UVA 12672 Eleven(DP)
12672 - Eleven
Time limit: 5.000 seconds
In this problem, we refer to the digits of a positive integer as the sequence of digits required to write
it in base 10 without leading zeros. For instance, the digits of N = 2090 are of course 2, 0, 9 and 0.
Let N be a positive integer. We call a positive integer M an eleven-multiple-anagram of N if and
only if (1) the digits of M are a permutation of the digits of N, and (2) M is a multiple of 11. You are
required to write a program that given N, calculates the number of its eleven-multiple-anagrams.
As an example, consider again N = 2090. The values that meet the first condition above are 2009,
2090, 2900, 9002, 9020 and 9200. Among those, only 2090 and 9020 satisfy the second condition, so
the answer for N = 2090 is 2.
The input file contains several test cases, each of them as described below.
A single line that contains an integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 10^100).
For each test case, output a line with an integer representing the number of eleven-multiple-anagrams
of N . Because this number can be very large, you are required to output the remainder of dividing it
by 109 + 7.
Sample Input
Sample Output
问一个数重排后(不包括前序0) , 有多少个数能够被整除11。
( 奇数位数字的总和 - 偶数为数字的总和 )% 11 == 0的数能够被11整除
77000 85481是可以被11整除的。
7700 因为它各个相邻位都有一个相等的性质。
770 对于奇数位要进位的话,相当于少加了10(即-10) , 同时偶数为多了1(即-1) ,还是符合被11整除
11 偶数为亦然 , 偶数为进位, 相当于少减10 ,(即+10) , 同时奇数位多了1(即+1)。
那么,设一个 dp[i][j][k] 表示用了i位(0~9)数字,奇数位有j个数,余数是k的组合成的数有多少个。
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; typedef long long LL;
const int mod = 1e9+;
const int N = ;
const int M = ; LL cnt[M] , dp[M][N][M] , C[N][N];
string s; void Init() {
C[][] = ;
for( int i = ; i < N ; ++i ){
for( int j = ; j <= i ; ++j ){
C[i][j]=(j==)?:(C[i-][j]+C[i-][j-])%mod ;
void Run() {
memset( cnt , ,sizeof cnt ) ;
memset( dp , ,sizeof dp ) ;
int n = s.size() , n2 = n / , n1 = n - n2 ;
for( int i = ; i < n ; ++i ) cnt[ -(s[i]-'') ]++ ;
dp[][][] = ; LL sum = ;
for( int i = ; i < ; ++i ) { // digit
for( int j = ; j <= n1 ; ++j ) { // odd used
for( int k = ; k < ; ++k ) { // remainder
if( !dp[i][j][k] || j > sum ) continue ;
int j1 = j , j2 = sum - j;
for( int z = ; z <= cnt[i] ; ++z ){
int z1 = z , z2 = cnt[i] - z ;
if( j1 + z1 > n1 || j2 + z2 > n2 ) continue ;
LL tmp = dp[i][j][k];
if( (n&) && i== ) tmp = tmp * C[j1+z1-][z1] % mod ;
else tmp = tmp * C[j1+z1][z1] % mod ;
if(!(n&) && i== ) tmp = tmp * C[j2+z2-][z2] % mod ;
else tmp = tmp * C[j2+z2][z2] % mod;
int _i = i + , _j = j1 + z1 , _k = ( k + z1*(-i)-z2*(-i)+*)%;
dp[_i][_j][_k] = ( dp[_i][_j][_k] + tmp ) % mod ;
sum += cnt[i];
cout << dp[][n1][] << endl ;
} int main(){
Init(); while( cin >> s ) Run();
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