



  在介绍如何用代码生成二维码之前,就不得不先介绍一个开源库叫zint。这个开源可谓牛叉的很,几乎平时见过的“码”,各式各样的一维条码、各式各样的二维码条码都难不倒它,重要的是,它还是开源的,几乎包含了所有常见“码”的生成。以下是摘自官方用户使用手册的介绍片段。(笔者上一篇博文介绍zint的安装时简单介绍了一下zint库,http://www.cnblogs.com/Recan/p/5967378.html ,它的开源项目网页为https://sourceforge.net/projects/zint/

The Zint project aims to provide a complete cross-platform open source barcode generating solution. The package currently consists of a Qt based GUI, a command line executable and a library with an API to allow developers access to the capabilities of Zint. It is hoped that Zint provides a solution which is flexible enough for professional users while at the same time takes care of as much of the processing as possible to allow easy translation from input data to barcode image.



ZINT_EXTERN struct zint_symbol* ZBarcode_Create(void);

ZINT_EXTERN void ZBarcode_Clear(struct zint_symbol *symbol);

ZINT_EXTERN void ZBarcode_Delete(struct zint_symbol *symbol);

ZINT_EXTERN int ZBarcode_Encode_and_Print(struct zint_symbol *symbol, unsigned char *input, int length, int rotate_angle);



Descpribe: Create Qrcode API with C Code by calling zint lib.

Input    : pQrCodeData, the qrcode data buf

QrcodeLen, the len of qrcode data, but it can be 0

pQrCodeFile, the output file name of qrcode, it can be NULL

Output   : pZintRet, to store the ret code from linzint.

Return   : 0 is ok, and other values are fail. See the meanings in enum ZINT_RET_CODE

Notes    : pQrCodeFile, Must end in .png, .eps or .svg. when isn,t NULL string.


ZINT_RET_CODE Zint_Create_QrCode(uint8_t *pQrCodeData, int QrcodeLen, char *pQrCodeFile, int *pZintRet);

  这个接口定义比较简单,上面也简单说了各个参数的意义,其他中特别需要注意的是,如果传入生成二维码图片名字不使用默认值时(pQrCodeFile != NULL),也务必保证pQrCodeFile必须是以.png, .eps or .svg.结尾的文件名。

  以下是zint_code.c 和 zint_code.h的内容,里面将zint中生成二维码的几个函数封装在一块了,使用者只需关注上面定义的Zint_Create_QrCode函数,即可生成漂亮的二维码图片文件。

* File : zint_code.c
* Copyright (c) 2011 by Li.Recan < 721317716@qq.com >
* DESCRIPTION: Demo for creating qrcode by C code.
* Modification history
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Date Version Author History
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 2016-10-15 1.0.0 Li.Recan written
***************************************************************************/ // Standard Library
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h> // so Library
#include "zint.h" // Project Header
#include "zint_code.h" /****************************************************************************
Descpribe: Create Qrcode API with C Code by calling zint lib.
Input : pQrCodeData, the qrcode data buf
QrcodeLen, the len of qrcode data, but it can be 0
pQrCodeFile, the output file name of qrcode, it can be NULL
Output : pZintRet, to store the ret code from linzint.
Return : 0 is ok, and other values are fail. See the meanings in enum ZINT_RET_CODE
Notes : pQrCodeFile, Must end in .png, .eps or .svg. when isn,t NULL string.
ZINT_RET_CODE Zint_Create_QrCode(uint8_t *pQrCodeData, int QrcodeLen, char *pQrCodeFile, int *pZintRet)
struct zint_symbol *pMySymbol = NULL;
int RetCode = ; if(!pQrCodeData) //check input pointer
} if(QrcodeLen == )
QrcodeLen = strlen((char *)pQrCodeData);
if(QrcodeLen > QRCODE_MAX_LEN)//len is too long
} if( == ZBarcode_ValidID(BARCODE_QRCODE))
} pMySymbol = ZBarcode_Create();
if(pMySymbol == NULL)
} if(pQrCodeFile)//when it's NULL, outfile will be "out.png"
if(strstr(pQrCodeFile, "png") || (strstr(pQrCodeFile, "eps")) || (strstr(pQrCodeFile, "svg")))
strcpy(pMySymbol->outfile, pQrCodeFile);
ZBarcode_Delete(pMySymbol); //release memory in zint lib
pMySymbol->symbology = BARCODE_QRCODE;
pMySymbol->option_1 = ; //ECC Level.It can be large when ECC Level is larger.(value:1-4)
pMySymbol->scale = ; //contorl qrcode file size, default is 1, used to be 4
pMySymbol->border_width = ; //set white space width around your qrcode and 0 is for nothing RetCode = ZBarcode_Encode_and_Print(pMySymbol, pQrCodeData, QrcodeLen, );
ZBarcode_Delete(pMySymbol); //release memory in zint lib if(pZintRet)
*pZintRet = RetCode; //save ret code from zint lib
} return (( == RetCode) ? (ZINT_OK) : (ZINT_ERR_LIB_RET));

: zint_code.c

* File : zint_code.h
* Copyright (c) 2011 by Li.Recan < 721317716@qq.com >
* DESCRIPTION: API for creating qrcode by C code.
* Modification history
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Date Version Author History
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 2016-10-15 1.0.0 Li.Recan written
***************************************************************************/ #ifndef __ZINT_CODE__
#define __ZINT_CODE__ #ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#endif #include <stdint.h> #define QRCODE_MAX_LEN 500 //max string len for creating qrcode typedef enum
ZINT_ERR_INV_DATA = -, //input invalid data
ZINT_ERR_TOO_LONG = -, //len for input data is too long
ZINT_ERR_INV_CODE_ID = -,//the code type is not supported by zint
ZINT_ERR_MEMORY = -, //malloc memory error in zint lib
ZINT_ERR_FILE_NAME = -, //qrcode file isn'y end in .png, .eps or .svg.
ZINT_ERR_LIB_RET = -, //zint lib ret error, real ret code should be zint api ret code
}ZINT_RET_CODE; /****************************************************************************
Descpribe: Create Qrcode API with C Code by calling zint lib.
Input : pQrCodeData, the qrcode data buf
QrcodeLen, the len of qrcode data, but it can be 0
pQrCodeFile, the output file name of qrcode, it can be NULL
Output : pZintRet, to store the ret code from linzint.
Return : 0 is ok, and other values are fail. See the meanings in enum ZINT_RET_CODE
Notes : pQrCodeFile, Must end in .png, .eps or .svg. when isn,t NULL string.
ZINT_RET_CODE Zint_Create_QrCode(uint8_t *pQrCodeData, int QrcodeLen, char *pQrCodeFile, int *pZintRet); #define Debuging(fmt, arg...) printf("[%20s, %4d] "fmt, __FILE__, __LINE__, ##arg) #ifdef __cplusplus
#endif #endif /* __ZINT_CODE__ */

: zint_code.h



* File : qrcode_test.c
* Copyright (c) 2011 by Li.Recan < 721317716@qq.com >
* DESCRIPTION: Demo for creating qrcode by C code.
* Modification history
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Date Version Author History
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 2016-10-15 1.0.0 Li.Recan written
***************************************************************************/ // Standard Library
#include <stdio.h> // Project Header
#include "zint_code.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ZintLibRet = ; //ret code from zint lib
ZINT_RET_CODE ZintRet = ; //ret code from zint_code api
char QrcodeData[] = "I love zint lib. 测试一下gbk编码 ...";
char QrcodeDataDef[] = "This's default qrcode file name : out.png ";
char QrcodeFile[] = "MyQrcode.png"; // Must end in .png, .eps or .svg. //zint lib ask ! //test with inputing qrcode_file name
ZintRet = Zint_Create_QrCode((uint8_t*)QrcodeData, , QrcodeFile, &ZintLibRet);
if(ZINT_OK != ZintRet)
Debuging("Create qrcode err, ZintRet = %d, ZintLibRet = %d\n", ZintRet, ZintLibRet);
Debuging("Create qrcode OK ! View qrcode file : %s in cur path. ZintRet = %d, ZintLibRet = %d\n", QrcodeFile, ZintRet, ZintLibRet);
} //test without inputing qrcode_file name
ZintRet = Zint_Create_QrCode((uint8_t*)QrcodeDataDef, , NULL, &ZintLibRet);
if(ZINT_OK != ZintRet)
Debuging("Create qrcode err, ZintRet = %d, ZintLibRet = %d\n", ZintRet, ZintLibRet);
Debuging("Create qrcode OK ! View qrcode file : out.png in cur path. ZintRet = %d, ZintLibRet = %d\n", ZintRet, ZintLibRet);
} return ;

: qrcode_test.c

  输入完成后,使用gcc -o qrcode_test qrcode_test.c zint_code.c –lzint 即可编译出qrcode_test的bin文件了。



  那么赶紧回到上一篇博文 http://www.cnblogs.com/Recan/p/5967378.html 把zint安装起来吧。


  我们使用./ qrcode_test运行我们编译出来的demo程序,可以看到以下的提示:

[liluchang@localhost src]$ ./qrcode_test

./qrcode_test: error while loading shared libraries: libzint.so.2.4: cannot

open shared object file: No such file or directory


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib 这个路径是根据情况而定的。【注意这个export只对当前运行的shell生效,一旦切换一个shell,则需要重新输入。如果需要固定告诉运行demo的时候去哪里找so链接,则可以在编译的时候告诉它。这个点往后再介绍。】













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