- C#动态调用C++编写的DLL函数
动态加载DLL需要使用Windows API函数:LoadLibrary、GetProcAddress以及FreeLibrary。我们可以使用DllImport在C#中使用这三个函数。
public static extern int GetProcAddress(int handle, String funcname);[DllImport("Kernel32")]
public static extern int LoadLibrary(String funcname);[DllImport("Kernel32")]
public static extern int FreeLibrary(int handle);当我们在C++中动态调用Dll中的函数时,我们一般的方法是:
BOOL __stdcall foo(Object &object, LPVOID lpReserved);1、首先定义相应的函数指针:
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *PFOO)(Object &object, LPVOID lpReserved);2、调用LoadLibrary加载dll:
HINSTANCE hInst = ::LoadLibraryW(dllFileName);3、调用GetProcAddress函数获取要调用函数的地址:
PFOO foo = (PFOO)GetProcAddress(hInst,"foo");
if(foo == NULL)
return false;
BOOL bRet = foo(object,(LPVOID)NULL);5、使用完后应释放DLL:
FreeLibrary(hInst);那么在C#中应该怎么做呢?方法基本上一样,我们使用委托来代替C++的函数指针,通过.NET Framework 2.0新增的函数GetDelegateForFunctionPointer来得到一个委托的实例:
public class DLLWrapper
/// API LoadLibrary
public static extern int LoadLibrary(String funcname);///<summary>
/// API GetProcAddress
public static extern int GetProcAddress(int handle, String funcname);///<summary>
/// API FreeLibrary
public static extern int FreeLibrary(int handle);///<summary>
///通过非托管函数名转换为对应的委托, by jingzhongrong
///<param name="dllModule">通过LoadLibrary获得的DLL句柄</param>
///<param name="functionName">非托管函数名</param>
///<param name="t">对应的委托类型</param>
public static Delegate GetFunctionAddress(int dllModule, string functionName, Type t)
int address = GetProcAddress(dllModule, functionName);
if (address == 0)
return null;
return Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(new IntPtr(address), t);
///将表示函数地址的IntPtr实例转换成对应的委托, by jingzhongrong
public static Delegate GetDelegateFromIntPtr(IntPtr address, Type t)
if (address == IntPtr.Zero)
return null;
return Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(address, t);
///将表示函数地址的int转换成对应的委托,by jingzhongrong
public static Delegate GetDelegateFromIntPtr(int address, Type t)
if (address == 0)
return null;
return Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(new IntPtr(address), t);
int hModule = DLLWrapper.LoadLibrary(dllFilePath);
if (hModule == 0)
return false;3、获取相应的委托实例:
FOO foo = (FOO)DLLWrapper.GetFunctionAddress(hModule, "foo", typeof(FOO));
if (foo == null)
return false;
struct StructVersionInfo
public int MajorVersion;
public int MinorVersion;
class StructVersionInfo
public int MajorVersion;
public int MinorVersion;
typedef struct _VERSION_INFO
int MajorVersion;
int MinorVersion;
} VERSION_INFO, *PVERSION_INFO;如果结构中使用到了字符串,最好应指定相应的字符集:
wchar_t Comments[120];
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 120)]
public string Comments;C++:结构成员
publicStructVersionInfo ver;C++:函数指针声明
PFOO pFoo; //具体声明见文章前面部分
publicIntPtr pFoo; //也可以为 public int pFoo;
void getVersionInfo(VERSION_INFO *ver);
delegate voidgetVersionInfo(VERSION_INFO ver);
delegate voidgetVersionInfo(refVERSION_INFO ver);
BOOL __stdcall jingzhongrong1(const wchar_t* lpFileName, int* FileNum);
delegate bool jingzhongrong1(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]String FileName,
ref int FileNum);
void __stdcall jingzhongrong2(
wchar_t* lpFileName, //要传出的字符串
int* Length);
delegate void jingzhongrong2(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder lpFileName,
ref int Length,
StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder(FileNameLength);参考: http://www.2cto.com/kf/201007/52562.html
参考: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/12121/Essential-P-Invoke
参考: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/339290/PInvoke-pointer-safety-Replacing-IntPtr-with-unsaf
参考: http://www.dotblogs.com.tw/merlin/archive/2012/07/17/73424.aspx
//extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool 方法名一(const char* 变量名1, unsigned char* 变量名2)
//extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool 方法名二(const unsigned char* 变量名1, char* 变量名2)//C#调用C++的DLL搜集整理的所有数据类型转换方式,可能会有重复或者多种方案,自己多测试
//c++:HANDLE(void *) ---- c#:System.IntPtr
//c++:Byte(unsigned char) ---- c#:System.Byte
//c++:SHORT(short) ---- c#:System.Int16
//c++:WORD(unsigned short) ---- c#:System.UInt16
//c++:INT(int) ---- c#:System.Int16
//c++:INT(int) ---- c#:System.Int32
//c++:UINT(unsigned int) ---- c#:System.UInt16
//c++:UINT(unsigned int) ---- c#:System.UInt32
//c++:LONG(long) ---- c#:System.Int32
//c++:ULONG(unsigned long) ---- c#:System.UInt32
//c++:DWORD(unsigned long) ---- c#:System.UInt32
//c++:DECIMAL ---- c#:System.Decimal
//c++:BOOL(long) ---- c#:System.Boolean
//c++:CHAR(char) ---- c#:System.Char
//c++:LPSTR(char *) ---- c#:System.String
//c++:LPWSTR(wchar_t *) ---- c#:System.String
//c++:LPCSTR(const char *) ---- c#:System.String
//c++:LPCWSTR(const wchar_t *) ---- c#:System.String
//c++:PCAHR(char *) ---- c#:System.String
//c++:BSTR ---- c#:System.String
//c++:FLOAT(float) ---- c#:System.Single
//c++:DOUBLE(double) ---- c#:System.Double
//c++:VARIANT ---- c#:System.Object
//c++:PBYTE(byte *) ---- c#:System.Byte[]//c++:BSTR ---- c#:StringBuilder
//c++:LPCTSTR ---- c#:StringBuilder
//c++:LPCTSTR ---- c#:string
//c++:LPTSTR ---- c#:[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string
//c++:LPTSTR 输出变量名 ---- c#:StringBuilder 输出变量名
//c++:LPCWSTR ---- c#:IntPtr
//c++:BOOL ---- c#:bool
//c++:HMODULE ---- c#:IntPtr
//c++:HINSTANCE ---- c#:IntPtr
//c++:结构体 ---- c#:public struct 结构体{};
//c++:结构体 **变量名 ---- c#:out 变量名 //C#中提前申明一个结构体实例化后的变量名
//c++:结构体 &变量名 ---- c#:ref 结构体 变量名//c++:WORD ---- c#:ushort
//c++:DWORD ---- c#:uint
//c++:DWORD ---- c#:int//c++:UCHAR ---- c#:int
//c++:UCHAR ---- c#:byte
//c++:UCHAR* ---- c#:string
//c++:UCHAR* ---- c#:IntPtr//c++:GUID ---- c#:Guid
//c++:Handle ---- c#:IntPtr
//c++:HWND ---- c#:IntPtr
//c++:DWORD ---- c#:int
//c++:COLORREF ---- c#:uint//c++:unsigned char ---- c#:byte
//c++:unsigned char * ---- c#:ref byte
//c++:unsigned char * ---- c#:[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[]
//c++:unsigned char * ---- c#:[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] Intptr//c++:unsigned char & ---- c#:ref byte
//c++:unsigned char 变量名 ---- c#:byte 变量名
//c++:unsigned short 变量名 ---- c#:ushort 变量名
//c++:unsigned int 变量名 ---- c#:uint 变量名
//c++:unsigned long 变量名 ---- c#:ulong 变量名//c++:char 变量名 ---- c#:byte 变量名 //C++中一个字符用一个字节表示,C#中一个字符用两个字节表示
//c++:char 数组名[数组大小] ---- c#:MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 数组大小)] public string 数组名; ushort//c++:char * ---- c#:string //传入参数
//c++:char * ---- c#:StringBuilder//传出参数
//c++:char *变量名 ---- c#:ref string 变量名
//c++:char *输入变量名 ---- c#:string 输入变量名
//c++:char *输出变量名 ---- c#:[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] StringBuilder 输出变量名//c++:char ** ---- c#:string
//c++:char **变量名 ---- c#:ref string 变量名
//c++:const char * ---- c#:string
//c++:char[] ---- c#:string
//c++:char 变量名[数组大小] ---- c#:[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr,SizeConst=数组大小)] public string 变量名;//c++:struct 结构体名 *变量名 ---- c#:ref 结构体名 变量名
//c++:委托 变量名 ---- c#:委托 变量名//c++:int ---- c#:int
//c++:int ---- c#:ref int
//c++:int & ---- c#:ref int
//c++:int * ---- c#:ref int //C#中调用前需定义int 变量名 = 0;//c++:*int ---- c#:IntPtr
//c++:int32 PIPTR * ---- c#:int32[]
//c++:float PIPTR * ---- c#:float[]//c++:double** 数组名 ---- c#:ref double 数组名
//c++:double*[] 数组名 ---- c#:ref double 数组名
//c++:long ---- c#:int
//c++:ulong ---- c#:int
//c++:UINT8 * ---- c#:ref byte //C#中调用前需定义byte 变量名 = new byte();//c++:handle ---- c#:IntPtr
//c++:hwnd ---- c#:IntPtr
//c++:void * ---- c#:IntPtr
//c++:void * user_obj_param ---- c#:IntPtr user_obj_param
//c++:void * 对象名称 ---- c#:([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AsAny)]Object 对象名称//c++:char, INT8, SBYTE, CHAR ---- c#:System.SByte
//c++:short, short int, INT16, SHORT ---- c#:System.Int16
//c++:int, long, long int, INT32, LONG32, BOOL , INT ---- c#:System.Int32
//c++:__int64, INT64, LONGLONG ---- c#:System.Int64
//c++:unsigned char, UINT8, UCHAR , BYTE ---- c#:System.Byte
//c++:unsigned short, UINT16, USHORT, WORD, ATOM, WCHAR , __wchar_t ---- c#:System.UInt16
//c++:unsigned, unsigned int, UINT32, ULONG32, DWORD32, ULONG, DWORD, UINT ---- c#:System.UInt32
//c++:unsigned __int64, UINT64, DWORDLONG, ULONGLONG ---- c#:System.UInt64
//c++:float, FLOAT ---- c#:System.Single
//c++:double, long double, DOUBLE ---- c#:System.Double//Win32 Types ---- CLR Type
//CallBack回调函数需要封装在一个委托里,delegate static extern int FunCallBack(string str);//unsigned char** ppImage替换成IntPtr ppImage
//int& nWidth替换成ref int nWidth
//int*, int&, 则都可用 ref int 对应
//双针指类型参数,可以用 ref IntPtr
//函数指针使用c++: typedef double (*fun_type1)(double); 对应 c#:public delegate double fun_type1(double);
//char* 的操作c++: char*; 对应 c#:StringBuilder;
//c#中使用指针:在需要使用指针的地方 加 unsafe//unsigned char对应public byte
* typedef void (*CALLBACKFUN1W)(wchar_t*, void* pArg);
* typedef void (*CALLBACKFUN1A)(char*, void* pArg);
* bool BIOPRINT_SENSOR_API dllFun1(CALLBACKFUN1 pCallbackFun1, void* pArg);
* 调用方式为
* [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
* public delegate void CallbackFunc1([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder strName, IntPtr pArg);
*/f you want to pass a byte array to native DLL as parameter, you can use the Intptr to do this, please check the demo below.
//C++ API code:
DEMODLL_API void TestArrayPara(BYTE * pArray, int nSize)
for (int i=0; i<nSize; i++)
printf("%d\n", pArray[i]);
//C# code:
class Class2
public static extern void TestArrayPara(IntPtr pArray, int nSize);
public static void Test()
Console.WriteLine("This is C# program");
byte[] array = new byte[16];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
array[i] = (byte)(i + 97);
int size = Marshal.SizeOf(array[0]) * array.Length;
IntPtr pnt = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
// Copy the array to unmanaged memory.
Marshal.Copy(array, 0, pnt, array.Length);
// Free the unmanaged memory.
// Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pnt);
TestArrayPara(pnt, array.Length);
Console.WriteLine("End of app");
In addition to Mashal.Copy method, please refer to the following article.
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