To my dismay, I found myself the center of attention for the rest of that week.

令我沮丧的是, 我发现我自己剩余注意力的中心是多么的弱。

Tyler Crowley was impossible, following me around, obsessed with making amends to me somehow.

Tyler Crowley执迷不悟的,跟在我身边,着迷的以某种方式弥补我。

I tried to convince him what I wanted more than anything else was for him to forget all about it


— especially since nothing had actually happened to me — but he remained insistent.


He followed me between classes and sat at our now-crowded lunch table.


Mike and Eric were even less friendly toward him than they were to each other,which made me worry that I'd gained another unwelcome fan.


  No one seemed concerned about Edward, though I explained over and over that he was the hero


— how he had pulled me out of the way and had nearly been crushed, too. I tried to be convincing.


Jessica, Mike, Eric, and everyone else always commented that they hadn't even seen him there till the van was pulled away.


  I wondered to myself why no one else had seen him standing so far away,before he was suddenly, impossibly saving my life.


With chagrin, I realized the probable cause — no one else was as aware of Edward as I always was.


No one else watched him the way I did. How pitiful.


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