Event reference:      https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events


原文: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GlobalEventHandlers/onerror

An event handler for the error event. Error events are fired at various targets for different kinds of errors:

  • When a JavaScript runtime error (including syntax errors and exceptions thrown within handlers) occurs, an error event using interface ErrorEvent is fired at window and window.onerror() is invoked (as well as handlers attached by window.addEventListener (not only capturing)).
  • When a resource (such as an <img> or <script>fails to load, an error event using interface Event is fired at the element that initiated the load, and the onerror() handler on the element is invoked. These error events do not bubble up to window, but (at least in Firefox) can be handled with a single capturing window.addEventListener.

Installing a global error event handler is useful for automated collection of error reports.


For historical reasons, different arguments are passed to window.onerror and element.onerror handlers (as well as on error-type window.addEventListenerhandlers).


window.onerror = function(message, source, lineno, colno, error) { ... }

Function parameters:

  • message: error message (string). Available as event (sic!) in HTML onerror=""handler.
  • source: URL of the script where the error was raised (string)
  • lineno: Line number where error was raised (number)
  • colno: Column number for the line where the error occurred (number)
  • errorError Object (object)

When the function returns true, this prevents the firing of the default event handler.


window.addEventListener('error', function(event) { ... })

event of type ErrorEvent contains all the information about the event and the error.



  1. 基于window.onerror事件 建立前端错误日志

    QA不是万能的,用户的浏览环境非常复杂,很多情况无法靠测试用例去覆盖,所以最好建立一个前端错误日志,在真实用户端收集bug. try&catch是一个捕获前端错误的常见方法,比如: { //给 ...

  2. [译]window.onerror事件

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  3. window.onerror 应用实例

    详见: http://blog.yemou.net/article/query/info/tytfjhfascvhzxcytp75   window.onerror = function(sMessa ...

  4. onerror事件捕获网页中的错误

    转载请注明来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/hookjc/ <html><head><script type="text/javascrip ...

  5. window.onerror 错误监听,发到后台

    var doc = document.body || document.documentElement; var _onerror = Onerror(''); var Onerror = funct ...

  6. img的onerror事件

    使用场景 其实on error使用上是比较简单的. 当我们网站上出现了无效图片,而我们希望用友好的方式告诉用户,而不是显示红叉叉. w3c上解释的 定义和用法: onerror 事件会在文档或图像加载 ...

  7. firefox的window.onerror没有详细的出错提示

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  8. window onerror 各浏览器下表现总结

    window onerror 各浏览器下表现总结 做前端错误上报,必然离不开window onerror,但window onerror在不同设备上表现并不一致,浏览器为避免信息泄露,在一些情况下并不 ...

  9. img的onerror事件(瑕疵+解决办法)【转】

    显示图片的时候,为了更好的用户体验,可能会把一些没有图片的内容也用图片样式显示出来,此时我们就要用到IMG的onerror事件了,注意MyEclipse的快捷键alt+/是没有的. < img ...


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