[cf516E]Drazil and His Happy Friends
1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
2 using namespace std;
3 #define N 100005
4 #define ll long long
5 int n,m,d,kk,b[N],g[N],vb[N],vg[N],v[N<<1];
6 ll ans;
7 bool cmp(int x,int y){
8 return (x%d<y%d)||(x%d==y%d)&&(x<y);
9 }
10 int exgcd(int x,int y,int &a,int &b){
11 if (!y){
12 a=1;
13 b=0;
14 return x;
15 }
16 int g=exgcd(y,x%y,b,a);
17 b-=(x/y)*a;
18 return g;
19 }
20 ll calc(){
21 bool flag=(n<=vb[0]+vg[0]);
22 ll ans=-1;
23 if (flag){
24 for(int i=0,j=1,k=1;i<n;i++){
25 if (((j>vb[0])||(vb[j]!=i))&&((k>vg[0])||(vg[k]!=i))){
26 flag=0;
27 break;
28 }
29 if ((i<m)&&((j>vb[0])||(vb[j]!=i)||(k>vg[0])||(vg[k]!=i)))ans=i;
30 if ((j<=vb[0])&&(vb[j]==i))j++;
31 if ((k<=vg[0])&&(vg[k]==i))k++;
32 }
33 if (flag)return ans;
34 ans=0;
35 }
36 v[0]=0;
37 for(int i=1;i<=vb[0];i++)v[++v[0]]=1LL*vb[i]*kk%n;
38 for(int i=1;i<=vg[0];i++)v[++v[0]]=1LL*vg[i]*kk%n;
39 sort(v+1,v+v[0]+1);
40 if (v[1]==v[v[0]])return 1LL*v[1]*m%n+1LL*(n-1)*m;
41 ans=1LL*v[v[0]]*m%n+((v[1]-v[v[0]]+1LL*kk*n)%n-1)*m;
42 for(int i=1;i<v[0];i++)
43 if (v[i]!=v[i+1])ans=max(ans,1LL*v[i]*m%n+((v[i+1]-v[i])%n-1LL)*m);
44 return ans;
45 }
46 int main(){
47 scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
48 d=exgcd(n,m,b[0],g[0]);
49 n/=d;
50 m/=d;
51 if (n>m)kk=(g[0]%n+n)%n;
52 else kk=(b[0]%m+m)%m;
53 scanf("%d",&b[0]);
54 for(int i=1;i<=b[0];i++)scanf("%d",&b[i]);
55 scanf("%d",&g[0]);
56 for(int i=1;i<=g[0];i++)scanf("%d",&g[i]);
57 if (d>b[0]+g[0]){
58 printf("-1");
59 return 0;
60 }
61 sort(b+1,b+b[0]+1,cmp);
62 sort(g+1,g+g[0]+1,cmp);
63 if (n<m)swap(n,m);
64 for(int i=0,j=1,k=1;i<d;i++){
65 vb[0]=vg[0]=0;
66 while ((j<=b[0])&&(b[j]%d==i))vb[++vb[0]]=b[j++]/d;
67 while ((k<=g[0])&&(g[k]%d==i))vg[++vg[0]]=g[k++]/d;
68 if ((!vb[0])&&(!vg[0])){
69 printf("-1");
70 return 0;
71 }
72 ans=max(ans,calc()*d+i);
73 }
74 printf("%lld",ans);
75 }
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