf("%d %d\n", l, r);
memset(z, , sizeof(z));
for(R i=;i<=n;i++)//更新最小割
for(R j=;j<=n;j++)
ans[i][j] = ans[j][i] = min(ans[i][j], tt);
int ll = l - , rr = r + ;
for(R i = l; i <= r; i++)
if(z[a[i]]) q[++ll] = a[i];
else q[--rr] = a[i];//不知道取什么名字了,先借这个用一下吧
for(R i = l; i <= r; i++) a[i] = q[i];
solve(l, ll), solve(rr, r);
} void work()
for(R i=;i<=n;i++)
for(R j=;j<i;j++)
ss[++cnt] = ans[i][j];
sort(ss + , ss + cnt + );
for(R i=;i<=cnt;i++)
if(ss[i] != ss[i + ]) ++answer;
printf("%d\n", answer);
} int main()
// freopen("in.in","r",stdin);
solve(, n);
// fclose(stdin);
return ;
using namespace std;
#define R register int
#define LL long long
#define inf 2139062143
#define getchar() *o++
#define AC 155
#define ac 101000
#define D printf("line in %d\n", __LINE__); char READ[], *o = READ;
int s, t, T, Q, n, m;
int last[AC], ans[AC][AC], a[AC], tmp[AC], c[AC];
int date[ac], Next[ac], haveflow[ac], Head[AC], tot;
int q[AC], head, tail;
bool z[AC]; inline int read()
int x = ;char c = getchar();bool z = false;
while(c > '' || c < '') c = getchar();
while(c >= '' && c <= '') x = x * + c - '', c = getchar();
if(!z) return x;
else return -x;
} inline void add(int f, int w, int S)
date[++tot] = w, Next[tot] = Head[f], Head[f] = tot, haveflow[tot] = S;
date[++tot] = f, Next[tot] = Head[w], Head[w] = tot, haveflow[tot] = S;
// printf("%d ---> %d %d\n", f, w, S);
} bool bfs()
int now, x;
head = tail = ;
memset(c, , sizeof(c));
c[s] = , q[++tail] = s;
while(head < tail)
x = q[++head];
for(R i = Head[x]; i ; i = Next[i])
now = date[i];
if(haveflow[i] && !c[now])
c[now] = c[x] + ;
q[++tail] = now;
return c[t];
} int dfs(int x, int flow)
if(x == t) return flow;
int addflow, used = , now;
for(R i=Head[x]; i ; i = Next[i])
now = date[i];
if(c[now] == c[x] + )
addflow = dfs(now, min(haveflow[i], flow - used));
haveflow[i] -= addflow;
haveflow[i^] += addflow;
used += addflow;
if(used == flow) return flow;
if(!used) c[x] = ;
return used;
} int dinic()
int rnt = ;
while(bfs()) rnt += dfs(s, inf);
return rnt;
} void DFS(int x)//标记能到的点,便于区分
int now;
z[x]= ;
for(R i = Head[x]; i ; i = Next[i])
now = date[i];
if(haveflow[i] && !z[now]) DFS(now);
} void restore()//挺妙的还原流量的方法,因为这两条边即是双向边,又可以当反向边
for(R i = ; i <= tot; i += )
haveflow[i] = haveflow[i+] = (haveflow[i] + haveflow[i+]) / ;
} void solve(int l, int r)
if(l == r) return ;
s = a[l], t = a[r];//随便选两个作为s和t
int tt = dinic();//跑最小割
memset(z, , sizeof(z));
for(R i=;i<=n;i++)//这里是在每次找到一个最小割的时候,就对跨集合点对的割进行更新,
for(R j=;j<=n;j++)//获取跨集合点对的割的大小
if(!z[j]) ans[i][j] = ans[j][i] = min(ans[i][j], tt);
int ll = l - , rr = r + ;
for(R i = l; i <= r; i++)
tmp[++ll] = a[i];//加入左边(从左边开始塞)
else tmp[--rr] = a[i];//不然就放在右边
for(R i=l;i<=r;i++) a[i] = tmp[i];//类似于归并排序的,,,放回数组内
solve(l, ll), solve(rr, r);
} void pre()
int u, v, k;
tot = ;
memset(ans, , sizeof(ans));
memset(Head, , sizeof(Head));
n = read(), m = read();
for(R i=;i<=n;i++) a[i] = i;//先把点按顺序放进来
for(R i=;i<=m;i++)
u = read(), v = read(), k = read();
add(u, v, k);
solve(, n);//找出所有最小割
} void work()
int k, cnt;
Q = read();
k = read(), cnt = ;
for(R i=;i<=n;i++)
for(R j=;j<i;j++)//不能一个点对重复统计了
if(ans[i][j] <= k) ++cnt;
printf("%d\n", cnt);
} int main()
// freopen("in.in","r",stdin);
fread(READ, , , stdin);
T = read();
// fclose(stdin);
return ;
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