
account从词源和count(数数)有关,和computer也有点关系。calculate则和'stone used in counting'有关。先看两个汉语的例子:
1. 回头再和你算账!
2. “老王,还你的1毛钱” “哎呀还啥还” “亲兄弟明算账” “好,我回去把帐清了”

The moral(寓意): 帐很重要,会计都是老板的人。on account of (因为)this, 和会计吵架前要take account of this, take this into account,纳入考虑因素。. 对账单/明细/流水“描述”了账户的balance (debits and credits,借贷、收支)。还可以“描述”别的事情。by/from all accounts: according to what a lot of people say


there's no accounting for taste: (我)就好这一口,不解释:人各有所好


A personal account is an account for use by an individual for that person's own needs. It is a relative term to differentiate them from those accounts for business or corporate use. A deposit account is a bank account maintained by a financial institution in which a customer can deposit and withdraw money. Deposit accounts can be savings accounts, current accounts or any of several other types of accounts. Savings accounts are accounts maintained by retail banks that pay interest but can not be used directly as money (for example, by writing a check or using a debit card at a point of sale), although cash can be withdrawn from these accounts at an ATM. While they are not as convenient to use as checking accounts, these accounts generally offer consumers a higher rate of interest than a transactional account and will usually be linked to a transactional account. A sweep account is an account set up at a bank or other financial institution where the funds are automatically managed between a primary cash account and secondary investment accounts. [听君一席话,似听一席话huh? 目的是背单词]。

There are many reasons to close a bank account. You might be moving to another country, or you might have found better interest rates at another bank, or you might've aged out of the bank account your parents got you when you were a kid. Maybe you just don't like your bank.

If multiple individuals are using your computer, you can personalize your settings and keep your files private by creating a password-protected user account. Other users can also protect their account with a password to ensure that no one will touch their files. However, if they forget to log out, their profile will still run certain services and processes that can consume background resources. So, you might wonder, "How do I log off another user in Windows 10?" and "What are the top 6 options to delete a user account in Windows 10?" [咳咳,没了]

六级/考研单词: differentiate, deposit, wholesale, consume, invest, multiple, compute, password, log, profile, delete


to build/pile/store up

近/反义词: accrue, agglomerate, amass, assemble, augment, bring together, collect, compile(编而译谓之编译), gather, increase, mass(可做动词), heap, hoard, stack; diminish, dissipate, disperse, scatter

[LDOCE] heap: a large *untidy* pile of things; stack: a *neat* pile of things. IT业里这两个词用得挺准确的。stack一层层摞frame,heap里难免有洞。

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