


目的是为了毕竟矩阵的乘积AB, 以CR来替代。


关于 c 的选择,以及误差的估计,请回看论文。



  1. import numpy as np
  2. def Generate_P(A, B): #生成概率P
  3. try:
  4. n1 = len(A[1,:])
  5. n2 = len(B[:,1])
  6. if n1 == n2:
  7. n = n1
  8. else:
  9. print('Bad matrices')
  10. return 0
  11. except:
  12. print('The matrices are not fit...')
  13. A_New = np.square(A)
  14. B_New = np.square(B)
  15. P_A = np.array([np.sqrt(np.sum(A_New[:,i])) for i in range(n)])
  16. P_B = np.array([np.sqrt(np.sum(B_New[i,:])) for i in range(n)])
  17. P = P_A * P_B / (np.sum(P_A * P_B))
  18. return P
  19. def Generate_S(n, c, P): #生成采样矩阵S 简化了一下算法
  20. S = np.zeros((n, c))
  21. T = np.random.choice(np.array([i for i in range(n)]), size = c, replace = True, p = P)
  22. for i in range(c):
  23. S[T[i], i] = 1 / np.sqrt(c * P[T[i]])
  24. return S
  25. def Summary(times, n, c, P, A_F, B_F, AB): #总结和分析
  26. print('{0:^15} {1:^15} {2:^15} {3:^15} {4:^15} {5:^15} {6:^15}'.format('A_F', 'B_F', 'NEW_F', 'A_F * B_F', 'AB_F', 'RATIO', 'RATIO2'))
  27. print('{0:-<15} {0:-<15} {0:-<15} {0:-<15} {0:-<15} {0:-<15} {0:-<15}'.format(''))
  28. A_F_B_F = A_F * B_F
  29. AB_F = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(AB)))
  30. Max = -1
  31. Min = 99999999999
  32. Max2 = -1
  33. Min2 = 99999999999
  34. Max_NEW_F = 0
  35. Min_NEW_F = 0
  36. Mean_NEW_F = 0
  37. Mean_ratio = 0
  38. Mean_ratio2 = 0
  39. for i in range(times):
  40. S = Generate_S(n, c, P)
  41. CR = np.dot(A.dot(S), (S.T).dot(B))
  42. NEW = AB - CR
  43. NEW_F = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(NEW)))
  44. ratio = NEW_F / A_F_B_F
  45. ratio2 = NEW_F / AB_F
  46. Mean_NEW_F += NEW_F
  47. Mean_ratio += ratio
  48. Mean_ratio2 += ratio2
  49. if ratio > Max:
  50. Max = ratio
  51. Max2 = ratio2
  52. Max_NEW_F = NEW_F
  53. if ratio < Min:
  54. Min = ratio
  55. Min2 = ratio2
  56. Min_NEW_F = NEW_F
  57. print('{0:^15.5f} {1:^15.5f} {2:^15.5f} {3:^15.5f} {4:^15.5f} {5:^15.3%} {6:^15.3%}'.format(A_F, B_F, NEW_F, A_F_B_F, AB_F, ratio, ratio2))
  58. Mean_NEW_F = Mean_NEW_F / times
  59. Mean_ratio = Mean_ratio / times
  60. Mean_ratio2 = Mean_ratio2 / times
  61. print('{0:-<15} {0:-<15} {0:-<15} {0:-<15} {0:-<15} {0:-<15} {0:-<15}'.format(''))
  62. print('{0:^15.5f} {1:^15.5f} {2:^15.5f} {3:^15.5f} {4:^15.5f} {5:^15.3%} {6:^15.3%}'.format(A_F, B_F, Mean_NEW_F, A_F_B_F, AB_F, Mean_ratio, Mean_ratio2))
  63. print('{0:-<15} {0:-<15} {0:-<15} {0:-<15} {0:-<15} {0:-<15} {0:-<15}'.format(''))
  64. print('Count: {0} times'.format(times))
  65. print('Max_ratio: {0:<15.3%} Min_ratio: {1:<15.3%}'.format(Max, Min))
  66. print('Max_ratio2: {0:<15.3%} Min_ratio2: {1:<15.3%}'.format(Max2, Min2))
  67. print('Max_NEW_F: {0:<15.5f} Min_NEW_F: {1:<15.5f}'.format(Max_NEW_F, Min_NEW_F))
  68. #下面是关于矩阵行列的一些参数,我是采用均匀分布产生的矩阵
  69. m = 47
  70. n = 120
  71. p = 55
  72. A = np.array([[np.random.rand() * 100 for j in range(n)] for i in range(m)])
  73. B = np.array([[np.random.rand() * 100 for j in range(p)] for i in range(n)])
  74. #构建c的一些参数 这个得参考论文
  75. Thelta = 1/4
  76. Belta = 1
  77. Yita = 1 + np.sqrt((8/Belta * np.log(1/Thelta)))
  78. e = 1/5
  79. c = int(1 / (Belta * e ** 2)) + 1
  80. P = Generate_P(A, B)
  81. #结果分析
  82. AB = A.dot(B)
  83. A_F = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(A)))
  84. B_F = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(B)))
  85. times = 1000
  86. Summary(times, n, c, P, A_F, B_F, AB)





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