虽然题目中说是easy, 但是我提交了10遍才过,就算hard吧。



1.前导空格全部跳过  “      123”  = 123

2.正负号要考虑   “+123” = 123  “-123” = -123

3.数字的前导0要跳过  “-0000123” = “-123”

4.在数字阶段遇到非数字值,数字截断  “-0000 123” = 0   “123a213" = 123

5.没有有效数字,返回0  ”+-123“ = 0

6.数字越界,返回 最大值2147483647 或最小值 -2147483648


再判断strcpy长度,为0或只有一个+-号,返回0.  (没有有效数字)



#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std; class Solution {
int atoi(const char *str)
char scheck[]; //判断是否溢出
char strcpy[]; //输入字符串的有效数字部分
int ans = ;
int i = ;
int icpy = ; //去掉前导空格
while(str[i] == ' ')
if(str[i] == '+' || str[i] == '-')
strcpy[icpy++] = str[i++];
while(str[i] == '')
} for(;str[i] != '\0'; i++)
if( '' <= str[i] && str[i] <= '')
ans = ans * + (str[i] - '');
strcpy[icpy++] = str[i];
strcpy[icpy] = '\0'; if(strlen(strcpy) == )
return ;
else if(strlen(strcpy) == && (strcpy[] == '+' || strcpy[] == '-'))
return ;
} if(strcpy[] == '-')
ans = - ans;
sprintf(scheck, "%d", ans);
else if(strcpy[] == '+')
scheck[] = '+';
sprintf(scheck+, "%d", ans);
sprintf(scheck, "%d", ans);
} if(strcmp(scheck, strcpy) != )
if(strcpy[] == '-')
ans = -;
ans = ;
return ans;
}; int main()
Solution s;
char str[] = "";
int ans = s.atoi(str);
return ;

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