vim does not map customized key?
it is a long time confusing me that why my customized key map in vim does not work? Some vim configuration contents in "/etc/vimrc" are as the following:
"在insert mode下也可以 快速移动到行尾和行首"
imap <c-l> <esc>A
inoremap jj <esc>ji
inoremap kk <esc>ki
inoremap hh <esc>ha
After experiencing many times, i suddenly/brusquely recognize that this issue may be caused by the compatibility between vi and vim. In vi mode, everything such as "<", ">", has no special meanings. Therefore, a map like "imap c-l e scA", "e sc" will be interpreted to their original and literal charater expression. That is to say, "e sc" will be displayed "e sc" and not be translated into a "normal mode" command.
And, vim program starts in vi compatible mode by default.
So, make sure to set "no compatible" command and keep it before any key map commands.
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