


1 检测什么时候手势被追踪到然后提供反馈

2 使用导航手势来旋转全息对象。

3 当用户的手移开可检测的范围时提供反馈

4 使用操纵事件来移动全息对象。


  • 一台安装好开发工具的 Windows 10 PC  tools installed.
  • 一些基础的C# 编程能力.
  • 已经完成教程 Holograms 101.
  • 已经完成教程 Holograms 210.
  • 一台 开发者版本的HoloLens 设备



VS中 "仅我的代码"需要被禁用。在工具-》选项-》调试-》可以找到“仅我的代码”


  • 打开 Unity.
  • 选择Open.
  • 定位到你刚下载的项目文件中的Gesture 文件夹.
  • 选择其中的 Model Explorer 文件夹.
  • 点击 Select Folder 按钮.
  • 在Unity中启动该项目后,在 Project 面板中, 展开 Scenes 文件夹.
  • 双击 ModelExplorer 场景将其加载到Unity中
  • 接下来可以第一次部署发布到你的设备。具体部署发布方法见前两节课程。

章节1 手势检测反馈

1 注册手势跟踪事件

2 使用光标的变化反馈来显示手是否被跟踪到


  • Hierarchy 面板中, 选择 Managers 对象.
  • Inspector 面板中, 点击 Add Component 按钮.
  • 在搜索框输入 Hands Manager.选择此结果.

HandsManager.cs 脚本实现如下:

  1. 注册 SourceDetected 和 SourceLost 事件.
  2. 设置手势检测状态 HandDetected state.
  3. 取消注册 SourceDetected 和 SourceLost 事件.
  • Hierarchy 面板, 选择 Cursor 对象.
  • Inspector 面板中, 点击 Add Component 按钮.
  • 在搜索框输入Cursor Feedback. 选择此结果.
  • Project 面板下打开 Holograms 文件夹, 找到 HandDetectedFeedback 资源.
  • 拖拽HandDetectedFeedback 资源到Cursor Feedback (Script)组建中的Hand Detected Asset 属性里.
  • Hierarchy 面板里 ,展开 Cursor 对象.
  • 拖拽 CursorBillboard 对象到Cursor Feedback (Script)组建中的Feedback Parent 属性.

CursorFeedback.cs 脚本实现以下行为:

  1. 实例化 HandDetectedFeedback asset.
  2. 指定 HandDetectedFeedback asset 的父对象为 cursor billboard object.
  3. 基于手势检测状态来激活或停用 HandDetectedFeedback asset .


  • 当项目部署到hololens 后, 使用 air tap 手势关闭适配盒.
  • 移动你的头部将凝视点对准全息对象,将你的食指竖起在你头部到正前方以便开始追踪手势.
  • 你可以上下左右移动你的手.
  • 查看当你的手被检测到与没有被检测到时光标的变化.

章节2 导航




  1. 使用 HandsManager.cs 脚本可以使得目标全息对象被跟踪.
  2. 使用 GestureManager.cs 脚本可以管理导航手势事件.
  3. 当导航手势发生时,旋转操作被管理在 GestureAction.cs脚本中.
  4. 光标通过 CursorStates.cs脚本实现对导航手势操作的样式反馈.
  • VS打开 HandsManager.cs 脚本.更新为如下脚本保存
using HoloToolkit;
using UnityEngine.VR.WSA.Input;
using UnityEngine; /// <summary>
/// HandsManager keeps track of when a hand is detected.
/// </summary>
public class HandsManager : Singleton<HandsManager>
[Tooltip("Audio clip to play when Finger Pressed.")]
public AudioClip FingerPressedSound;
private AudioSource audioSource; /// <summary>
/// Tracks the hand detected state.
/// </summary>
public bool HandDetected
private set;
} // Keeps track of the GameObject that the hand is interacting with.
public GameObject FocusedGameObject { get; private set; } void Awake()
EnableAudioHapticFeedback(); InteractionManager.SourceDetected += InteractionManager_SourceDetected;
InteractionManager.SourceLost += InteractionManager_SourceLost; /* TODO: DEVELOPER CODE ALONG 2.a */ // 2.a: Register for SourceManager.SourcePressed event.
InteractionManager.SourcePressed += InteractionManager_SourcePressed; // 2.a: Register for SourceManager.SourceReleased event.
InteractionManager.SourceReleased += InteractionManager_SourceReleased; // 2.a: Initialize FocusedGameObject as null.
FocusedGameObject = null;
} private void EnableAudioHapticFeedback()
// If this hologram has an audio clip, add an AudioSource with this clip.
if (FingerPressedSound != null)
audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
if (audioSource == null)
audioSource = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
} audioSource.clip = FingerPressedSound;
audioSource.playOnAwake = false;
audioSource.spatialBlend = ;
audioSource.dopplerLevel = ;
} private void InteractionManager_SourceDetected(InteractionSourceState hand)
HandDetected = true;
} private void InteractionManager_SourceLost(InteractionSourceState hand)
HandDetected = false; // 2.a: Reset FocusedGameObject.
} private void InteractionManager_SourcePressed(InteractionSourceState hand)
if (InteractibleManager.Instance.FocusedGameObject != null)
// Play a select sound if we have an audio source and are not targeting an asset with a select sound.
if (audioSource != null && !audioSource.isPlaying &&
(InteractibleManager.Instance.FocusedGameObject.GetComponent<Interactible>() != null &&
InteractibleManager.Instance.FocusedGameObject.GetComponent<Interactible>().TargetFeedbackSound == null))
} // 2.a: Cache InteractibleManager's FocusedGameObject in FocusedGameObject.
FocusedGameObject = InteractibleManager.Instance.FocusedGameObject;
} private void InteractionManager_SourceReleased(InteractionSourceState hand)
// 2.a: Reset FocusedGameObject.
} private void ResetFocusedGameObject()
// 2.a: Set FocusedGameObject to be null.
FocusedGameObject = null; // 2.a: On GestureManager call ResetGestureRecognizers
// to complete any currently active gestures.
} void OnDestroy()
InteractionManager.SourceDetected -= InteractionManager_SourceDetected;
InteractionManager.SourceLost -= InteractionManager_SourceLost; // 2.a: Unregister the SourceManager.SourceReleased event.
InteractionManager.SourceReleased -= InteractionManager_SourceReleased; // 2.a: Unregister for SourceManager.SourcePressed event.
InteractionManager.SourcePressed -= InteractionManager_SourcePressed;


  • Hierarchy 面板中, 点击 Cursor.
  • 在Project面板下 HoloToolkit\Input\Prefabs 文件夹, 找到 ScrollFeedback asset.
  • 拖拽 ScrollFeedback asset 到 右侧Inspector面板下的Cursor Feedback (Script)组件里的Scroll Detected Asset 属性。
  • Hierarchy 面板中, 点击AstroMan 对象.
  • Inspector 面板中, 点击 Add Component 按钮.
  • 在搜索框内输入 Gesture Action. 选择此结果.
  • Hierarchy 面板下, 选择 Managers 对象.
  • 用VS打开GestureManager 脚本。

我们需要编辑GestureManager.cs 脚本来完成如下几步:

  1. 将NavigationRecognizer实例化为新的GestureRecognizer.
  2. 使用 SetRecognizableGestures 来识别 NavigationXTap 手势.
  3. 处理 NavigationStarted, NavigationUpdated, NavigationCompleted, NavigationCanceled 事件.
using HoloToolkit;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.VR.WSA.Input; public class GestureManager : Singleton<GestureManager>
// Tap and Navigation gesture recognizer.
public GestureRecognizer NavigationRecognizer { get; private set; } // Manipulation gesture recognizer.
public GestureRecognizer ManipulationRecognizer { get; private set; } // Currently active gesture recognizer.
public GestureRecognizer ActiveRecognizer { get; private set; } public bool IsNavigating { get; private set; } public Vector3 NavigationPosition { get; private set; } public bool IsManipulating { get; private set; } public Vector3 ManipulationPosition { get; private set; } void Awake()
/* TODO: DEVELOPER CODING EXERCISE 2.b */ // 2.b: Instantiate the NavigationRecognizer.
NavigationRecognizer = new GestureRecognizer(); // 2.b: Add Tap and NavigationX GestureSettings to the NavigationRecognizer's RecognizableGestures.
GestureSettings.Tap |
GestureSettings.NavigationX); // 2.b: Register for the TappedEvent with the NavigationRecognizer_TappedEvent function.
NavigationRecognizer.TappedEvent += NavigationRecognizer_TappedEvent;
// 2.b: Register for the NavigationStartedEvent with the NavigationRecognizer_NavigationStartedEvent function.
NavigationRecognizer.NavigationStartedEvent += NavigationRecognizer_NavigationStartedEvent;
// 2.b: Register for the NavigationUpdatedEvent with the NavigationRecognizer_NavigationUpdatedEvent function.
NavigationRecognizer.NavigationUpdatedEvent += NavigationRecognizer_NavigationUpdatedEvent;
// 2.b: Register for the NavigationCompletedEvent with the NavigationRecognizer_NavigationCompletedEvent function.
NavigationRecognizer.NavigationCompletedEvent += NavigationRecognizer_NavigationCompletedEvent;
// 2.b: Register for the NavigationCanceledEvent with the NavigationRecognizer_NavigationCanceledEvent function.
NavigationRecognizer.NavigationCanceledEvent += NavigationRecognizer_NavigationCanceledEvent; // Instantiate the ManipulationRecognizer.
ManipulationRecognizer = new GestureRecognizer(); // Add the ManipulationTranslate GestureSetting to the ManipulationRecognizer's RecognizableGestures.
GestureSettings.ManipulationTranslate); // Register for the Manipulation events on the ManipulationRecognizer.
ManipulationRecognizer.ManipulationStartedEvent += ManipulationRecognizer_ManipulationStartedEvent;
ManipulationRecognizer.ManipulationUpdatedEvent += ManipulationRecognizer_ManipulationUpdatedEvent;
ManipulationRecognizer.ManipulationCompletedEvent += ManipulationRecognizer_ManipulationCompletedEvent;
ManipulationRecognizer.ManipulationCanceledEvent += ManipulationRecognizer_ManipulationCanceledEvent; ResetGestureRecognizers();
} void OnDestroy()
// 2.b: Unregister the Tapped and Navigation events on the NavigationRecognizer.
NavigationRecognizer.TappedEvent -= NavigationRecognizer_TappedEvent; NavigationRecognizer.NavigationStartedEvent -= NavigationRecognizer_NavigationStartedEvent;
NavigationRecognizer.NavigationUpdatedEvent -= NavigationRecognizer_NavigationUpdatedEvent;
NavigationRecognizer.NavigationCompletedEvent -= NavigationRecognizer_NavigationCompletedEvent;
NavigationRecognizer.NavigationCanceledEvent -= NavigationRecognizer_NavigationCanceledEvent; // Unregister the Manipulation events on the ManipulationRecognizer.
ManipulationRecognizer.ManipulationStartedEvent -= ManipulationRecognizer_ManipulationStartedEvent;
ManipulationRecognizer.ManipulationUpdatedEvent -= ManipulationRecognizer_ManipulationUpdatedEvent;
ManipulationRecognizer.ManipulationCompletedEvent -= ManipulationRecognizer_ManipulationCompletedEvent;
ManipulationRecognizer.ManipulationCanceledEvent -= ManipulationRecognizer_ManipulationCanceledEvent;
} /// <summary>
/// Revert back to the default GestureRecognizer.
/// </summary>
public void ResetGestureRecognizers()
// Default to the navigation gestures.
} /// <summary>
/// Transition to a new GestureRecognizer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newRecognizer">The GestureRecognizer to transition to.</param>
public void Transition(GestureRecognizer newRecognizer)
if (newRecognizer == null)
} if (ActiveRecognizer != null)
if (ActiveRecognizer == newRecognizer)
} ActiveRecognizer.CancelGestures();
} newRecognizer.StartCapturingGestures();
ActiveRecognizer = newRecognizer;
} private void NavigationRecognizer_NavigationStartedEvent(InteractionSourceKind source, Vector3 relativePosition, Ray ray)
// 2.b: Set IsNavigating to be true.
IsNavigating = true; // 2.b: Set NavigationPosition to be relativePosition.
NavigationPosition = relativePosition;
} private void NavigationRecognizer_NavigationUpdatedEvent(InteractionSourceKind source, Vector3 relativePosition, Ray ray)
// 2.b: Set IsNavigating to be true.
IsNavigating = true; // 2.b: Set NavigationPosition to be relativePosition.
NavigationPosition = relativePosition;
} private void NavigationRecognizer_NavigationCompletedEvent(InteractionSourceKind source, Vector3 relativePosition, Ray ray)
// 2.b: Set IsNavigating to be false.
IsNavigating = false;
} private void NavigationRecognizer_NavigationCanceledEvent(InteractionSourceKind source, Vector3 relativePosition, Ray ray)
// 2.b: Set IsNavigating to be false.
IsNavigating = false;
} private void ManipulationRecognizer_ManipulationStartedEvent(InteractionSourceKind source, Vector3 position, Ray ray)
if (HandsManager.Instance.FocusedGameObject != null)
IsManipulating = true; ManipulationPosition = position; HandsManager.Instance.FocusedGameObject.SendMessageUpwards("PerformManipulationStart", position);
} private void ManipulationRecognizer_ManipulationUpdatedEvent(InteractionSourceKind source, Vector3 position, Ray ray)
if (HandsManager.Instance.FocusedGameObject != null)
IsManipulating = true; ManipulationPosition = position; HandsManager.Instance.FocusedGameObject.SendMessageUpwards("PerformManipulationUpdate", position);
} private void ManipulationRecognizer_ManipulationCompletedEvent(InteractionSourceKind source, Vector3 position, Ray ray)
IsManipulating = false;
} private void ManipulationRecognizer_ManipulationCanceledEvent(InteractionSourceKind source, Vector3 position, Ray ray)
IsManipulating = false;
} private void NavigationRecognizer_TappedEvent(InteractionSourceKind source, int tapCount, Ray ray)
GameObject focusedObject = InteractibleManager.Instance.FocusedGameObject; if (focusedObject != null)



  1. 每当执行导航手势时,旋转AstroMan对象.
  2. 计算 rotationFactor以控制应用于对象的旋转量.
  3. 当用户向左或向右移动手时,围绕y轴旋转对象.
using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// GestureAction performs custom actions based on
/// which gesture is being performed.
/// </summary>
public class GestureAction : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Rotation max speed controls amount of rotation.")]
public float RotationSensitivity = 10.0f; private Vector3 manipulationPreviousPosition; private float rotationFactor; void Update()
} private void PerformRotation()
if (GestureManager.Instance.IsNavigating &&
(!ExpandModel.Instance.IsModelExpanded ||
(ExpandModel.Instance.IsModelExpanded && HandsManager.Instance.FocusedGameObject == gameObject)))
/* TODO: DEVELOPER CODING EXERCISE 2.c */ // 2.c: Calculate rotationFactor based on GestureManager's NavigationPosition.X and multiply by RotationSensitivity.
// This will help control the amount of rotation.
rotationFactor = GestureManager.Instance.NavigationPosition.x * RotationSensitivity; // 2.c: transform.Rotate along the Y axis using rotationFactor.
transform.Rotate(new Vector3(, - * rotationFactor, ));
} void PerformManipulationStart(Vector3 position)
manipulationPreviousPosition = position;
} void PerformManipulationUpdate(Vector3 position)
if (GestureManager.Instance.IsManipulating)
/* TODO: DEVELOPER CODING EXERCISE 4.a */ Vector3 moveVector = Vector3.zero; // 4.a: Calculate the moveVector as position - manipulationPreviousPosition. // 4.a: Update the manipulationPreviousPosition with the current position. // 4.a: Increment this transform's position by the moveVector.


    1  凝视宇航员,两个箭头应该会出现在光标的两侧。 这个新的光标表示宇航员可以被旋转。
    2  将你的手放在可以识别的位置(食指指向天空),然后HoloLens将开始跟踪你的手。
    3  要旋转宇航员,将食指放低与大拇指合并,然后向左或向右移动手可以触发NavigationX手势。

章节 3 手势引导

使用 hand guidance score 来帮助预测 被检测的手势何时会丢失.当用户的手进入摄像机视角范围内时提供光标反馈。


  • Hierarchy 面板中, 选择 Managers 对象.
  • 在右侧的 Inspector 面板中, 点击 Add Component 按钮.
  • 在搜索框内输入 Hand Guidance. 选择此结果.
  • Project 面板下的HoloToolkit\Input\Prefabs 文件夹,找到 HandGuidanceFeedback asset.
  • 拖拽 HandGuidanceFeedback asset 到右侧Inspector 面板下到Hand Guidance Indicator 属性.
  • Hierarchy 面板, 展开 Cursor 对象.
  • Hierarchy 面板, 选择 Managers 对象.
  • 拖拽Cursor对象下的 CursorBillboard 到右侧Inspector面板的Indicator Parent 属性中。



章节 4 Manipulation(操作控制)



GestureManager.cs 和 AstronautManager.cs 脚本可以实现如下功能:

  1. 使用语音关键字 "Move Astronaut" 来激活 Manipulation 手势.
  2. 选择使用 Manipulation Gesture Recognizer.
  3. 在导航和操作之间切换时管理GestureRecognizer过渡.


  • Hierarchy 面板中, 选择 Managers 对象.
  • 在右侧的 Inspector 面板中, 点击 Add Component 按钮.
  • 在搜索框输入 Astronaut Manager. 选择此结果.
  • Hierarchy 面板, 点击 Cursor.
  • Project 面板下到 Holotoolkit\Input\Prefabs 文件夹中找到 PathingFeedback asset.
  • 拖拽PathingFeedback asset 到Inspector面板下的Cursor States (Script)组件中的Pathing Detected Asset 属性.


using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// GestureAction performs custom actions based on
/// which gesture is being performed.
/// </summary>
public class GestureAction : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Rotation max speed controls amount of rotation.")]
public float RotationSensitivity = 10.0f; private Vector3 manipulationPreviousPosition; private float rotationFactor; void Update()
} private void PerformRotation()
if (GestureManager.Instance.IsNavigating &&
(!ExpandModel.Instance.IsModelExpanded ||
(ExpandModel.Instance.IsModelExpanded && HandsManager.Instance.FocusedGameObject == gameObject)))
/* TODO: DEVELOPER CODING EXERCISE 2.c */ // 2.c: Calculate rotationFactor based on GestureManager's NavigationPosition.X and multiply by RotationSensitivity.
// This will help control the amount of rotation.
rotationFactor = GestureManager.Instance.NavigationPosition.x * RotationSensitivity; // 2.c: transform.Rotate along the Y axis using rotationFactor.
transform.Rotate(new Vector3(, - * rotationFactor, ));
} void PerformManipulationStart(Vector3 position)
manipulationPreviousPosition = position;
} void PerformManipulationUpdate(Vector3 position)
if (GestureManager.Instance.IsManipulating)
/* TODO: DEVELOPER CODING EXERCISE 4.a */ Vector3 moveVector = Vector3.zero; // 4.a: Calculate the moveVector as position - manipulationPreviousPosition.
moveVector = position - manipulationPreviousPosition; // 4.a: Update the manipulationPreviousPosition with the current position.
manipulationPreviousPosition = position; // 4.a: Increment this transform's position by the moveVector.
transform.position += moveVector;




2 将凝视光标指向太空宇航员

3 说“Move Astronaut”来用操作手势移动宇航员




8注意:如果您在移动手之前不说“Move Astronaut”,则会改用导航手势。

章节5 模型扩展


爆炸操作使用语音指令“Expand Model

恢复原模型使用语音指令“Reset Model

编辑AstronautManager.cs 代码

using HoloToolkit;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Windows.Speech; public class AstronautManager : Singleton<AstronautManager>
float expandAnimationCompletionTime;
// Store a bool for whether our astronaut model is expanded or not.
bool isModelExpanding = false; // KeywordRecognizer object.
KeywordRecognizer keywordRecognizer; // Defines which function to call when a keyword is recognized.
delegate void KeywordAction(PhraseRecognizedEventArgs args);
Dictionary<string, KeywordAction> keywordCollection; void Start()
keywordCollection = new Dictionary<string, KeywordAction>(); // Add keyword to start manipulation.
keywordCollection.Add("Move Astronaut", MoveAstronautCommand); // Add keyword Expand Model to call the ExpandModelCommand function.
keywordCollection.Add("Expand Model", ExpandModelCommand); // Add keyword Reset Model to call the ResetModelCommand function.
keywordCollection.Add("Reset Model", ResetModelCommand); // Initialize KeywordRecognizer with the previously added keywords.
keywordRecognizer = new KeywordRecognizer(keywordCollection.Keys.ToArray());
keywordRecognizer.OnPhraseRecognized += KeywordRecognizer_OnPhraseRecognized;
} private void KeywordRecognizer_OnPhraseRecognized(PhraseRecognizedEventArgs args)
KeywordAction keywordAction; if (keywordCollection.TryGetValue(args.text, out keywordAction))
} private void MoveAstronautCommand(PhraseRecognizedEventArgs args)
} private void ResetModelCommand(PhraseRecognizedEventArgs args)
// Reset local variables.
isModelExpanding = false; // Disable the expanded model.
ExpandModel.Instance.ExpandedModel.SetActive(false); // Enable the idle model.
ExpandModel.Instance.gameObject.SetActive(true); // Enable the animators for the next time the model is expanded.
Animator[] expandedAnimators = ExpandModel.Instance.ExpandedModel.GetComponentsInChildren<Animator>();
foreach (Animator animator in expandedAnimators)
animator.enabled = true;
} ExpandModel.Instance.Reset();
} private void ExpandModelCommand(PhraseRecognizedEventArgs args)
// Swap out the current model for the expanded model.
GameObject currentModel = ExpandModel.Instance.gameObject; ExpandModel.Instance.ExpandedModel.transform.position = currentModel.transform.position;
ExpandModel.Instance.ExpandedModel.transform.rotation = currentModel.transform.rotation;
ExpandModel.Instance.ExpandedModel.transform.localScale = currentModel.transform.localScale; currentModel.SetActive(false);
ExpandModel.Instance.ExpandedModel.SetActive(true); // Play animation. Ensure the Loop Time check box is disabled in the inspector for this animation to play it once.
Animator[] expandedAnimators = ExpandModel.Instance.ExpandedModel.GetComponentsInChildren<Animator>();
// Set local variables for disabling the animation.
if (expandedAnimators.Length > )
expandAnimationCompletionTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + expandedAnimators[].runtimeAnimatorController.animationClips[].length * 0.9f;
} // Set the expand model flag.
isModelExpanding = true; ExpandModel.Instance.Expand();
} public void Update()
if (isModelExpanding && Time.realtimeSinceStartup >= expandAnimationCompletionTime)
isModelExpanding = false; Animator[] expandedAnimators = ExpandModel.Instance.ExpandedModel.GetComponentsInChildren<Animator>(); foreach (Animator animator in expandedAnimators)
animator.enabled = false;



  • Expand Model 来观看爆炸效果.
  • 使用 Navigation 操作来旋转每一个碎片.
  • Move Astronaut 出现移动光标时,使用 Manipulation 操作移动每一个小碎片.
  • Reset Model 将模型恢复到初始状态.



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    HoloLens 是什么? HoloLens 是微软发布的可穿戴式增强现实计算设备,它拥有这么几个关键要素: 它是增强现实产品,即 Augmented Reality(AR),AR 技术将计算机生成的 ...


  1. js重写原型对象

    首先看两段很相似的代码: 1. function Person(){} Person.prototype = { constructor:Person, name:"Nic", a ...

  2. 大陆居民身份证验证方法(java)

    1.设置接口 @Constraint(validatedBy = ChineseIdNumberValidator.class) @Target({ElementType.METHOD, Elemen ...

  3. 通过scrollerview自定义collectionview(常用于推荐关注界面)

    最近项目上要实现一个效果,先把效果图摆上来吧: 刚看到效果图的时候  我觉得很简单  用UICollectionview就可以了 但是后来发现collectionview只有两种布局方式  比较单一 ...

  4. Flume连接Kafka的broker出错

    在启动Flume的时候,出现下面的异常,但是程序照样能运行,Kafka也能够收到数据,只是偶尔会断点. 2016-08-25 15:32:54,561 (SinkRunner-PollingRunne ...

  5. [转载]“java.sql.SQLException:指定了无效的 Oracle URL”

    原文地址:"java.sql.SQLException:指定了无效的 Oracle URL"作者:康愚 昨天晚上用MyEclipse连接Oracle,出现了" java. ...

  6. 排序并获取index的顺序

    //排序并获取index的顺序:4,7,2,9-->9,7,4,2-->4,2,1,3 Array.prototype.getIndex=function(){ var orderLeng ...

  7. 点击 a 标签触发事件而不跳转页面

    有时候需要让 a 标签像 button 一样,被点击的时候触发事件而不跳转页面. <html> <body> <a id="a1" href=&quo ...

  8. Windows8.1下PHP环境配置(PHP5.6、Apache2.4、MySql5.6)

    Step0 安装准备(均为64-bit版本) 下载php "Non Thread Safe"是IIS专用的,"Thread Safe"是Apache服务器用的. ...

  9. SDK 组件 Qupaisdk 启动出错,错误消息为 [Qupaisdk], the android stack error message is Fail to start the plugin, which is caused by Failed resolution of: Lcom/duanqu/qupai/recorder/R$array;

    紧急解决办法: 将你的oneSDK(qupaiSDK)里面的manifest的pageckage改为:com.duanqu.qupai.recorder

  10. SQLSERVER连接池内部机制

    前言介绍: 当应用程序运行的时候,会有一个连接池的管理控件运行在应用程序的进程里,统一管理应用程序和SQLSERVER建立的所有连接, 并且维护这些连接一直处于活动状态.当有用户发出一个connect ...