#include <stdio.h>

#include <windows.h>

int main()


   char a[], b[];

   char *temp;

   int counter = ;

   memset( a, sizeof(a),  ); //清空内存

   memset( a, sizeof(b),  ); //清空内存

   printf( "Please input source string: " );

   gets(a); //从缓冲区获取源字符串. 

   printf( "Please input find string: " );

   gets(b); //从缓冲区获取查找字符串. 

   temp = a; //将源字符串赋给指针操作.

   while( temp )


      temp = strstr( temp, b ); //在源字符串中查找
if( temp != NULL ) //如果能找到
{ temp += strlen(b); counter++; } } printf( "find %d times!\n", counter ); //输出找到的个数. system("pause"); return ; }
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> int main()
{ int findCount(char *str1,char const*str2); printf("%d",findCount("","")); return ;
} /**
int findCount(char *str1,char const*str2)
{ int count=;
char *ptmp=str1; while((ptmp=strstr(ptmp,str2))!=NULL)
} return count; }

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