#g++ compiler: options # -std=c++0x enables ISO C++ 11 standard
# -I.. pulls in the Version_test.h file for conditional compilation
# of code the uses features that might not yet be implemented
CC = g++
CCFLAGS = -std=c++0x -I.. # Some programs include headers defined in earlier chapters
# LOCFLAGS used to set tell the compiler where to find a
# header that is not in the same directory as the source file itself
# LOCFLAGS will be set in directory level makefiles as needed
LOCFLAGS = ### ####### To compile without using a makefile
# To compile an object file from a source file you could execute
# g++ -std=c++0x -c # produces filename.obj
# To compile an executable file from an object file, you would execute
# g++ -std=c++0x filename.o # produces filename.exe
# To compile an executable file from a source file, you would execute
# g++ -std=c++0x # produces filename.exe
####### # each subdirectory contains a Makefile that lists the executable
# files that can be made in that directory. That list is assigned
# to the make macro named $OBJECTS
# This rule says that the make target named "all" depends on those
# files. Executing "make all" in a subdirectory will cause make
# to build each .exe file listed in that subdirectory's makefile
all: $(OBJECTS) # rule that says how to make a .o object file from a .cc source file
# for a given source file in a given directory you could compile it
# into an object file by executing "make filename.o" # $< and $@ are macros defined by make
# $< refers to the file being processed (i.e., compiled or linked)
# $@ refers to the generated file
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(LOCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ # rule that says how to make a .exe executable file from a .o object file
%.exe: %.o
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(LOCFLAGS) $< -o $@ # target to clean up the object files and any core files
# executing "make clean" in a subdirectory will remove all
# files named core or any file ending in .obj, or .stackdump
rm -rf *.o core *.stackdump # target to remove executable files as well as object and core files
clobber: clean
rm -rf *.exe
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