


  1. public static final int KEYCODE_UNKNOWN = 0;
  2. /** Key code constant: Soft Left key. */
  3. public static final int KEYCODE_SOFT_LEFT = 1;
  4. /** Key code constant: Soft Right key. */
  5. public static final int KEYCODE_SOFT_RIGHT = 2;
  6. /** Key code constant: Home key. */
  7. public static final int KEYCODE_HOME = 3;
  8. /** Key code constant: Back key. */
  9. public static final int KEYCODE_BACK = 4;
  10. /** Key code constant: Call key. */
  11. public static final int KEYCODE_CALL = 5;
  12. /** Key code constant: End Call key. */
  13. public static final int KEYCODE_ENDCALL = 6;
  14. /** Key code constant: '0' key. */
  15. public static final int KEYCODE_0 = 7;
  16. /** Key code constant: '1' key. */
  17. public static final int KEYCODE_1 = 8;
  18. /** Key code constant: '2' key. */
  19. public static final int KEYCODE_2 = 9;
  20. /** Key code constant: '3' key. */
  21. public static final int KEYCODE_3 = 10;
  22. /** Key code constant: '4' key. */
  23. public static final int KEYCODE_4 = 11;
  24. /** Key code constant: '5' key. */
  25. public static final int KEYCODE_5 = 12;
  26. /** Key code constant: '6' key. */
  27. public static final int KEYCODE_6 = 13;
  28. /** Key code constant: '7' key. */
  29. public static final int KEYCODE_7 = 14;
  30. /** Key code constant: '8' key. */
  31. public static final int KEYCODE_8 = 15;
  32. /** Key code constant: '9' key. */
  33. public static final int KEYCODE_9 = 16;
  34. /** Key code constant: '*' key. */
  35. public static final int KEYCODE_STAR = 17;
  36. /** Key code constant: '#' key. */
  37. public static final int KEYCODE_POUND = 18;
  38. /** Key code constant: Directional Pad Up key.
  39. * May also be synthesized from trackball motions. */
  40. public static final int KEYCODE_DPAD_UP = 19;
  41. /** Key code constant: Directional Pad Down key.
  42. * May also be synthesized from trackball motions. */
  43. public static final int KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN = 20;
  44. /** Key code constant: Directional Pad Left key.
  45. * May also be synthesized from trackball motions. */
  46. public static final int KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT = 21;
  47. /** Key code constant: Directional Pad Right key.
  48. * May also be synthesized from trackball motions. */
  49. public static final int KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT = 22;
  50. /** Key code constant: Directional Pad Center key.
  51. * May also be synthesized from trackball motions. */
  52. public static final int KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER = 23;
  53. /** Key code constant: Volume Up key.
  54. * Adjusts the speaker volume up. */
  55. public static final int KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP = 24;
  56. /** Key code constant: Volume Down key.
  57. * Adjusts the speaker volume down. */
  58. public static final int KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN = 25;
  59. /** Key code constant: Power key. */
  60. public static final int KEYCODE_POWER = 26;
  61. /** Key code constant: Camera key.
  62. * Used to launch a camera application or take pictures. */
  63. public static final int KEYCODE_CAMERA = 27;
  64. /** Key code constant: Clear key. */
  65. public static final int KEYCODE_CLEAR = 28;
  66. /** Key code constant: 'A' key. */
  67. public static final int KEYCODE_A = 29;
  68. /** Key code constant: 'B' key. */
  69. public static final int KEYCODE_B = 30;
  70. /** Key code constant: 'C' key. */
  71. public static final int KEYCODE_C = 31;
  72. /** Key code constant: 'D' key. */
  73. public static final int KEYCODE_D = 32;
  74. /** Key code constant: 'E' key. */
  75. public static final int KEYCODE_E = 33;
  76. /** Key code constant: 'F' key. */
  77. public static final int KEYCODE_F = 34;
  78. /** Key code constant: 'G' key. */
  79. public static final int KEYCODE_G = 35;
  80. /** Key code constant: 'H' key. */
  81. public static final int KEYCODE_H = 36;
  82. /** Key code constant: 'I' key. */
  83. public static final int KEYCODE_I = 37;
  84. /** Key code constant: 'J' key. */
  85. public static final int KEYCODE_J = 38;
  86. /** Key code constant: 'K' key. */
  87. public static final int KEYCODE_K = 39;
  88. /** Key code constant: 'L' key. */
  89. public static final int KEYCODE_L = 40;
  90. /** Key code constant: 'M' key. */
  91. public static final int KEYCODE_M = 41;
  92. /** Key code constant: 'N' key. */
  93. public static final int KEYCODE_N = 42;
  94. /** Key code constant: 'O' key. */
  95. public static final int KEYCODE_O = 43;
  96. /** Key code constant: 'P' key. */
  97. public static final int KEYCODE_P = 44;
  98. /** Key code constant: 'Q' key. */
  99. public static final int KEYCODE_Q = 45;
  100. /** Key code constant: 'R' key. */
  101. public static final int KEYCODE_R = 46;
  102. /** Key code constant: 'S' key. */
  103. public static final int KEYCODE_S = 47;
  104. /** Key code constant: 'T' key. */
  105. public static final int KEYCODE_T = 48;
  106. /** Key code constant: 'U' key. */
  107. public static final int KEYCODE_U = 49;
  108. /** Key code constant: 'V' key. */
  109. public static final int KEYCODE_V = 50;
  110. /** Key code constant: 'W' key. */
  111. public static final int KEYCODE_W = 51;
  112. /** Key code constant: 'X' key. */
  113. public static final int KEYCODE_X = 52;
  114. /** Key code constant: 'Y' key. */
  115. public static final int KEYCODE_Y = 53;
  116. /** Key code constant: 'Z' key. */
  117. public static final int KEYCODE_Z = 54;




  1. Instrumentation inst = new Instrumentation();
  2. inst.sendCharacterSync(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK);


  我们可以将它理解为一种没有图形界面的,具有启动能力的,用于监控其他类(用Target Package声明)的工具类。



  1. Handler handler;


  1. Thread t = new Thread() {
  2. public void run() {
  3. Looper.prepare();
  4. handler = new Handler() {
  5.   public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
  6. Instrumentation inst = new Instrumentation();
  7. //inst.sendCharacterSync(msg.what);
  8. inst.sendKeyDownUpSync(msg.what);
  9. }
  10. };
  11. Looper.loop();
  12. }
  13. };
  14. t.start();

  注意上述代码中的注释部分,实践证明两种方法(sendCharacterSync(int keycode)sendKeyDownUpSync(int keycode))都可以达到预期的效果。


  1. Message msg = new Message();
  2. //msg.what = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK;
  3. String s = key_value.getText().toString();
  4. if(!("".equals(s)) && s.matches("^[0-9]*$")){
  5. msg.what = Integer.parseInt(s);
  6. handler.sendMessage(msg);
  7. }
  8. else{
  9. Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"please input a right keycde",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
  10. 10 }



    msg.what = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK;








  其所给出的替代方案也行不通:Called to process key events. You can override this to intercept all key events before they are dispatched to the window.   Be  sure to call this implementation for key events that should be handled normally.


  1. @Override
  2. public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
  3. if(keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK){
  4. Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
  5. intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
  6. intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_HOME);
  7. this.startActivity(intent);
  8. return true;
  9. }
  10. return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);
  11. }




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