Porsche Piwis Tester II “No VCI has been detected”,how to do?
I am sorry that my Porsche Piwis Tester II from your shop said “No VCI has been detected” when I was trying to read car ECU. I bought the tool last month and it was the first time that I used it. I tested the USB cable and it worked ok. Is the Porsche diagnostic tool broken? How can I fix the issue? Thanks in advance. Crott.
Hi, Crott,
Did you connect the Porsche Piwis Tester to the car that you tested? Please note that if there is no communication between the vehicle and the tool, info of the ECU module is invisible. Please follow the instruction below:
First plug the OBDII cable to Piwis Tester 2 and DLC of the car.
Second, connect turn the ignition key to “On” to start the vehicle.
Third, connect the tool to a PC via a USB cable.
Finally Run the software and check if there is data in ECU and other systems.
If there is data in the systems, it means the communication is built and the warning message should be gone.
Best regards,
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