A recently implemented enhanced wildcard string matcher, features of which including,

  • Supporting wildcard character '*' for matching zero or more characters
  • Supporting wildcard character '?' for matching exactly one character
  • Supporting parentheses '(' and ')' for referencing the matches
  • Supporting escape character (back-slash)

C++ features demonstrated by this implementation,

  • Functors with a consideration of possible function pointers/user instantiated functors with user data
  • Specialized templates
  • Template rebinding

The implementation is maintained as part of the ongoing project of quanben's C++ template library qcpplib publicly on github at https://github.com/lincolnyu/qcpplib/

The current snapshot of the code is following,

// qcpplib v1.00
// quanben's C++ template library
// Author Lincoln Yu
// lincoln.yu@gmail.com
// https://github.com/lincolnyu/qcpplib
// The MIT License (MIT)
// Copyright (c) <year> <copyright holders>
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// #if !defined (_WILDCARD_H_)
#define _WILDCARD_H_ #include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#include <string> /// @brief Contains class definitions that deal with wildcard matching
namespace Qtl { namespace String { namespace Wildcard { /// @brief An implementation of the functor that returns the length of string whose iterators are applicable
/// to subtract operator
template <class TStringRef, class TSubtractableIter>
struct CharDistFunctorIndexed
size_t operator()(TStringRef str, TSubtractableIter iterBegin, TSubtractableIter iterEnd)
return (iterEnd-iterBegin);
}; /// @brief An implementation of the functor that returns the position of the first character for character-based
/// zero-terminated string
struct StringBeginFunctorPsz
char * operator()(char *str)
return (str);
}; /// @brief An implementation of the functor that returns the position of the first character for a std::string
struct StringBeginFunctorStdStr
std::string::const_iterator operator()(const std::string& str)
return str.begin();
}; /// @brief An implementation of the functor that determines if the position is at the end of a character-based
/// zero-terminated string
struct StringEndFunctorPsz
bool operator()(char *iter, char *str)
return (*iter == );
}; /// @brief An implementation of the functor that determines if the position is at the end of a std::string
struct StringEndFunctorStdStr
bool operator()(std::string::const_iterator iter, const std::string& str)
return (iter==str.end());
}; /// @brief An implementation of the functor that appends a character to a character-based zero-terminated string
struct AppendCharFunctorPsz
void operator()(char *str, char *&iter, char ch)
*iter++ = ch;
}; /// @brief An implementation of the functor that appends a character to a std::string
struct AppendCharFunctorStdStr
void operator()(std::string &str, std::string::iterator &iter, char ch)
}; /// @brief The default class that provides string functors
struct DefaultStringFunctorSelector
/// @brief The generic rebinder
template <class TStringRef, class TCharIter>
struct rebind
// unimplemented, compiler error occurs if getting here
}; /// @brief The rebinder to the character array based string functors
template <>
struct rebind<char*,char*>
typedef StringBeginFunctorPsz StringBeginFunctor;
typedef StringEndFunctorPsz StringEndFunctor;
typedef CharDistFunctorIndexed<char*,char*> CharDistFunctor;
}; /// @brief The rebinder to the std::string based string functors
template <>
struct rebind<const std::string&, std::string::const_iterator>
typedef StringBeginFunctorStdStr StringBeginFunctor;
typedef StringEndFunctorStdStr StringEndFunctor;
typedef CharDistFunctorIndexed<std::string::const_iterator, std::string::const_iterator> CharDistFunctor;
}; /// @brief The default class that provides functor that appends character to string
struct DefaultAppendCharFunctorSelector
/// @brief The generic binder
template <class TStringRef, class TCharIter, class TChar>
struct rebind
// unimplemented, compiler error occurs if getting here
}; /// @brief The rebinder to the functor that appends character to character-based zero-terminating string
template <>
struct rebind<char*, char*, char>
typedef AppendCharFunctorPsz AppendCharFunctor;
}; /// @brief The rebinder to the functor that appends character to std::string
template <>
struct rebind<std::string&, std::string::iterator, char>
typedef AppendCharFunctorStdStr AppendCharFunctor;
}; /// @brief A class that encapsulates a wildcard pattern
/// @param TString The type of the pattern string
/// @param TStringRef The type of the reference to the pattern string (for efficient parameter passing)
/// @param TCharIter The type of the iterator through the characters
/// @param TStringBeginFunctor The type of the functor that returns the iterator at the beginning of a string
/// @param TStringEndFunctor The type of the functor that determines if the iterator is at the end of a string
template <class TString=char*, class TStringRef=char*, class TCharIter=char*,
class TStringFunctorSelector=DefaultStringFunctorSelector>
class Pattern
typedef TStringRef StringRef; /// @brief The type of iterator through the characters in the pattern string
typedef TCharIter CharIter; /// @brief The type of the functor that returns the iterator at the beginning of a string
typedef typename TStringFunctorSelector::template rebind<TStringRef, TCharIter>::StringBeginFunctor StringBeginFunctor; /// @brief The type of the functor that determines if the iterator is at the end of a string
typedef typename TStringFunctorSelector::template rebind<TStringRef, TCharIter>::StringEndFunctor StringEndFunctor; /// @brief The type of the functor that returns the distance between two characters
typedef typename TStringFunctorSelector::template rebind<TStringRef, TCharIter>::CharDistFunctor CharDistFunctor; private:
/// @brief The pattern string
TString _pattern; /// @brief The functor that returns the beginning of the string
StringBeginFunctor _getStringBegin; /// @brief The functor that returns if the iterator is at the end of the string
StringEndFunctor _isStringEnd; /// @brief The functor that returns the distance between two characters
CharDistFunctor _getCharDist; /// @brief The look-up table that maps iterator of pattern to the index of match result entry
std::map<CharIter, int> _mapIterToIndex; public:
// a typical wildcard pattern:
// a*b?C(*)
/// @brief Instantiates a pattern with the pattern string and the functors
/// @param pattern The pattern string
/// @param stringBegin The functor that provides the beginning of the string
/// @param stringEnd The functor that determines the end of the string
/// @remarks A typical wildcard pattern is like: a*b?C(*)D\)
/// where normal characters (alphanumerics, punctuation etc) expect exact match, asteroids match whatever
/// string of whatever length, question marks match any single character and an escape character
/// (back-slash) turns a succeeding special character to a normal matching character.
Pattern(TStringRef pattern, StringBeginFunctor stringBegin, StringBeginFunctor stringEnd)
: _pattern(pattern), _getStringBegin(stringBegin), _isStringEnd(stringEnd)
} /// @brief Instantiates a pattern with the pattern string
/// @param pattern The pattern string
Pattern(TStringRef pattern) : _pattern(pattern)
} private:
/// @brief Creates the mapping from parenthesis pointer to index from the pattern string
void PreProcessParentheses()
int openingIndex = ;
int closingIndex = ;
for (CharIter iter = GetBegin(); !IsEnd(iter); ++iter)
if (*iter=='\\')
++iter; // skip the character that follows
else if (*iter == '(')
_mapIterToIndex[iter] = closingIndex = openingIndex++;
else if (*iter == ')')
// NOTE We don't need to differentiate opening and closing parentheses as
// the matcher has the knowledge of the pattern characters
_mapIterToIndex[iter] = closingIndex--;
} public:
/// @brief Returns the beginning of the pattern string
/// @return The iterator point to the beginning of the pattern string
CharIter GetBegin()
return _getStringBegin(_pattern);
} /// @brief Determines if the iterator is at the end of the pattern string
/// @param The interator in question
/// @return true if the iterator is at the beginning of the pattern string
bool IsEnd(CharIter iter)
return _isStringEnd(iter, _pattern);
} /// @brief Returns the match entry index for the specified parenthesis pointer
/// @return The match entry index
int PatternIterToIndex(CharIter patternIter)
return _mapIterToIndex[patternIter];
} /// @brief Returns the distance between two characters (the number of characters in between plus one)
/// @param iterBegin The iterator that points to the character on the left hand
/// @param iterEnd The iterator that points to the character on the right hand
/// @return The distance
size_t GetQuotedLength(CharIter iterBegin, CharIter iterEnd)
return _getCharDist(_pattern, iterBegin, iterEnd);
}; /// @brief A class that converts a wildcard pattern to its equivalent regular expression
/// @param TPattern The type of the pattern class
/// @param TRegexStringRef The type of the reference to the string for regular expression
/// @param TRegexCharIter The iterator through characters in the string for regular expression
/// @param TPatternFunctorSelector The functor selector for pattern
/// @param TRegexAppendCharFunctorSelector The append-character functor selector for regular expression
/// @remarks NOTE TRegexChar has to be compatible with the character type TPattern::CharIter iterates through
template <class TPattern=Pattern<>, class TRegexStringRef=char*, class TRegexCharIter=char*,
class TRegexChar=char, class TRegexAppendCharFunctorSelector=DefaultAppendCharFunctorSelector>
class WildCardToRegex
/// @brief The type of the reference to regular expression string
typedef TRegexStringRef RegexStringRef;
/// @brief The type of the iteartor through the characters in the regular expression string
typedef TRegexCharIter RegexCharIter;
/// @brief The type of the character that can be append to the regular expression string
typedef TRegexChar RegexChar; /// @brief The type of the reference to the wildcard string
typedef typename TPattern::StringRef PatternStringRef;
/// @brief The type of the iterator through the characters in the wildcard string
typedef typename TPattern::CharIter PatternStringIter; /// @brief
typedef typename TRegexAppendCharFunctorSelector::template rebind<RegexStringRef, RegexCharIter, RegexChar>::AppendCharFunctor
RegexAppendCharFunctor; private:
/// @brief The functor that appends character to the regular expression string
RegexAppendCharFunctor _regexAppendChar; public:
/// @brief Initialises a WildCardToRegex with the specified functor instances
/// @param regexAppendChar The functor that appends character to the regular expression string
WildCardToRegex(RegexAppendCharFunctor &regexAppendChar)
: _regexAppendChar(regexAppendChar)
} /// @brief Initialises a WildCardToRegex with the default settings
} public:
/// @brief Converts a wildcard string to its equivalent regular expression
/// @remarks This is supposed to comply with the rules set by the regex implementation in QSharp
/// See https://qsharp.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#QSharp/QSharp.String.Rex/Creator.cs
/// for more detail. It has yet to be tested though.
void Convert(TPattern &pattern, TRegexStringRef regex, TRegexCharIter iterRegex)
for (PatternStringIter iter = pattern.GetBegin(); !pattern.IsEnd(iter); ++iter)
switch (*iter)
case '\\':
_regexAppendChar(regex, iterRegex, *iter);
if (!pattern.IsEnd(iter))
_regexAppendChar(regex, iterRegex, *iter);
_regexAppendChar(regex, iterRegex, '\\');
case '*':
_regexAppendChar(regex, iterRegex, '.');
_regexAppendChar(regex, iterRegex, *iter);
case '?':
_regexAppendChar(regex, iterRegex, '.');
case '(': case ')':
_regexAppendChar(regex, iterRegex, *iter);
case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}': case '^': case '.': case '-': case '+':
_regexAppendChar(regex, iterRegex, '\\');
_regexAppendChar(regex, iterRegex, *iter);
_regexAppendChar(regex, iterRegex, *iter);
}; /// @brief A class that represents a match of quotation enclosed by a pair of parentheses in the pattern
/// @param TCharIter The type of iterator through the source string
/// @param TDiff The type of a integer number that indicates the length of string or the distance between characters
template <class TCharIter=char*, class TDiff=size_t>
class MatchQuote
/// @brief The type of iterator through the source string
typedef TCharIter CharIter; /// @brief The type of a integer number that indicates the length of string or the distance between characters
typedef TDiff Diff; public:
/// @brief The beginning of the substring that matches
CharIter Begin; /// @brief The end of the substring that matches
CharIter End;
}; /// @brief A class that contains all the matched quotations
/// @param TCharIter The iterator through the source string
/// @param TDiff The type of the integer that indicates a string length or a character distance
template <class TCharIter=char*, class TDiff=size_t>
class MatchResult
/// @brief The iterator through the source string
typedef TCharIter CharIter;
/// @brief The type of the integer that indicates a string length or a character distance
typedef TDiff Diff;
/// @brief The type of match entries listed in this object
typedef MatchQuote<CharIter, Diff> MatchType; public:
/// @brief A list of matched quotation entries
std::vector<MatchType> Matches; public:
/// @brief Records the beginning of a quotation encountered
/// @param index The index of the match entry
/// @param iterChar The pointer to the source string where the quotation starts
void Open(int index, CharIter iterChar)
while (index >= Matches.size())
Matches[index].Begin = iterChar;
} /// @brief Records the end of a quotation encountered
/// @param index The index of the match entry
/// @param iterChar The pointer to the source string where the quotation ends
void Close(int index, CharIter iterChar)
// cell index must have already been allocated in the array of Matches
Matches[index].End = iterChar;
}; /// @brief A default trait class that provides types needed by Matcher
/// @param TChar
template <class TStringRef=char*, class TCharIter=char*, class TDiff=size_t,
class TStringFunctorSelector=DefaultStringFunctorSelector>
struct MatcherTraits
/// @brief The type of the reference to the source string
typedef TStringRef StringRef;
/// @brief The type of iterator through the characters in the source string
typedef TCharIter CharIter; /// @brief The type of the match result (matched quotation entry container)
typedef MatchResult<TCharIter, TDiff> MatchResultType;
/// @brief The type of the reference to the match result
typedef MatchResultType & MatchResultRef; /// @brief The type of the functor that returns the beginning of a string
typedef typename TStringFunctorSelector::template rebind<StringRef, CharIter>::StringBeginFunctor StringBeginFunctor;
/// @brief The type of the functor that determines if an iterator is at the end of a string
typedef typename TStringFunctorSelector::template rebind<StringRef, CharIter>::StringEndFunctor StringEndFunctor;
}; /// @brief A wildcard string matcher
template <class Traits = MatcherTraits<>>
class Matcher
/// @brief The type of the reference to the source string
typedef typename Traits::StringRef StringRef;
/// @brief The type of iterator through the characters in the source string
typedef typename Traits::CharIter CharIter; /// @brief The type of the reference to the match result
typedef typename Traits::MatchResultRef MatchResultRef; /// @brief The type of the functor that returns the beginning of a string
typedef typename Traits::StringBeginFunctor StringBeginFunctor;
/// @brief The type of the functor that determines if an iterator is at the end of a string
typedef typename Traits::StringEndFunctor StringEndFunctor; private:
/// @brief The functor that returns the beginning of a string
StringBeginFunctor _stringBegin; /// @brief The functor that determines if an iterator is at the end of a string
StringEndFunctor _stringEnd; public:
/// @brief Instantiates a Matcher with the specified string functor instances
/// @param stringBegin The functor that returns the beginning of a string
/// @param stringEnd The functor that determines if an iterator is at the end of a string
Matcher(StringBeginFunctor &stringBegin, StringEndFunctor &stringEnd)
: _stringBegin(stringBegin), _stringEnd(stringEnd)
} /// @brief Instantiates a Matcher with default settings
} public:
/// @brief Match The source to the pattern
/// @param source The source string to match
/// @param pattern The pattern to match against
/// @param matchResult The container of matched quotation entries
/// @return true if the matching is successful (the pattern is completely consumed)
template <class TPattern>
bool Match(StringRef source, TPattern &pattern, MatchResultRef matchResult)
CharIter iterSource = _stringBegin(source);
TPattern::CharIter iterPattern = pattern.GetBegin();
return Match(source, iterSource, pattern, iterPattern, matchResult);
} /// @brief Match the source to the pattern (recursive)
/// @param source The source string to match
/// @param iterSource The iterator through the source string at its current position
/// @param pattern The pattern to match against
/// @param iterPattern The iterator through the pattern string at its current position
/// @param matchResult The container of matched quotation entries
/// @return true if the matching is successful (the pattern is completely consumed)
template <class TPattern>
bool Match(StringRef source, CharIter &iterSource, TPattern &pattern, typename TPattern::CharIter &iterPattern,
MatchResultRef matchResult)
while (! pattern.IsEnd(iterPattern))
if (*iterPattern == '\\')
else if (*iterPattern == '*')
CharIter savedIterSource = iterSource;
TPattern::CharIter savedIterPattern = iterPattern;
// greedy strategy
if (!_stringEnd(savedIterSource, source))
if (Match(source, iterSource, pattern, savedIterPattern, matchResult))
return true;
if (Match(source, savedIterSource, pattern, iterPattern, matchResult))
return true;
return false;
else if (*iterPattern == '?')
if (_stringEnd(iterSource, source))
return false;
else if (*iterPattern == '(')
int index = pattern.PatternIterToIndex(iterPattern);
matchResult.Open(index, iterSource);
else if (*iterPattern == ')')
int index = pattern.PatternIterToIndex(iterPattern);
matchResult.Close(index, iterSource);
} if (!_stringEnd(iterSource, source) && *iterPattern == *iterSource)
return false;
return true;
}}} #endif

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