
Farmer John suffered a terrible loss when giant Australian cockroaches ate the entirety of his hay inventory, leaving him with nothing to feed the cows. He hitched up his wagon with capacity C (1 <= C <= 50,000) cubic units and sauntered over to Farmer Don's to get some hay before the cows miss a meal.

Farmer Don had a wide variety of H (1 <= H <= 5,000) hay bales for sale, each with its own volume (1 <= V_i <= C). Bales of hay, you know, are somewhat flexible and can be jammed into the oddest of spaces in a wagon.

FJ carefully evaluates the volumes so that he can figure out the largest amount of hay he can purchase for his cows.

Given the volume constraint and a list of bales to buy, what is the greatest volume of hay FJ can purchase? He can't purchase partial bales, of course. Each input line (after the first) lists a single bale FJ can buy.

约翰遭受了重大的损失:蟑螂吃掉了他所有的干草,留下一群饥饿的牛.他乘着容量为C(1≤C≤50000)个单位的马车,去顿因家买一些干草. 顿因有H(1≤H≤5000)包干草,每一包都有它的体积Vi(l≤Vi≤C).约翰只能整包购买,




  • Line 1: Two space-separated integers: C and H

  • Lines 2..H+1: Each line describes the volume of a single bale: V_i


  • Line 1: A single integer which is the greatest volume of hay FJ can purchase given the list of bales for sale and constraints.



7 3



The wagon holds 7 volumetric units; three bales are offered for sale with volumes of 2, 6, and 5 units, respectively.

Buying the two smaller bales fills the wagon.


#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>

using namespace std;


int main()
        for(int m=v;m>=w[i];m--)

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