

思路:平衡树的模板题。 可用Treap,Splay,Scapegoat Tree


using namespace std;
typedef long long int LL;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
typedef long long LL;
namespace Scapegoat_Tree {
#define MAXN (1000000 + 10)
const double alpha = 0.75;
struct Node {
Node * ch[];
int key, size, cover; // size为有效节点的数量,cover为节点总数量
bool exist; // 是否存在(即是否被删除)
void PushUp(void) {
size = ch[]->size + ch[]->size + (int)exist;
cover = ch[]->cover + ch[]->cover + ;
bool isBad(void) { // 判断是否需要重构
return ((ch[]->cover > cover * alpha + ) ||
(ch[]->cover > cover * alpha + ));
struct STree {
Node mem_poor[MAXN]; //内存池,直接分配好避免动态分配内存占用时间
Node *tail, *root, *null; // 用null表示NULL的指针更方便,tail为内存分配指针,root为根
Node *bc[MAXN]; int bc_top; // 储存被删除的节点的内存地址,分配时可以再利用这些地址 Node * NewNode(int key) {
Node * p = bc_top ? bc[--bc_top] : tail++;
p->ch[] = p->ch[] = null;
p->size = p->cover = ; p->exist = true;
p->key = key;
return p;
void Travel(Node * p, vector<Node *>&v) {
if (p == null) return;
Travel(p->ch[], v);
if (p->exist) v.push_back(p); // 构建序列
else bc[bc_top++] = p; // 回收
Travel(p->ch[], v);
Node * Divide(vector<Node *>&v, int l, int r) {
if (l >= r) return null;
int mid = (l + r) >> ;
Node * p = v[mid];
p->ch[] = Divide(v, l, mid);
p->ch[] = Divide(v, mid + , r);
p->PushUp(); // 自底向上维护,先维护子树
return p;
void Rebuild(Node * &p) {
static vector<Node *>v; v.clear();
Travel(p, v); p = Divide(v, , v.size());
Node ** Insert(Node *&p, int val) {
if (p == null) {
p = NewNode(val);
return &null;
else {
p->size++; p->cover++; // 返回值储存需要重构的位置,若子树也需要重构,本节点开始也需要重构,以本节点为根重构
Node ** res = Insert(p->ch[val >= p->key], val);
if (p->isBad()) res = &p;
return res;
void Erase(Node *p, int id) {
int offset = p->ch[]->size + p->exist;
if (p->exist && id == offset) {
p->exist = false;
else {
if (id <= offset) Erase(p->ch[], id);
else Erase(p->ch[], id - offset);
void Init(void) {
tail = mem_poor;
null = tail++;
null->ch[] = null->ch[] = null;
null->cover = null->size = null->key = ;
root = null; bc_top = ;
STree(void) { Init(); } void Insert(int val) {
Node ** p = Insert(root, val);
if (*p != null) Rebuild(*p);
int Rank(int val) { //相同值取最小的排名
Node * now = root;
int ans = ;
while (now != null) { // 非递归求排名
if (now->key >= val) now = now->ch[];
else {
ans += now->ch[]->size + now->exist;
now = now->ch[];
return ans;
int Kth(int k) { //支持相同值
Node * now = root;
while (now != null) { // 非递归求第K大
if (now->ch[]->size + == k && now->exist) return now->key;
else if (now->ch[]->size >= k) now = now->ch[];
else k -= now->ch[]->size + now->exist, now = now->ch[];
void Erase(int k) {
Erase(root, Rank(k));
if (root->size < alpha * root->cover) Rebuild(root);
void Erase_kth(int k) {
Erase(root, k);
if (root->size < alpha * root->cover) Rebuild(root);
#undef MAXN
using namespace Scapegoat_Tree;
STree Scapegoat;
int main(){
#ifdef kirito
// int start = clock();
int n,val;
while (~scanf("%d", &n)){
LL sum=;
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++){
scanf("%d", &val);
if (i == ){
sum += val;
int valRank = Scapegoat.Rank(val);
int a = abs(Scapegoat.Kth(valRank) - val);
int b = abs(Scapegoat.Kth(valRank - ) - val);
int c = abs(Scapegoat.Kth(val + ) - val);
sum += min(a, min(b, c));
printf("%d\n", sum);
vector<Node *> xx;
_t.Travel(_t.root, xx);
cout << "::";
for(int i = 0; i < xx.size(); i++) cout << xx[i]->key << ' '; cout << endl;
//#ifdef LOCAL_TIME
// cout << "[Finished in " << clock() - start << " ms]" << endl;
return ;


using namespace std;
typedef long long int LL;
const int MAXN = 1e6 + ;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
int cnt, rt;
struct Tree
int key, size, fa, son[];
void set(int _key, int _size, int _fa)
key = _key;
size = _size;
fa = _fa;
son[] = son[] = ;
}T[MAXN]; inline void PushUp(int x)
T[x].size = T[T[x].son[]].size + T[T[x].son[]].size + ;
} inline void Rotate(int x, int p)
int y = T[x].fa;
T[y].son[!p] = T[x].son[p];
T[T[x].son[p]].fa = y;
T[x].fa = T[y].fa;
if (T[x].fa)
T[T[x].fa].son[T[T[x].fa].son[] == y] = x;
T[x].son[p] = y;
T[y].fa = x;
} void Splay(int x, int To)
while (T[x].fa != To)
if (T[T[x].fa].fa == To)
Rotate(x, T[T[x].fa].son[] == x);
int y = T[x].fa, z = T[y].fa;
int p = (T[z].son[] == y);
if (T[y].son[p] == x)
Rotate(x, !p), Rotate(x, p);
Rotate(y, p), Rotate(x, p);
if (To == ) rt = x;
} int find(int key)
int x = rt;
while (x && T[x].key != key)
x = T[x].son[key > T[x].key];
if (x) Splay(x, );
return x;
} int prev()
int x = T[rt].son[];
if (!x) return ;
while (T[x].son[])
x = T[x].son[];
//Splay(x, 0);
return x;
} int succ()
int x = T[rt].son[];
if (!x) return ;
while (T[x].son[])
x = T[x].son[];
//Splay(x, 0);
return x;
} void Insert(int key)
if (!rt)
T[rt = cnt++].set(key, , );
int x = rt, y = ;
while (x)
y = x;
x = T[x].son[key > T[x].key];
T[x = cnt++].set(key, , y);
T[y].son[key > T[y].key] = x;
Splay(x, );
} void Delete(int key)
int x = find(key);
if (!x) return;
int y = T[x].son[];
while (T[y].son[])
y = T[y].son[];
int z = T[x].son[];
while (T[z].son[])
z = T[z].son[];
if (!y && !z)
rt = ;
if (!y)
Splay(z, );
T[z].son[] = ;
if (!z)
Splay(y, );
T[y].son[] = ;
Splay(y, );
Splay(z, y);
T[z].son[] = ;
} int GetPth(int p)
if (!rt) return ;
int x = rt, ret = ;
while (x)
if (p == T[T[x].son[]].size + )
if (p>T[T[x].son[]].size + )
p -= T[T[x].son[]].size + ;
x = T[x].son[];
x = T[x].son[];
Splay(x, );
return x;
} int GetRank(int key)
if (!rt) return ;
int x = rt, ret = , y;
while (x)
y = x;
if (T[x].key <= key)
ret += T[T[x].son[]].size + ;
x = T[x].son[];
x = T[x].son[];
Splay(y, );
return ret;
int main(){
//#ifdef kirito
// freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);
// freopen("out.txt","w",stdout);
// int start = clock();
int n;
while (~scanf("%d", &n)){
LL ans = ; rt = ; cnt = ; T[].set(INF, , );
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++){
int val; scanf("%d", &val);
if (i == ){ ans = val; }
ans += min(abs(val - T[succ()].key), abs(val - T[prev()].key));
printf("%lld\n", ans);
//#ifdef LOCAL_TIME
// cout << "[Finished in " << clock() - start << " ms]" << endl;
return ;

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