I was thinking about buying a Digiprog3 clone from China I know that YANHUA Digiprog 3 is the best and the latest version is 4.94, but do not know where to buy. Also I was wondering should I buy 4.94 directly from the Chinese sellers, or buy a 4.88 and then buy the 4.94 update separately. I asked in Digital-Kaos forum, the forum members are very helpful. Since most of them have not used the 4.94, they suggested me get them separately. I bought the 4.88 hardware and Digiprog 3 4.94 update software from EOBD2 after hearing their Digi3 worked great.

Digi3 4.88 programmer hardware:

Digi3 4.94 update software:

placed on Dec 25, 2014 and received the tools on Jan 7, 2015. I have
tried both the 4.88 and 4.94 Digi3 on several cars in my garage, below
is my test result:

V4.88 Digi3 clone work fine on Audi A5 2009 year, Audi A1 work fine 2011 year, five minutes and all ok.
V4.94 Digiprog 3 tested work on Audi A5 2009 year and a Ford Focus mk1.

I posted the test results in the forum and other members also shared their Digi3 4.94 test result:

-I did passat jetta 2011 2013 all ok.

-Working on the case 3 for bmw 118.

-Tested on 4 Fiat Doblo 02 and 04 with Digi 4.94. All done ok.

-opel corsa chips 35080 read ok.

-I tried a 64 plate transporter 2014 with vagprog and 4.94 no problem.

-Today a citroen c 5 2011 dash 93c76 en bsi 95128 all ok.

Tested work with China Digiprog 3 4.94 mileage programmer的更多相关文章

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