ArcGIS Engine开发的ArcGIS 版本管理的功能
原文:ArcGIS Engine开发的ArcGIS 版本管理的功能
这是以前的ArcGIS Engine开发成果,主要是Geodatabase方面的,模仿ArcGIS版本的流程
VS2010、ArcGIS Engine10、DevExpress721(第三方控件,比较常用易于下载)
我跟大家分享了存在#百度网盘#上的文件,“DXperienceEval-7.2.1.exe”,点击链接进行查看和下载。 (分享自 @百度网盘官方微博)
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.ComponentModel;
- using System.Data;
- using System.Drawing;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Windows.Forms;
- using DevExpress.XtraEditors;
- using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry;
- using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase;
- using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem;
- using ESRI.ArcGIS.Display;
- using LSCommonHelper;
- using LSGISHelper;
- using ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesGDB;
- using ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls;
- using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto;
- using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid;
- namespace LSVersion.Version
- {
- public partial class ConflictsForm : Form
- {
- public ConflictsForm()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- }
- private IVersion m_peditVersion=null;
- public IVersion EditVersion
- {
- get { return m_peditVersion; }
- set { m_peditVersion = value; }
- }
- private IVersion m_ptargetVersion = null;
- public IVersion TargetVersion
- {
- get { return m_ptargetVersion; }
- set { m_ptargetVersion = value; }
- }
- private void ConflictsForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- Init();
- }
- private IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace = null;
- private IFeatureWorkspace commonAncestorFWorkspace = null;
- private IFeatureWorkspace preReconcileFWorkspace = null;
- private IFeatureWorkspace reconcileFWorkspace = null;
- private AxMapControl m_pMapControl = null;
- public AxMapControl MapControl
- {
- get { return m_pMapControl; }
- set { m_pMapControl = value; }
- }
- IFeature featurePreReconcile = null;
- IFeature featureReconcile = null;
- IFeature featureCommonAncestor = null;
- private void ClickID(string sLayerName, int sOID, TreeNode sSelNode)
- {
- IFeatureClass featureClassPreReconcile =
- preReconcileFWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(sLayerName);
- IFeatureClass featureClassReconcile =
- reconcileFWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(sLayerName);
- IFeatureClass featureClassCommonAncestor =
- commonAncestorFWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(sLayerName);
- this.axMapControl1.ClearLayers();
- this.axMapControl2.ClearLayers();
- this.axMapControl3.ClearLayers();
- this.listView1.Items.Clear();
- int flag = -1;
- if (sSelNode.Parent.Text == "更新-更新冲突")
- {
- flag = 0;
- }
- else if (sSelNode.Parent.Text == "删除-更新冲突")
- {
- flag = 1;
- }
- else if (sSelNode.Parent.Text == "更新-删除冲突")
- {
- flag = 2;
- }
- IFeatureLayer PreReconcileFL = new FeatureLayerClass();
- PreReconcileFL.FeatureClass = featureClassPreReconcile;
- IFeatureLayer ReconcileFL = new FeatureLayerClass();
- ReconcileFL.FeatureClass = featureClassReconcile;
- IFeatureLayer CommonAncestorFL = new FeatureLayerClass();
- CommonAncestorFL.FeatureClass = featureClassCommonAncestor;
- this.axMapControl1.Map.AddLayer(ReconcileFL as ILayer);
- this.axMapControl2.Map.AddLayer(PreReconcileFL as ILayer);
- this.axMapControl3.Map.AddLayer(CommonAncestorFL as ILayer);
- try
- {
- featurePreReconcile =
- featureClassPreReconcile.GetFeature(sOID);
- }
- catch { this.axMapControl2.ClearLayers(); }
- try
- {
- featureReconcile = featureClassReconcile.GetFeature(sOID);
- }
- catch { this.axMapControl1.ClearLayers(); }
- try
- {
- featureCommonAncestor =
- featureClassCommonAncestor.GetFeature(sOID);
- }
- catch { this.axMapControl3.ClearLayers(); }
- IField pField = null;
- if (flag == 0)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < featureReconcile.Fields.FieldCount; i++)
- {
- pField = featureReconcile.Fields.get_Field(i);
- ListViewItem lv = new ListViewItem();
- lv.SubItems.Add(pField.AliasName);
- lv.SubItems.Add(LSGISHelper.FeatureHelper.GetFeatureStringValue(featureReconcile, pField.AliasName));
- lv.SubItems.Add(LSGISHelper.FeatureHelper.GetFeatureStringValue(featurePreReconcile, pField.AliasName));
- lv.SubItems.Add(LSGISHelper.FeatureHelper.GetFeatureStringValue(featureReconcile, pField.AliasName));
- lv.SubItems.Add(LSGISHelper.FeatureHelper.GetFeatureStringValue(featureCommonAncestor, pField.AliasName));
- this.listView1.Items.Add(lv);
- }
- }
- else if (flag == 1)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < featureReconcile.Fields.FieldCount; i++)
- {
- pField = featureReconcile.Fields.get_Field(i);
- ListViewItem lv = new ListViewItem();
- lv.SubItems.Add(pField.AliasName);
- if (i == 0)
- {
- lv.SubItems.Add(LSGISHelper.FeatureHelper.GetFeatureStringValue(featureReconcile, pField.AliasName));
- lv.SubItems.Add("Deleted");
- lv.SubItems.Add(LSGISHelper.FeatureHelper.GetFeatureStringValue(featureReconcile, pField.AliasName));
- lv.SubItems.Add(LSGISHelper.FeatureHelper.GetFeatureStringValue(featureCommonAncestor, pField.AliasName));
- }
- else
- {
- lv.SubItems.Add(LSGISHelper.FeatureHelper.GetFeatureStringValue(featureReconcile, pField.AliasName));
- lv.SubItems.Add("");
- lv.SubItems.Add(LSGISHelper.FeatureHelper.GetFeatureStringValue(featureReconcile, pField.AliasName));
- lv.SubItems.Add(LSGISHelper.FeatureHelper.GetFeatureStringValue(featureCommonAncestor, pField.AliasName));
- }
- this.listView1.Items.Add(lv);
- }
- }
- else if (flag == 2)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < featurePreReconcile.Fields.FieldCount; i++)
- {
- pField = featurePreReconcile.Fields.get_Field(i);
- ListViewItem lv = new ListViewItem();
- lv.SubItems.Add(pField.AliasName);
- if (i == 0)
- {
- lv.SubItems.Add("Deleted");
- lv.SubItems.Add(LSGISHelper.FeatureHelper.GetFeatureStringValue(featurePreReconcile, pField.AliasName));
- lv.SubItems.Add("Deleted");
- lv.SubItems.Add(LSGISHelper.FeatureHelper.GetFeatureStringValue(featureCommonAncestor, pField.AliasName));
- }
- else
- {
- lv.SubItems.Add("");
- lv.SubItems.Add(LSGISHelper.FeatureHelper.GetFeatureStringValue(featurePreReconcile, pField.AliasName));
- lv.SubItems.Add("");
- lv.SubItems.Add(LSGISHelper.FeatureHelper.GetFeatureStringValue(featureCommonAncestor, pField.AliasName));
- }
- this.listView1.Items.Add(lv);
- }
- }
- Flash(this.axMapControl1, featureReconcile);
- Flash(this.axMapControl2, featurePreReconcile);
- Flash(this.axMapControl3, featureCommonAncestor);
- #region//Display
- pageCon = this.m_pMapControl.ActiveView.GraphicsContainer;
- pageCon.DeleteAllElements();
- Display(featureReconcile);
- Display(featurePreReconcile);
- Display(featureCommonAncestor);
- #endregion
- }
- IGraphicsContainer pageCon = null;
- private void Display(IFeature pFea)
- {
- IFillShapeElement pPEle = new PolygonElementClass();
- IFillSymbol pFillSym = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
- RgbColorClass rgbClr = new RgbColorClass();
- rgbClr.Transparency = 0;
- ILineSymbol pLineSym = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
- pLineSym.Color = LSGISHelper.ColorHelper.CreateRandomColor();
- pLineSym.Width = 4;
- pFillSym.Color = rgbClr;
- pFillSym.Outline = pLineSym;
- pPEle.Symbol = pFillSym;
- IElement pEle = pPEle as IElement;
- pEle.Geometry = pFea.ShapeCopy;
- this.m_pMapControl.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
- pageCon.AddElement(pEle, 0);
- }
- private void Flash(AxMapControl axMapControl3, IFeature pFea)
- {
- if (pFea != null)
- {
- axMapControl3.Extent = pFea.Shape.Envelope;
- axMapControl3.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, null);
- axMapControl3.FlashShape(pFea.ShapeCopy);
- }
- }
- private void Init()
- {
- this.myTreeView1.Nodes.Clear();
- this.listView1.Items.Clear();
- try
- {
- IWorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = (IWorkspaceEdit2)m_peditVersion;
- IVersionEdit4 versionEdit4 = (IVersionEdit4)workspaceEdit;
- featureWorkspace = m_peditVersion as IFeatureWorkspace;
- // Get the various versions on which to output information.
- commonAncestorFWorkspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)
- versionEdit4.CommonAncestorVersion;
- preReconcileFWorkspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)
- versionEdit4.PreReconcileVersion;
- reconcileFWorkspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)
- versionEdit4.ReconcileVersion;
- IEnumConflictClass enumConflictClass = versionEdit4.ConflictClasses;
- TreeNode pRootNode = new TreeNode();
- pRootNode.Text = "Conflicts";
- this.myTreeView1.Nodes.Add(pRootNode);
- IConflictClass conflictClass = null;
- while ((conflictClass = enumConflictClass.Next()) != null)
- {
- IDataset dataset = (IDataset)conflictClass;
- // Make sure class is a feature class.
- if (dataset.Type == esriDatasetType.esriDTFeatureClass)
- {
- String datasetName = dataset.Name;
- TreeNode pRoot2Node = new TreeNode();
- pRoot2Node.Text = datasetName;
- this.myTreeView1.Nodes[0].Nodes.Add(pRoot2Node);
- IFeatureClass featureClass = featureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass
- (datasetName);
- // Console.WriteLine("Conflicts on feature class {0}", datasetName);
- // Get conflict feature classes on the three reconcile versions.
- // Get all UpdateUpdate conflicts.
- ISelectionSet updateUpdates = conflictClass.UpdateUpdates;
- if (updateUpdates.Count > 0)
- {
- TreeNode pUUNode = new TreeNode();
- pUUNode.Text = "更新-更新冲突";
- pRoot2Node.Nodes.Add(pUUNode);
- #region 更新更新
- // Iterate through each OID, outputting information.
- IEnumIDs enumIDs = updateUpdates.IDs;
- int oid = enumIDs.Next();
- while (oid != -1)
- //loop through all conflicting features
- {
- // Console.WriteLine("UpdateUpdate conflicts on feature {0}", oid);
- // Get conflict feature on the three reconcile versions.
- TreeNode pOidNode = new TreeNode();
- pOidNode.Text ="OID:"+ oid.ToString();
- pUUNode.Nodes.Add(pOidNode);
- #region---处理
- // Check to make sure each shape is different than the common ancestor (conflict is on shape field).
- #endregion
- oid = enumIDs.Next();
- }
- #endregion
- }
- ISelectionSet deleteUpdates = conflictClass.DeleteUpdates;
- if (deleteUpdates.Count > 0)
- {
- TreeNode pDUNode = new TreeNode();
- pDUNode.Text = "删除-更新冲突";
- pRoot2Node.Nodes.Add(pDUNode);
- #region 删除更新
- // Iterate through each OID, outputting information.
- IEnumIDs enumIDs = deleteUpdates.IDs;
- int oid = enumIDs.Next();
- while (oid != -1)
- //loop through all conflicting features
- {
- // Console.WriteLine("UpdateUpdate conflicts on feature {0}", oid);
- // Get conflict feature on the three reconcile versions.
- TreeNode pOidNode = new TreeNode();
- pOidNode.Text = "OID:" + oid.ToString();
- pDUNode.Nodes.Add(pOidNode);
- oid = enumIDs.Next();
- }
- #endregion
- }
- ISelectionSet Updatedeletes = conflictClass.UpdateDeletes;
- if (Updatedeletes.Count > 0)
- {
- TreeNode pUDNode = new TreeNode();
- pUDNode.Text = "更新-删除冲突";
- pRoot2Node.Nodes.Add(pUDNode);
- #region 更新删除
- // Iterate through each OID, outputting information.
- IEnumIDs enumIDs = Updatedeletes.IDs;
- int oid = enumIDs.Next();
- while (oid != -1)
- //loop through all conflicting features
- {
- TreeNode pOidNode = new TreeNode();
- pOidNode.Text = "OID:" + oid.ToString();
- pUDNode.Nodes.Add(pOidNode);
- oid = enumIDs.Next();
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }
- }
- this.myTreeView1.ExpandAll();
- }
- catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException comExc)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Error Message: {0}, Error Code: {1}", comExc.Message,
- comExc.ErrorCode);
- }
- }
- // Method to determine if shape field is in conflict.
- private bool IsShapeInConflict(IFeature commonAncestorFeature, IFeature
- preReconcileFeature, IFeature reconcileFeature)
- {
- // 1st check: Common Ancestor with PreReconcile.
- // 2nd check: Common Ancestor with Reconcile.
- // 3rd check: Reconcile with PreReconcile (case of same change on both versions)
- if (IsGeometryEqual(commonAncestorFeature.ShapeCopy,
- preReconcileFeature.ShapeCopy) || IsGeometryEqual
- (commonAncestorFeature.ShapeCopy, reconcileFeature.ShapeCopy) ||
- IsGeometryEqual(reconcileFeature.ShapeCopy, preReconcileFeature.ShapeCopy)
- )
- {
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Method returning if two shapes are equal to one another.
- private bool IsGeometryEqual(IGeometry shape1, IGeometry shape2)
- {
- if (shape1 == null & shape2 == null)
- {
- return true;
- }
- else if (shape1 == null ^ shape2 == null)
- {
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- IClone clone1 = (IClone)shape1;
- IClone clone2 = (IClone)shape2;
- return clone1.IsEqual(clone2);
- }
- }
- private void myTreeView1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- if (this.myTreeView1.Nodes.Count > 0)
- {
- TreeNode sSelNode = this.myTreeView1.SelectedNode;
- if (sSelNode != null)
- {
- string sSel = sSelNode.Text;
- if (LSCommonHelper.OtherHelper.GetLeftName(sSel, ":") == "OID")
- {
- string sLayerName = sSelNode.Parent.Parent.Text;
- int sOID = LSCommonHelper.ConvertHelper.ObjectToInt(
- LSCommonHelper.OtherHelper.GetRightName(sSel, ":"));
- ClickID(sLayerName, sOID, sSelNode);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void ConflictsForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
- {
- pageCon.DeleteAllElements();
- }
- private void replaceObjectWith(IFeature pfea,
- TreeNode pNode )
- {
- pageCon.DeleteAllElements();
- TreeNode sSelNode = this.myTreeView1.SelectedNode;
- if (sSelNode != null)
- {
- string sSel = sSelNode.Text;
- if (LSCommonHelper.OtherHelper.GetLeftName(sSel, ":") == "OID")
- {
- string sLayerName = sSelNode.Parent.Parent.Text;
- int sOID = LSCommonHelper.ConvertHelper.ObjectToInt(
- LSCommonHelper.OtherHelper.GetRightName(sSel, ":"));
- IFeatureClass featureClass = featureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(sLayerName);
- IFeature feature = featureClass.GetFeature(sOID);
- feature.Shape = pfea.ShapeCopy;
- feature.Store();
- m_pMapControl.ActiveView.Refresh();
- }
- }
- }
- private TreeNode sSelNode = null;
- private void myTreeView1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- sSelNode = this.myTreeView1.GetNodeAt(e.X, e.Y);
- if (sSelNode == null) return;
- if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
- {//左键
- }
- else
- {
- System.Drawing.Point aPt = new System.Drawing.Point(e.X, e.Y);
- // TreeNode sSelNode = this.myTreeView1.SelectedNode;
- if (sSelNode != null)
- {
- string sSel = sSelNode.Text;
- if (LSCommonHelper.OtherHelper.GetLeftName(sSel, ":") == "OID")
- {
- this.contextMenuStrip1.Show(this.myTreeView1, aPt);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void replaceObjectWithCommonAncestorVersionToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- replaceObjectWith(featureCommonAncestor, sSelNode);
- }
- private void replaceObjectWithPreReconcileVersionToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- replaceObjectWith(featurePreReconcile, sSelNode);
- }
- private void replaceObjectWithConflictsVersionToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- replaceObjectWith(featureReconcile, sSelNode);
- }
- private void mergeGeometryToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- MergeGeometry(featureCommonAncestor, featurePreReconcile, featureReconcile, sSelNode);
- }
- private void MergeGeometry(IFeature featureCommonAncestor
- , IFeature featurePreReconcile, IFeature featureReconcile,TreeNode pNode)
- {
- pageCon.DeleteAllElements();
- TreeNode sSelNode = this.myTreeView1.SelectedNode;
- if (sSelNode != null)
- {
- string sSel = sSelNode.Text;
- if (LSCommonHelper.OtherHelper.GetLeftName(sSel, ":") == "OID")
- {
- string sLayerName = sSelNode.Parent.Parent.Text;
- int sOID = LSCommonHelper.ConvertHelper.ObjectToInt(
- LSCommonHelper.OtherHelper.GetRightName(sSel, ":"));
- IFeatureClass featureClass = featureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(sLayerName);
- // Check to make sure each shape is different than the common ancestor (conflict is on shape field).
- if (IsShapeInConflict(featureCommonAncestor,
- featurePreReconcile, featureReconcile))
- {
- //Console.WriteLine(
- // " Shape attribute has changed on both versions...");
- // Geometries are in conflict ... merge geometries.
- try
- {
- IConstructMerge constructMerge = new
- GeometryEnvironmentClass();
- IGeometry newGeometry =
- constructMerge.MergeGeometries
- (featureCommonAncestor.ShapeCopy,
- featureReconcile.ShapeCopy,
- featurePreReconcile.ShapeCopy);
- // Setting new geometry as a merge between the two versions.
- IFeature feature = featureClass.GetFeature(sOID);
- feature.Shape = newGeometry;
- feature.Store();
- //updateUpdates.RemoveList(1, ref oid);
- //conflictsRemoved = true;
- }
- catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException comExc)
- {
- // Check if the error is from overlapping edits.
- if (comExc.ErrorCode == (int)
- {
- // Edited areas overlap.
- LSCommonHelper.MessageBoxHelper.ShowMessageBox(
- "Error from overlapping edits on feature {0}"+
- " Can't merge overlapping edits to same feature.");
- }
- else
- {
- // Unexpected COM exception, throw this to the exception handler.
- throw comExc;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
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- POJ 3628 Bookshelf 2(01背包)
Bookshelf 2 Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 9488 Accepted: 4311 Descr ...