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Morgan Kauffmann
Addison Welsley
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MIT Press
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史蒂夫.麦克康奈尔           代码大全2
Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie           The C Programming Language

Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective           Bryant, Randal E.、 O'Hallaron, David R.
Introduction to Computing Systems: From Bits and Gates to C and Beyond          Yale N. Patt, Sanjay J. Patel
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface         David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy

Database Management Systems         Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke
Database Systems: The Complete Book           Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom, Hector Garcia-Molina
Database: Principles, Programming, and Performance          Patrick E. O'Neil, Elizabeth O'Neil

Operating Systems: Design and Implementation            Albert S. Woodhull, Andrew S. Tanenbaum

The Illustrated Network: How TCP/IP Works in a Modern Network           Walter Goralski

Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools       Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman
Engineering a Compiler           Keith Cooper, Linda Torczon

Introduction to Algorithms         Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein
Algorithms         Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne
The Algorithm Design Manual          Steve S. Skiena

Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach        David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy 
Parallel Computer Architecture: A Hardware/Software Approach          David Culler, J.P. Singh, Anoop Gupta

Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques            Jim Gray, Andreas Reuter

The Art of Computer Programming             Donald E. Knuth

Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures: A Dependence-Based Approach           Randy Allen, Ken Kennedy

Computer Networks: A Systems Approach         Larry L. Peterson, Bruce S. Davie

Computer Science: the Big Picture的更多相关文章

  1. Discovering the Computer Science Behind Postgres Indexes

    This is the last in a series of Postgres posts that Pat Shaughnessy wrote based on his presentation ...

  2. [转载] A set of top Computer Science blogs

    This started out as a list of top Computer Science blogs, but it more closely resembles a set: the o ...

  3. Computer Science Theory for the Information Age-4: 一些机器学习算法的简介

    一些机器学习算法的简介 本节开始,介绍<Computer Science Theory for the Information Age>一书中第六章(这里先暂时跳过第三章),主要涉及学习以 ...

  4. Computer Science Theory for the Information Age-1: 高维空间中的球体

    高维空间中的球体 注:此系列随笔是我在阅读图灵奖获得者John Hopcroft的最新书籍<Computer Science Theory for the Information Age> ...

  5. Intro to Computer Science Class Online (CS101) - Udacity

    Intro to Computer Science Class Online (CS101) - Udacity Building a Search Engine

  6. MIT Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (Lesson one )

    MIT Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (Lesson one ) 这篇文是记载 MIT 计算机科学及编程导论 第一集 的笔记 Les ...

  7. CSCI 1100 — Computer Science 1 Homework

    CSCI 1100 — Computer Science 1 Homework 8CS1 Multiverse: ClassesOverviewThis homework is worth 100 p ...

  8. How do you explain Machine Learning and Data Mining to non Computer Science people?

    How do you explain Machine Learning and Data Mining to non Computer Science people?   Pararth Shah, ...

  9. Mathematics for Computer Science (Eric Lehman / F Thomson Leighton / Albert R Meyer 著)

    I Proofs1 What is a Proof?2 The Well Ordering Principle3 Logical Formulas4 Mathematical Data Types5 ...


  1. fiddler抓包出现错误 creation of the root certificate was not successful

    fiddler安装完要配置才可以抓取HTTP 1.首先 找到Tools——>Options,在弹出的菜单中 选择https项 勾选捕捉https,这样配置完OK之后 一般会弹窗提示安装证书,点击 ...

  2. django基础学习

    {{forloop.counter}}  这是html的自增序号 GET请求可以直接从URL中获取信息,POST请求不可以,可以把信息藏到一个隐藏的input文本框中 orm 的概念就是对象关系映射 ...

  3. jquery插件分页

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  4. Windows无法启动 VMware Workstation server服务解决方法

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  5. scp —— 服务器之间互传文件

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  6. 搭建并行开发环境MPICH2

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  7. Android官方架构组件介绍之ViewModel(三)

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  8. python3 FTP简单实现文件下载(含中文乱码问题)

    from ftplib import FTP def ftp_down(HOST,romatepath,filename,localpath): user=***** password=***** f ...

  9. Rails UVA - 514(栈)

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  10. Java多线程使用wait和notify实现生产者消费者模型

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