我们搜索一个微软术语,有时定位到technet页面,有时定位到msdn页面。我直观的理解就是technet教人们如何使用微软产品,而msdn指导人们如何开发基于微软产品的软件。那么微软对它们具体定位是怎样的呢?我找到一个帖子,感觉说得蛮靠谱的,转载于此。作者是Kurt Shintaku,不知道是不是车碾surface RT的那位大哥。


TechNet is squarely aimed at IT Professionals.  It provides:

  • the ability to download much of Microsoft’s software library along with Activation keys for a broad array of primarily INFRASTRUCTURE products. 
  • the ability to call Microsoft Professional Support for TWO incidents
  • access to 1 or more “collections” of Microsoft eLearning
  • priority support access to the TechNet Forums – a place to ask technical questions that are monitored by Support Engineers & Product MVPs

The software provided with TechNet Subscriptions is designed for hands-on IT Professionals to evaluate Microsoft software and plan deployments. The software provided in TechNet Subscriptions can be used for evaluation purposes only.  TechNet does not contain any development tools (such as Visual Studio or Expressions), nor does it contain any of our SDKs, platform tools, designer tools, or embedded systems products.  Here is a list of products that are available through TechNet: 

MSDN is designed for Developers.  The software provided with MSDN Subscriptions is for design, development, testing, and demonstration of software programs.   It has a lot of older technology as well compared to TechNet to assist developers with regression testing.    It provides:

  • the ability to download most of Microsoft’s software library along with Activation keys for the purposes of development, testing, demonstration.
  • no-charge access to cloud services like Team Foundation Service, Windows Azure,
  • access to 1 or more “collections” of Microsoft eLearning
  • the ability to call Microsoft Professional Support for TWO incidents or FOUR incidents depending on the subscription level
  • priority support access to the MSDN Forums – a place to ask technical questions that are monitored by Support Engineers & Product MVPs

Here’s a list of benefits of MSDN Subscriptions: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/subscriptions/aa718661 
More info on MSDN subscriptions:  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/subscriptions/buy.aspx

Both MSDN and TechNet subscriptions are licensed per user.

As far as software goes, there is a 3rd party comparison of the software that is available in each subscription here.  (I can’t guarantee it’s accuracy but it seems like it’s fairly accurate from a faraway glance) 



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