oracle sql试题
create table student(
sno varchar2(10) primary key,
sname varchar2(20),
sage number(3),
ssex varchar2(5)
create table teacher(
tno varchar2(10) primary key,
tname varchar2(20)
create table course(
cno varchar2(10),
cname varchar2(20),
tno varchar2(20),
constraint pk_course primary key (cno,tno)
create table sc(
sno varchar2(10),
cno varchar2(10),
score number(4,2),
constraint pk_sc primary key (sno,cno)
insert into student values ('s001','张三',23,'男');
insert into student values ('s002','李四',23,'男');
insert into student values ('s003','吴鹏',25,'男');
insert into student values ('s004','琴沁',20,'女');
insert into student values ('s005','王丽',20,'女');
insert into student values ('s006','李波',21,'男');
insert into student values ('s007','刘玉',21,'男');
insert into student values ('s008','萧蓉',21,'女');
insert into student values ('s009','陈萧晓',23,'女');
insert into student values ('s010','陈美',22,'女');
insert into teacher values ('t001', '刘阳');
insert into teacher values ('t002', '谌燕');
insert into teacher values ('t003', '胡明星');
insert into course values ('c001','J2SE','t002');
insert into course values ('c002','Java Web','t002');
insert into course values ('c003','SSH','t001');
insert into course values ('c004','Oracle','t001');
insert into course values ('c005','SQL SERVER 2005','t003');
insert into course values ('c006','C#','t003');
insert into course values ('c007','JavaScript','t002');
insert into course values ('c008','DIV+CSS','t001');
insert into course values ('c009','PHP','t003');
insert into course values ('c010','EJB3.0','t002');
insert into sc values ('s001','c001',78.9);
insert into sc values ('s002','c001',80.9);
insert into sc values ('s003','c001',81.9);
insert into sc values ('s004','c001',60.9);
insert into sc values ('s001','c002',82.9);
insert into sc values ('s002','c002',72.9);
insert into sc values ('s003','c002',81.9);
insert into sc values ('s001','c003','59');
student table
sno |
sname |
sage |
ssex |
s001 |
张三 |
23 |
男 |
s002 |
李四 |
23 |
男 |
s003 |
吴鹏 |
25 |
男 |
s004 |
琴沁 |
20 |
女 |
s005 |
王丽 |
20 |
女 |
s006 |
李波 |
21 |
男 |
s007 |
刘玉 |
21 |
男 |
s008 |
萧蓉 |
21 |
女 |
s009 |
陈萧晓 |
23 |
女 |
s010 |
陈美 |
22 |
女 |
teacher table
tno |
tname |
t001 |
刘阳 |
t002 |
胡燕 |
t003 |
胡明星 |
course table
cno |
cname |
tno |
c001 |
J2SE |
t002 |
c002 |
Java Web |
t002 |
c003 |
t001 |
c004 |
Oracle |
t001 |
c005 |
t003 |
c006 |
C# |
t003 |
c007 |
JavaScript |
t002 |
c008 |
t001 |
c009 |
t003 |
c010 |
EJB3.0 |
t002 |
score table
sno |
cno |
score |
s001 |
c001 |
78.9 |
s002 |
c001 |
80.9 |
s003 |
c001 |
81.9 |
s004 |
c001 |
60.9 |
s001 |
c002 |
82.9 |
s002 |
c002 |
72.9 |
s003 |
c002 |
81.9 |
s001 |
c003 |
59 |
9、查询所有课程成绩小于60 分的同学的学号、姓名;
15、删除学习“谌燕”老师课的SC 表记录;
16、向SC 表中插入一些记录,这些记录要求符合以下条件:没有上过编号“c002”课程的同学学号、“c002”号课的平均成绩;
20、统计列印各科成绩,各分数段人数:课程ID,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ <60]
27、1981 年出生的学生名单(注:Student 表中Sage 列的类型是number)
29、查询平均成绩大于85 的所有学生的学号、姓名和平均成绩
30、查询课程名称为“数据库”,且分数低于60 的学生姓名和分数
32、查询任何一门课程成绩在70 分以上的姓名、课程名称和分数;
34、查询课程编号为c001 且课程成绩在80 分以上的学生的学号和姓名;
40、统计每门课程的学生选修人数(超过10 人的课程才统计)。要求输出课程号和选修人数,查询结果按人数降序排列,若人数相同,按课程号升序排列
- 1.
- *********************************
- select a.* from
- (select * from sc a where a.cno='c001') a,
- (select * from sc b where b.cno='c002') b
- where a.sno=b.sno and a.score > b.score;
- *********************************
- select * from sc a
- where a.cno='c001'
- and exists(select * from sc b where b.cno='c002' and a.score>b.score
- and a.sno = b.sno)
- *********************************
- 2.
- *********************************
- select sno,avg(score) from sc group by sno having avg(score)>60;
- *********************************
- 3.
- *********************************
- select a.*,s.sname from (select sno,sum(score),count(cno) from sc group by sno) a ,student s where a.sno=s.sno
- *********************************
- 4.
- *********************************
- select count(*) from teacher where tname like '刘%';
- *********************************
- 5.
- *********************************
- select a.sno,a.sname from student a
- where a.sno
- not in
- (select distinct s.sno
- from sc s,
- (select c.*
- from course c ,
- (select tno
- from teacher t
- where tname='谌燕')t
- where c.tno=t.tno) b
- where s.cno = b.cno )
- *********************************
- select * from student st where st.sno not in
- (select distinct sno from sc s join course c on s.cno=c.cno
- join teacher t on c.tno=t.tno where tname='谌燕')
- *********************************
- 6.
- *********************************
- select st.* from sc a
- join sc b on a.sno=b.sno
- join student st
- on st.sno=a.sno
- where a.cno='c001' and b.cno='c002' and st.sno=a.sno;
- *********************************
- 7.
- *********************************
- select st.* from student st join sc s on st.sno=s.sno
- join course c on s.cno=c.cno
- join teacher t on c.tno=t.tno
- where t.tname='谌燕'
- *********************************
- 8.
- *********************************
- select * from student st
- join sc a on st.sno=a.sno
- join sc b on st.sno=b.sno
- where a.cno='c002' and b.cno='c001' and a.score < b.score
- *********************************
- 9.
- *********************************
- select st.*,s.score from student st
- join sc s on st.sno=s.sno
- join course c on s.cno=c.cno
- where s.score <60
- *********************************
- 10.
- *********************************
- select stu.sno,stu.sname,count(sc.cno) from student stu
- left join sc on stu.sno=sc.sno
- group by stu.sno,stu.sname
- having count(sc.cno)<(select count(distinct cno)from course)
- ===================================
- select * from student where sno in
- (select sno from
- (select stu.sno,c.cno from student stu
- cross join course c
- minus
- select sno,cno from sc)
- )
- ===================================
- *********************************
- 11.
- *********************************
- select st.* from student st,
- (select distinct a.sno from
- (select * from sc) a,
- (select * from sc where sc.sno='s001') b
- where a.cno=b.cno) h
- where st.sno=h.sno and st.sno<>'s001'
- *********************************
- 12.
- *********************************
- select * from sc
- left join student st
- on st.sno=sc.sno
- where sc.sno<>'s001'
- and sc.cno in
- (select cno from sc
- where sno='s001')
- *********************************
- 13.
- *********************************
- update sc c set score=(select avg(c.score) from course a,teacher b
- where a.tno=b.tno
- and b.tname='谌燕'
- and a.cno=c.cno
- group by c.cno)
- where cno in(
- select cno from course a,teacher b
- where a.tno=b.tno
- and b.tname='谌燕')
- *********************************
- 14.
- *********************************
- select* from sc where sno<>'s001'
- minus
- (
- select* from sc
- minus
- select * from sc where sno='s001'
- )
- *********************************
- 15.
- *********************************
- delete from sc
- where sc.cno in
- (
- select cno from course c
- left join teacher t on c.tno=t.tno
- where t.tname='谌燕'
- )
- *********************************
- 16.
- *********************************
- insert into sc (sno,cno,score)
- select distinct st.sno,sc.cno,(select avg(score)from sc where cno='c002')
- from student st,sc
- where not exists
- (select * from sc where cno='c002' and sc.sno=st.sno) and sc.cno='c002';
- *********************************
- 17.
- *********************************
- select cno ,max(score),min(score) from sc group by cno;
- *********************************
- 18.
- *********************************
- select cno,avg(score),sum(case when score>=60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*)
- as 及格率
- from sc group by cno
- order by avg(score) , 及格率desc
- *********************************
- 19.
- *********************************
- select max(t.tno),max(t.tname),max(c.cno),max(c.cname),c.cno,avg(score) from sc , course c,teacher t
- where sc.cno=c.cno and c.tno=t.tno
- group by c.cno
- order by avg(score) desc
- *********************************
- 20.
- *********************************
- select sc.cno,c.cname,
- sum(case when score between 85 and 100 then 1 else 0 end) AS "[100-85]",
- sum(case when score between 70 and 85 then 1 else 0 end) AS "[85-70]",
- sum(case when score between 60 and 70 then 1 else 0 end) AS "[70-60]",
- sum(case when score <60 then 1 else 0 end) AS "[<60]"
- from sc, course c
- where sc.cno=c.cno
- group by sc.cno ,c.cname;
- *********************************
- 21.
- *********************************
- select * from
- (select sno,cno,score,row_number()over(partition by cno order by score desc) rn from sc)
- where rn<4
- *********************************
- 22.
- *********************************
- select cno,count(sno)from sc group by cno;
- *********************************
- 23.
- *********************************
- select sc.sno,st.sname,count(cno) from student st
- left join sc
- on sc.sno=st.sno
- group by st.sname,sc.sno having count(cno)=1;
- *********************************
- 24.
- *********************************
- select ssex,count(*)from student group by ssex;
- *********************************
- 25.
- *********************************
- select * from student where sname like '张%';
- *********************************
- 26.
- *********************************
- select sname,count(*)from student group by sname having count(*)>1;
- *********************************
- 27.
- *********************************
- select sno,sname,sage,ssex from student t where to_char(sysdate,'yyyy')-sage =1988
- *********************************
- 28.
- *********************************
- select cno,avg(score) from sc group by cno order by avg(score)asc,cno desc;
- *********************************
- 29.
- *********************************
- select st.sno,st.sname,avg(score) from student st
- left join sc
- on sc.sno=st.sno
- group by st.sno,st.sname having avg(score)>85;
- *********************************
- 30.
- *********************************
- select sname,score from student st,sc,course c
- where st.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=c.cno and c.cname='Oracle' and sc.score<60
- *********************************
- 31.
- *********************************
- select st.sno,st.sname,c.cname from student st,sc,course c
- where sc.sno=st.sno and sc.cno=c.cno;
- *********************************
- 32.
- *********************************
- select st.sname,c.cname,sc.score from student st,sc,course c
- where sc.sno=st.sno and sc.cno=c.cno and sc.score>70
- *********************************
- 33.
- *********************************
- select sc.sno,c.cname,sc.score from sc,course c
- where sc.cno=c.cno and sc.score<60 order by sc.cno desc;
- *********************************
- 34.
- *********************************
- select st.sno,st.sname,sc.score from sc,student st
- where sc.sno=st.sno and cno='c001' and score>80;
- *********************************
- 35.
- *********************************
- select count(distinct sno) from sc;
- *********************************
- 36.
- *********************************
- select st.sname,score from student st,sc ,course c,teacher t
- where
- st.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=c.cno and c.tno=t.tno
- and t.tname='谌燕' and sc.score=
- (select max(score)from sc where sc.cno=c.cno)
- *********************************
- 37.
- *********************************
- select cno,count(sno) from sc group by cno;
- *********************************
- 38.
- *********************************
- select a.* from sc a ,sc b where a.score=b.score and a.cno<>b.cno
- *********************************
- 39.
- *********************************
- select * from (
- select sno,cno,score,row_number()over(partition by cno order by score desc) my_rn from sc t
- )
- where my_rn<=2
- *********************************
- 40.
- *********************************
- select cno,count(sno) from sc group by cno
- having count(sno)>10
- order by count(sno) desc,cno asc;
- *********************************
- 41.
- *********************************
- select sno from sc group by sno having count(cno)>1;
- ||
- select sno from sc group by sno having count(sno)>1;
- *********************************
- 42.
- *********************************
- select distinct(c.cno),c.cname from course c ,sc
- where sc.cno=c.cno
- ||
- select cno,cname from course c
- where c.cno in
- (select cno from sc group by cno)
- *********************************
- 43.
- *********************************
- select st.sname from student st
- where st.sno not in
- (select distinct sc.sno from sc,course c,teacher t
- where sc.cno=c.cno and c.tno=t.tno and t.tname='谌燕')
- *********************************
- 44.
- *********************************
- select sno,avg(score)from sc
- where sno in
- (select sno from sc where sc.score<60
- group by sno having count(sno)>1
- ) group by sno
- *********************************
- 45.
- *********************************
- select sno from sc where cno='c004' and score<90 order by score desc;
- *********************************
- 46.
- *********************************
- delete from sc where sno='s002' and cno='c001';
- *********************************
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