
Welcome to the jspace2d project's page, here you will found this great(?) game.

Just Log'n'Kill

Basically it's a multiplayer shoot'em'up, where you build and drive your ship in free space. There will be some fixed for all building points, so you will choose if spend your point on one single powerfull ship, or on a fleet.


It use realistic 2d physic thanks to JBOX2D: and 3d graphics thanks to JME:

What's going on

Actually the game still on development:

Basic gameplay DONE
Ship editor on development
Anti-lag algorithm on development
Bug fixing will never end
Game menu to do
Music to do
Multi ship on development
Ai player to do

Sooner there will be the first alpha, so stay tuned!

jspace2d——A free 2d multiplayer space shooter的更多相关文章

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