
public function add()
$form=new Form();
$form->doThumb = $this->Role[$this->_groupid]['allowattachment'] ? : ;
$form->doAttach = $this->Role[$this->_groupid]['allowattachment'] ? : ;;
$this->assign ( 'form', $form );
$module = $this->module[$this->moduleid]['name'];
$template = file_exists(TMPL_PATH.'User/'.$this->sysConfig['DEFAULT_THEME'].'/'.$module.'_edit.html') ? $module.':edit' : 'Post:edit';
$this->display ( $template);
} public function edit()
$id = intval($_REQUEST ['id']);
$vo = $this->dao->getById ( $id );
$form=new Form($vo);
$form->doAttach= $this->Role[$this->_groupid]['allowattachment'] ? : ;;
$form->doThumb = $this->Role[$this->_groupid]['allowattachment'] ? : ;
$this->assign ( 'vo', $vo );
$this->assign ( 'form', $form );
$module = $this->module[$this->moduleid]['name'];
$template = file_exists(TMPL_PATH.'User/'.$this->sysConfig['DEFAULT_THEME'].'/'.$module.'_edit.html') ? $module.':edit' : 'Post:edit';
$this->display ( $template);
} /**
* 录入
public function insert()
if($this->moduleid!= && !in_array($this->_groupid,explode(',',$this->categorys[$_POST['catid']]['postgroup']))) $this->error (L('add_no_postgroup'));
$_POST['ip'] = get_client_ip();
$userid = $this->_userid;
$username = $this->_username ? $this->_username : get_safe_replace($_POST['username']);
$c->insert($this->module[$this->moduleid]['name'],$this->fields,$userid, $username,$this->_groupid);
} function update()
if($this->moduleid!= && !in_array($this->_groupid,explode(',',$this->categorys[$_POST['catid']]['postgroup']))) $this->error (L('add_no_postgroup')); $c=A('Admin/Content');
$date['beizhu']= $_POST['beizhu'];
$r = $m->where('id='.$id)->save($date);


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