
. Description
. Analysis

1. Description

PHP is vulnerable to a remote denial of service, caused by repeatedly allocate memory、concatenate string、copy string and free memory when PHP parses header areas of body part of HTTP request with multipart/form-data. By sending multiple HTTP multipart requests to an affected application containing malicious header area of body part, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause the consumption of CPU resources.

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2. Analysis

The vulnerable function is multipart_buffer_headers that is called internally by the function SAPI_POST_HANDLER_FUNC in main/rfc1867.c. SAPI_POST_HANDLER_FUNC is the entry-point function which parses body parts of HTTP request with multipart/form-data.

SAPI_API SAPI_POST_HANDLER_FUNC(rfc1867_post_handler) /* {{{ */
while (!multipart_buffer_eof(mbuff))
char buff[FILLUNIT];
char *cd = NULL, *param = NULL, *filename = NULL, *tmp = NULL;
size_t blen = , wlen = ;
zend_off_t offset; zend_llist_clean(&header); if (!multipart_buffer_headers(mbuff, &header)) {
goto fileupload_done;


/* parse headers */
static int multipart_buffer_headers(multipart_buffer *self, zend_llist *header)
char *line;
mime_header_entry prev_entry = {}, entry;
int prev_len, cur_len; /* didn't find boundary, abort */
if (!find_boundary(self, self->boundary))
return ;
} /* get lines of text, or CRLF_CRLF */
//1. Step 1. The multipart_buffer_headers executes while loop cycle to parse current body part headers, if the boundary string was found.
while( (line = get_line(self)) && line[] != '\0' )
2. When parseing current body part headers which is represented as (header, value),
the multipart_buffer_headers function firstly call get_line function to read a line of characters, but get_line return a line when it meets character '\n', not '\r\n'.
After getting a line which is stored in the variable 'line', the multipart_buffer_headers function parses the variable line.
/* add header to table
PHP每次读取HTTP body header中的一行
char *key = line;
char *value = NULL; if (php_rfc1867_encoding_translation())
self->input_encoding = zend_multibyte_encoding_detector((const unsigned char *) line, strlen(line), self->detect_order, self->detect_order_size);
} /* space in the beginning means same header */
if (!isspace(line[]))
value = strchr(line, ':');
} if (value)
*value = ;
do { value++; } while(isspace(*value));
entry.value = estrdup(value);
entry.key = estrdup(key);
//3. And then, it calls zend_llist_add_element function to store entry
else if (zend_llist_count(header))
/* If no ':' on the line, add to previous line */
4. In this step, the multipart_buffer_headers function thinks current line is not a new header,
and current line should be append to value of prev_entry. Thus, prev_entry and current line merge into a new entry by executing the following codes:
prev_len = (int)strlen(prev_entry.value);
cur_len = (int)strlen(line); entry.value = emalloc(prev_len + cur_len + );
memcpy(entry.value, prev_entry.value, prev_len);
memcpy(entry.value + prev_len, line, cur_len);
entry.value[cur_len + prev_len] = '\0'; entry.key = estrdup(prev_entry.key); //// free memory
} else {
} zend_llist_add_element(header, &entry);
prev_entry = entry;
} return ;

0x1: The Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability

. If value of body part header consists of n lines
. and first character of each line is not blank character
. and each line did constains character ':'


. executes string copy operation twice, frees memory once.
. Each time mergence of entry.value increase length of body part header's value. 每次申请的内存在不断扩大
. thus string copy operations will cause the consumption of CPU resources, and then the service is not available.
//If n is the length of body part header's value, and copying one byte is the unit time complexity,the time complexity of multipart_buffer_headers function is O(n*m)

0x2: example

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="s
Content-Type: application/octet-stream <?php phpinfo();?>

The value of Content-Disposition consists of 5 lines, and the length of the value of Content-Disposition is 5. The multipart_buffer_headers function executes Step 2.3(内存申请、字符串复制、内存释放) 4 times

. The first time execution copys  bytes
. The second execution copys bytes
. The third time execution copys bytes
. The fourth time execution copys bytes
. Thus, the multipart_buffer_headers function executes times byte copy operation.

Default maximum size of body part is 2097152 bytes (2M), It is enough to cause the consumption of CPU resources by sending multiple HTTP multipart requests to an affected application containing malicious header area of body part.

Relevant Link:

Copyright (c) 2015 LittleHann All rights reserved

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