
Install the package

Install subversion from the official repositories.

Create a repository

Create your repository

mkdir /path/to/repos/
svnadmin create /path/to/repos/repo1

Your initial repository is empty, if you want to import files into it, use the following command.

svn import ~/code/project1 file:///path/to/repos/repo1 --message 'Initial repository layout'

Set access policies

Edit the file /path/to/repos/repo1/conf/svnserve.conf and uncomment or add the line under [general]

password-db = passwd

You might also want to change the default option for anonymous users.

anon-access = read

Replace "read" with "write" for a repository that anyone can commit to, or set it to "none" to disable all anonymous access.

Now edit the file /path/to/repos/repo1/conf/passwd

harry = foopassword
sally = barpassword

The above defines users harry and sally, with passwords foopassword and barpassword, change it as you like

Start the server daemon

Before you start the server, edit the configuration file:


The --root=/path/to/repos option set the root of repository tree. If you have multiple repositories use --root=/path-to/reposparent. Then access independent repositories by passing in repository name in the URL: svn://host/repo1. make sure that the user has read/write access to the repository files)

Optionally add a --listen-port if you want a different port, or other options.

By default, the service runs as root. If you want to change that, add a drop-in:


Now start the svnserve.service daemon.


1、如果出现,这样的错误信息,“svnserve: 不能绑定服务器套接字: 地址已经被使用”
$ ps -aux | grep svnserve
 $ kill -9 16663 #干掉svnserve
 再次运行$ systemctl start svnserve 
 但是利用ps -aux查找进程时,没有找到进程。
   2、报Option expected
  1. svn: E200002: error while parsing config file :/ home/..../svnserve.conf
  2. svn: E200002: line 19: Option expected







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