SCAU 10893 Spiral
10893 Spiral
时间限制:1000MS 内存限制:65535K
题型: 编程题 语言: 无限制
Given an odd number n, we can arrange integers from 1 to n*n in the shape of a spiral. The figure 2.4.1 below illustrates the spiral made by integers from 1 to 25.
21 22 23 24 25
20 7 8 9 10
19 6 1 2 11
18 5 4 3 12
17 16 15 14 13
As we see above, each position in the spiral corresponds to a unique integer. For example, the number in row 1, column 1 is 21, and integer 16 is in row 5, column 2.
Now, given the odd number n (1≤n≤32768), and an integer m (1≤m≤n*n), you should write a program to find out the position of m.
The first line of the input is a positive integer T(T≤20). T is the number of the test cases followed. Each case consists of two integer n and m as described above.
For each case, output the row number and column number that the given integer is in, separated by a single whitespace. Please note that the row and column number are both starting from 1.
3 9
5 21
5 16
1 3
1 1
5 2
#define MAXN 34000 using namespace std; int list[MAXN/]; void init()
for(int i=; i<MAXN/; ++i)
if(!i) list[i] = ;
else list[i] = *i-+list[i-];
} int main()
freopen("F:\\test\\input.txt", "r", stdin);
#endif // ONLINE_JUDGE
int T, row, column;
int n, m;
int circle = -, cnt = , dis;
while(list[++circle] < m);
column = row = n/+-circle;
dis = list[circle] - m; //仍需要移动的步数
if(dis <= circle*)
if(dis <= circle*) row = row + dis;
row = row + circle*;
column = column + (dis - circle*);
int temp = dis - circle*;
if(temp <= circle*-)
row = row + circle* - temp;
column = column + circle*;
temp = temp - (circle*-);
row = row + ;
column = column + circle* - temp;
cout<<row<<" "<<column<<endl;
} return ;
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