iOS Dispatch_sync 阻塞线程的原因
- - (void)testSyncMainThread {
- dispatch_queue_t main = dispatch_get_main_queue();
- NSLog(@"*********1");
- dispatch_sync(main, ^(){
- NSLog(@"*********2");
- });
- NSLog(@"*********3");
- }
* @function dispatch_sync
* @abstract
* Submits a block for synchronous execution on a dispatch queue.
* @discussion
* Submits a workitem to a dispatch queue like dispatch_async(), however
* dispatch_sync() will not return until the workitem has finished.
* Work items submitted to a queue with dispatch_sync() do not observe certain
* queue attributes of that queue when invoked (such as autorelease frequency
* and QOS class).
* Calls to dispatch_sync() targeting the current queue will result
* in dead-lock. Use of dispatch_sync() is also subject to the same
* multi-party dead-lock problems that may result from the use of a mutex.
* Use of dispatch_async() is preferred.
* Unlike dispatch_async(), no retain is performed on the target queue. Because
* calls to this function are synchronous, the dispatch_sync() "borrows" the
* reference of the caller.
* As an optimization, dispatch_sync() invokes the workitem on the thread which
* submitted the workitem, except when the passed queue is the main queue or
* a queue targetting it (See dispatch_queue_main_t,
* dispatch_set_target_queue()).
* @param queue
* The target dispatch queue to which the block is submitted.
* The result of passing NULL in this parameter is undefined.
* @param block
* The block to be invoked on the target dispatch queue.
* The result of passing NULL in this parameter is undefined.
第一步:当代码执行到 dispatch_sync()时,会首先把dispatch_sync()函数放到当前线程的队列(就是主队列中),而且这个线程并不会立即返回,而是会等待block中的任务都完成时才会返回,
- dispatch_queue_t lwMainQueue = dispatch_queue_create("lw.queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
- dispatch_sync(lwMainQueue, ^{
- NSLog(@"*********1");
- dispatch_sync(lwMainQueue, ^{NSLog(@"*********2");
- });
- NSLog(@"*********3");
- });
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