June 14. 2018 Week 24th Thursday
Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.
From Mark Twain.
An ideal day comes in a variety of ways.
Today is one of the odd ones, it is cool and comfortable.
In the morning I went to the hospital with my mom, the doctor told us that her eye would be ok within several days, and she needn't to be worried about that.
So we have put our mind at ease, that was the best news I have heard in these days.
Life will be better, isn't it?
Sharp tools make good work.
In our daily work, some simple development of auxiliary tools can greatly improve our work efficiency.
Like everything, a file-searching tool, it can find out the file we are searching for within millions of gigabytes in several seconds.
Like Beyond Compare, a file comparing tool, it can find out the differences bwtween files and mark them.
If we can make good use of these tools, the time we spend on our development and file-management can be significantly reduced.
There are many useful opensource tools on the internet, find out them and try them.
Don't complain too much about the work arrangements, a capable coder can tackle with all the requirements and make the results as perfect as possible.
So, just change my pace, change it in times, be sure that my work would contribute to the success of my team, otherwise all the efforts will turn out to be zero.
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