function encode_file_contents($filename) {
if('php'==$type && is_file($filename) && is_writable($filename)){// 如果是PHP文件 并且可写 则进行压缩编码
$contents = file_get_contents($filename);// 判断文件是否已经被编码处理
$pos = strpos($contents,'powered by arzn QQ:1314778');
if(false === $pos || $pos>100){ // 去除PHP文件注释和空白,减少文件大小
$contents = php_strip_whitespace($filename);
// 去除PHP头部和尾部标识
$headerPos = strpos($contents,'<?php');
$footerPos = strrpos($contents,'?>');
$contents = substr($contents,$headerPos+5,$footerPos-$headerPos);
$encode = base64_encode(gzdeflate($contents));// 开始编码
$encode = '<?php'."\n eval(gzinflate(base64_decode("."'".$encode."'".")));\n\n?>";
return file_put_contents($filename,$encode);
return false;
echo "OK,加密完成!"



$Code = '这里填写要解密的编码'; // base64编码
$File = 'decoded.php';//解码后保存的文件
$Temp = base64_decode($Code);
$temp = gzinflate($Temp);
$FP = fopen($File,"w");
echo "解密成功!";

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