
Many of these relate to Unity3d command line arguments

    • Batch Mode - should be left enabled usually, enables the Unity -batchmode
    • No graphics - on Windows only, do not initialize a graphics device during a build to avoid errors when running without a good GPU. Equivalent to -nographics command line option
    • Project path - specifies the path (relative to Working directory) of Unity project to open
    • Build Player - choose which Unity Player to build, currently supported are Web, Windows or OSX (but it would be easy to add others if required). Equivalent to passing -buildWebPlayer -buildWindowsPlayer or -buildOSXPlayer on command line
    • Execute method - specify a method for Unity to execute, to allow you to customise your build process. Equivalent to -executeMethod on the command line
    • Build path - specify the output build path for the Player
    • Clear output before - ensures output folder exists and is empty, before invoking Unity
    • Clean output after - removes any .svn and .meta files found in the output directory, as these are usually not wanted
    • Quit - specify if unity should quit after a build. Usually should be left enabled, equivalent to the -quit command line option

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