What is the difference between Kill and Kill -9 command in Unix?
difference kill -9 pid and kill pid command - Ask Ubuntu https://askubuntu.com/questions/791841/difference-kill-9-pid-and-kill-pid-command
kill pid
(which sends signal 15 (SIGTERM)) tells pid
to terminate, but said program can execute some code first or even ignore the signal. kill -9 pid
, on the other hand, forces the program to immediately terminate (it cannot be ignored).
You should always try kill pid
first, as it allows the program to do things like saving/closing open files before exiting. Only use kill -9
when you need the program to close and it won't respond to a simple kill pid
is used to send signal to a process. The default signal is TERM i.e. to terminate(kill) the process. Similar to End Task on windows task manager.
To terminate(kill) any ordinary process :
- kill <pid>
For a highly critical process, which kill
alone cannot terminate :
- kill -9 <pid>
where 99 is the strongest signal
SIGKILL 9 Terminate Kill (cannot be caught or ignored).
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