eng:debug 版本

user: release 版本


LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := user eng optional test这个样子。

  • user:只有在user版本时该模块才被编译进去;
  • eng:只有在eng版本时该模块才被编译进去;
  • test:只有在tests版本时该模块才被编译进去;
  • optional:在所有版本中都编译该模块进去。

1、当make eng时,也即相当于make。此时BuildType为eng,那么其编译进去的内容包括:
      · Intended for platform-level debugging
      · Installs modules tagged with: eng, debug, user, and/or development
      · Installs non-APK modules that have no tags specified
      · Installs APKs according to the product definition files, in addition to tagged APKs
      · Sets ro.secure=1
      · Sets ro.debuggable=0
      · Sets ro.kernel.android.checkjni=1
      · adbd is enabled by default
2、当make user时,此时BuildType为user,那么其编译进去的内容包括:
      · Intended to be the final release
      · Installs modules tagged as user
      · Installs non-APK modules that have no tags specified
      · Installs APKs according to the product definition files (tags are ignored for APK modules)
      · Sets ro.secure=1
      · Sets ro.debuggable=0
      · adbd is disabled by default
3、当make userdebug时,此时BuildType为userdebug,那么其编译进去的内容包括:
       the same as user, except:
      · Intended for limited debugging
      · Installs modules tagged with debug
      · Sets ro.debuggable=1
      · adbd is enabled by default 


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