LeetCode 笔记25 Candy (艰难的调试)
There are N children standing in a line. Each child is assigned a rating value.
You are giving candies to these children subjected to the following requirements:
- Each child must have at least one candy.
- Children with a higher rating get more candies than their neighbors.
What is the minimum candies you must give?
使用一个candy数组[0...ratings.length - 1]
初始化第一个孩子得到一个糖,也就是candy[0] = 1;
如果遇到上升序列,candy[i] = candy[i - 1] + 1,同时拿一个lastHigh变量记录当前上升序列的index。换句话说,lastHigh存放的就是上一次波峰的峰值的index。
如果遇到相等的,candy[i] = 1。这里如果是face2face面试,你应该向面试官询问,如果ratings相等的孩子是否需要拿一样的糖。本题目没有这个要求,所以如果遇到相等的,我们立刻给一个糖,然后更新lastHigh。我第一次想的时候,坚信“lastHigh存放的就是上一次波峰的峰值的index”,所以我认为,“此步骤中,仅当ratings[lastHigh] == ratings[i], 才更新lastHigh为i”。这样,遇到相等的波峰,lastHigh始终指向最后一个高点(悬崖边上:>)。
1)首先candy[i] = 1,因为要最小数目的糖嘛;
2)然后对从lastHigh + 1 到 i - 1 的candy,我们都要+1,那么,换句话说,total的糖的数目增加了i - lastHigh。注意到这是个优化,我们不需要真实地去遍历candy[lastHigh...i],依次去加1。
3)到了lastHigh,注意由于下降序列可能长度很长,造成candy[lastHigh + 1] == candy[lastHigh],那么,这时候我们也需要增加candy[lastHigh]。否则这一步不用做(candy[lastHigh] > candy[lastHigh + 1)
public int candy(int[] ratings) {
if (ratings.length == 0) {
return 0;
int[] candy = new int[ratings.length];
candy[0] = 1;
int lastHigh = 0;
int total = 1;
for(int i = 1; i < ratings.length; i++) {
if (ratings[i] > ratings[i - 1]) {
candy[i] = candy[i - 1] + 1;
lastHigh = i;
total += candy[i];
} else if (ratings[i] == ratings[i - 1]) {
candy[i] = 1 ;
if (ratings[lastHigh] == ratings[i]) {//走到波峰的悬崖的边上
lastHigh = i;
total += candy[i];
} else {
candy[i] = 1;
total += i - lastHigh; if (i != lastHigh + 1) {
candy[lastHigh + 1]++;
} if (candy[lastHigh] == candy[lastHigh + 1]) {
total += 1;
//assertValid(ratings, candy);
return total;
因为自信算法上没有什么问题,肯定是什么corner case没考虑到,于是就在算法介绍后面写了个assert 函数去确认candy数组的合法性。主要就是考虑对每个元素,如果ratings大于左右两个邻居,那么candy数组也是如此。不过,我怀疑在判断相等ratings会不会有什么幺蛾子,就同时assert了:对于相等连续的rating元素,他们不能得到candy都一样(否则就不是最小candy数目了啊)。于是发现了这个序列(当前值是i,在3250):
ratings: 8116 8116
candy: 2 1 1 0
candy: 3 2 2 1
candy: 2 1 2 1
public int candy(int[] ratings) {
if (ratings.length == 0) {
return 0;
int[] candy = new int[ratings.length];
candy[0] = 1;
int lastHigh = 0;
int total = 1;
for(int i = 1; i < ratings.length; i++) {
if (ratings[i] > ratings[i - 1]) {
candy[i] = candy[i - 1] + 1;
lastHigh = i;
total += candy[i];
} else if (ratings[i] == ratings[i - 1]) {
candy[i] = 1 ;
lastHigh = i;
total += candy[i];
} else {
candy[i] = 1;
total += i - lastHigh; if (i != lastHigh + 1) {
candy[lastHigh + 1]++;
} if (candy[lastHigh] == candy[lastHigh + 1]) {
total += 1;
//assertValid(ratings, candy);
return total;
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