1. create a project using city bars template in sencha architect

2. save your project name as CityBars

3. modify your controll code to:

Ext.define('CityBars.controller.Business', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller', config: {
refs: {
dataList: '#dataList',
listCard: '#listCard',
mainNav: 'mainnav',
detailCard: 'detailpanel'
}, control: {
"#dataList": {
itemtap: 'onListItemTap'
"detailpanel #callButton": {
tap: 'onCallButtonTap'
"detailpanel > map": {
activate: 'onMapActivate'
}, onListItemTap: function(dataview, index, target, record, e, eOpts) {
var map,
details; if (record) {
details = Ext.create('CityBars.view.DetailPanel', {
title: 'Details'
}); // set the map
map = details.child('#detailMap');
map._record = record; // set the info
info = details.child('#contact').child('#info');
info.child('#data').setData(record.data); this.getMainNav().push(details);
}, onCallButtonTap: function(button, e, eOpts) { // TODO: Add custom phone call code here
window.location = 'tel:555-555-5555'; }, onMapActivate: function(newActiveItem, container, oldActiveItem, eOpts) {
var map = newActiveItem,
record = map._record,
lat = record.get('latitude'),
lng = record.get('longitude'),
centerMap = Ext.Function.createDelayed(function() {
zoom: 18
latitude: lat,
longitude: lng
}, 250),
geocoder, loc; if (lat && lng) {
} else {
geocoder = this._geocoder || (this._geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder());
{address: [
].join(', ')},
function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
loc = results[0].geometry.location;
lat = loc.lat();
lng = loc.lng();
record.set('latitude', lat);
record.set('longitude', lng);
} else {
Ext.Msg.alert("Could not find location: " + status);
} }, launch: function() { var me = this; // NOTE ABOUT YELP KEY
// You must use your own yelp key, available by registering (for free) with Yelp:
// http://www.yelp.com/developers/getting_started/api_overview
// (in this app, we use the Review Search API v1.0)
me.apiKey = '8UUJ-jfiOwttLyzTC56F6A'; // enter your own yelp key here // Get the location, then find businesses
Ext.Viewport.setMasked({ xtype: 'loadmask', message: 'Loading...' });
me.getLocation(function (location) { // then use Yelp to get the businesses
me.getBusinesses(location, function (store) { // then bind data to list and show it
me.getDataList().setStore(store); Ext.Viewport.setMasked(false); }); }); }, getLocation: function(callback) {
if (navigator && navigator.geolocation) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
}, function(error) {
// give a warning for error
}, getBusinesses: function(location, callback) { var store = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('BusinessStore'),
url = 'http://api.yelp.com/business_review_search' +
'?ywsid=' + this.apiKey +
'&term=Bars' +
'&lat=37.785834' + //location.coords.latitude +
'&long=-122.406417';// + location.coords.longitude;
store.load(function() {
}); } });

4. run sencha cmd to launch your application on your web server

sencha fs web start -map /Users/user1/Documents/CityBars

5. visit your web using the url , which likes the following format:http://localhost:1841

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