Creating a CSRF protection with Spring 3.x--reference
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Creating a CSRF protection with Spring 3.1
Note: This tutorial is for Spring Security 3.1, an updated version that uses the build-in CSRF protection of Spring Security 3.2 can be found here
CSRF Attacks still seems to be a problem, a pity that there is no standard solution in the Spring 3.1 framework. Although not probably, i wanted to protect my projects by malicious crafted links.
I didn’t want to use an extra library but something which is already available in the Spring framework. Here is what i come up with:
I choose the token protection mechanism for my implementation.
The core of my solution is the CSRFToken Service:
public interface CSRFTokenService { |
import; |
“getTokenFromSession” is called right after a user logs in, so that the token gets stored into his session.
As you can see in the implementation of “acceptsTokenIn”, the token is only needed and verified when the principal is not null, meaning when a user is authenticated.
The interface contains some constants: The name of the token in forms and requests and the name of the attribute under which the token is stored in the session. The token itself is just a base64 of some random bytes.
I only want the token to be checked in writing methods: METHODS_TO_CHECK, meaning only in put, delete and posts requests. My applications don’t change state based on get requests.
So where to check for the token? I use a pretty simple Spring “HandlerInterceptor”:
package de.dailyfratze.controller; |
This interceptor stops the chain if the request method should be checked and the token is not acceptable by sending a HTTP forbidden error. The additional response header is used by Ajax calls to present a dialog that the session is invalidated.
How to get the token into forms? I wanted to be able to change the token name in only one place so i came up with the following custom tag:
import; |
with the corresponding mapping:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> |
I can use this tag in forms like so:
<form method="post" action="foobar"> |
Or for generating url parameters for example for ajax calls like so:
<c:url value="/foobar"> |
So if a token is invalid, the user is either redirect to an error page if it is a normal post, ajax calls through jQuery can be handled like so:
function isInvalidCSRFToken = function(xhr) { |
The code snippets are all taken from a running project. If you want to use them, use them. The package names are missing and must be added. Also the JavaScript code isn’t complete.
Feel free to comment, if you have suggestions, remarks or anything else. Also, if you can use this, i’d be happy to hear from you.
reference from:
At the end of last year, Spring Security 3.2 was released and brought a lot of new features, among them a built-in “Cross Site Request Forgery” protection”.
Nearly two years earlier i wrote my CSRF protection implementation with Spring Security 3.1, have a look here.
I really like the built-in implementation and most of it is very similar to my solution. The main difference is that the protection is at security filter level and not at application level like mine was. Also they use a token class for encapsulating the tokens name and value.
My solution can be very easily adapted to Spring Security 3.2.
First of all, configure it with the onliner
<csrf /> |
or use the new annotation based configuration method.
Then throw away everything from my solution except the CSRFTokenTag. Edit the later one to contain the following code:
import; |
The guys at Spring have a nice suggestions for including the token for AJAX/Jsons request. The new filter also validates request headers. The recommend adding the header name and token value to the pages meta information like so
<meta name="_csrf" content="${_csrf.token}"/> |
and then manually add the header to each JavaScript request made with jQuery.
An alternative for jQuery users would be the following pre filter:
$.ajaxPrefilter(function(options, originalOptions, jqXHR) { |
I’m happy to be able to get rid of some code of mine, though the solution worked quite well for 2 years now.
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